Animal Radio® Show #748
14 Year-Old Pet Product Inventor
Brooke Martin is only 14, but she sounds more intelligent than many adults. She also is the inventor of "IC Pooch," a device that allows you to have visual contact between you and your dog using a tablet or mobile phone. It also dispenses treats. Brooke believe this is an answer to separation anxiety.
New Worm Threat
Imagine a 6 inch worm coming out of your pets skin. Sounds like something out of the latest horror movie. Unfortunately, it's a real new worm that poses a threat to your pets. Parasitologist Araceli Lucio-Forster explains this new discovery.
Buzzfeed Beastmaster
What the heck is a Beastmaster? Jack Shepard is a self-proclaimed Beastmaster at the Buzzfeed website. He gets paid to surf "animal related" fodder and make it go viral on the incredibly popular website.
My Bionic Pet
Amputee Jennifer Robinson worked at a prosthetic manufacturer. Now she's showing off how artificial limbs are being used on dogs, cats, birds and even sea-life. She's a part of a new PBS show called My Bionic Pet.
Dog Sells for $2,000,000
Only in China would a dog be sold to a 56 year-old property developer for a cool 2 mil. This isn't even the first time. The 200 lb. Tibetan Mastiff is treasured like the Panda in China. Some say it was all hype and that cash never actually changed hands.
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Animal Radio® Show #747
Pet Spending At All Time High
The American Pet Products Association reports we're shelling out nearly 60-Billion bucks a year on our animals. Research shows empty-nesters are now spending more on their four-legged children.
Setting A Fine Example
What happens when a father/daughter trip to Chuck E. Cheese turns into a high-speed chase after dad steals a puppy. Britt Savage reports.
Whose Poop?
Advances in forensic science has created a worldwide effort to catch up with people who don't clean up after their dogs. Many apartment owners are now requiring in their leases that dogs of tenants submit to DNA testing. There's actually a company to do the dirty work. PooPrints offers special leak-proof containers ad spatulas to make the job easier. A thumbnail sized sample of the suspect poop is sent to the lab ... and that leads back to the dog and owner.
That Chicken Bit Back
Farmers in Georgia have found a chicken with teeth. Researchers say a recessed gene may be responsible. It is possible that this isn't the only one case of toothed fowl.
Tapeworm Talk
It's not a pretty topic, but it's a conversation we need to have. Tapeworms. Not Dr. Debbie's favorite parasite (listen to find out what is her favorite), but a nuisance none-the-less. Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig tells you how to identify and treat tapeworms. Did you know you can get'em?
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Animal Radio® Show #746
Faking It!
A new trend is the unfortunate and fraudulent use of "Service Dog" credentials for owners wanting to bring their dogs into restaurants, airlines and hotels. Pawtopia's Colleen Demling explains the problem and why the disabled suffers.
Aspirin and Pets
Did you know that Aspirin can be toxic to your pet? Dr. Debbie dispels the myths about pain relief for your pet. She'll also be answering your questions toll-free at 1-866-405-8405.
Josh Duhamel Guests
Besides a flourishing acting career, Josh Duhamel spends a lot of time speaking for the animals. He has a brand new web series and he's back to talk about it...and to flirt with the ladies.
A Shot To The Tail
Don't be surprised if the next time your cat gets an injection, it's in the tail. Recent concerns have come up over treating rare, but potentially deadly injection site sarcomas. Some vets then shifted the site to the hind legs, since an amputation, if necessary, would be easier and more successful.
Pet ONLY Apartments
Octogenarian and Landlord Judy Guth only allows tenants with pets in her apartment complex. Is this discrimination? Judy doesn't care. And if one of her tenants loses their pet, she'll even take them out to dinner and then the shelter to find another roommate.
Pet Spending At All Time High
The American Pet Products Association reports we're shelling out nearly 60-Billion bucks a year on our animals. Research shows empty-nesters are now spending more on their four-legged children.
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Animal Radio® Show #745
Are Your Pets A Tax Deduction?
This year, for the first time ever, you may be able to deduct your furry friends on your taxes! After a landmark case, the IRS is now making allowances for certain conditions. Our brand new News Director, Tammy Trujillo will have all the details for you.
Special People Help Special Needs Pets
It takes someone with a lot of heart to adopt an animal with Spina-Bifida. That's exactly what Selina Kenitzer has done. She brought home four English Bulldogs with the spinal deformity. They are affectionately known "The Padded Bum Gang."
Much more humane than it sounds, mutt-bombing is akin to the new online photo-bombing craze. Adoptable animals appear in the backgrounds of celebrity pictures in an attempt to find homes. This genius idea comes out of Dallas and Leslie Sans explains how we can get involved.
Alligator vs. Dog
What length would you go to when it comes to saving your pet? Britt Savage reports on one gentleman that took on an alligator to save his dog.
Petco Being Sued Over Rat
A San Diego couple is suing Petco after they sold a diseased rat, causing the fatality of their 10 year old child. This may be the beginning of the end for rat sales at the big box store.
Craigslist Ads For Pets = FAIL
Dog Trainer Alan Kabel ran across a Craigslist ad for a dog that needed a new home. He'll point out the "red flags" and show you why the online website is probably one of the worst places to find a life-long pet.
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Is She Faithful?
A listener wants to speak to the animal communicator to ask the dog if his wife has been having an affair. Alan tells us just how much the dog might remember.
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Back for More Abuse
Actor Josh Duhamel is not only a good sport, but he loves companion animals. He's even doing a show about them.
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We Have The Most Talented Listeners
No doubt that Animal Radio® has the most talented listeners on the planet. This one even wrote a song about his dog.
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Look-a-like Hairdos
Why do some people insist on doing their hair like their dog's hair? Are they doing this on purpose? Vinnie Penn covers the stories that are falling through the cracks. Hear Vinnie Penn Now
Best Landlord Ever
Judy Guth is a Los Angeles landlord. She only rents to pet owners. Is this discrimination? Who cares! Judy is our Hero of the Week!
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