Animal Radio® Show #765
Dating for Pet Owners
Kris Rotonda created an online dating website specifically for dog owners. He says if he's going to date anyone, they've got to love his dog. And let's face it, single dog guardians have a rougher time of it because of their furry-children.
Saving Pit-Bulls One at a Time
The Animal Radio® Hero Person this week spends his mornings outside the Los Angeles Coliseum giving out free training to dog owners...and especially pit-bull parents. At times Cornelius Austin "The Dog Man" will have up to 50 people at his free clinic. Cornelius wants you to know that pit-bulls are getting a bad rap! His goal is to train the owners because he believes they can make a difference with their dog's temperament.
Safety Guidelines For Pet Harnesses
The Center for Pet Safety is behind this first scientific approach to pet product safety in the U.S., providing guidelines for vehicular pet-restraint systems. The Center has even created a series of Crash Test Dogs, just like the Crash Test Dummies that are used by auto makers to check out the effectiveness of safety features in cars.
Pet- Friendly Homes
Standard Pacific Homes is building and selling homes with amenities that not only cater to people, but to dogs in 27 of its 190 developments from Florida to California. The most lavish features a 170-sq. ft. pet paradise with a step-in wash station, handheld sprayer and leash lead, tile walls and floors, a drying area with a commercial-sized pet dryer, a water station, automated feeders, bunk-style bed, cabinets for toys and treats, an attached puppy run and, of course, a flat screen TV.
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Animal Radio® Show #764
Hero Behind Bars
This week's Hero People are in prison. Female inmates are teamed up with a dog 24/7. Their mission is to train these shelter dogs to help autistic children. It's a second chance for the inmates, the dog and the child. Program Director Janette Thomas explains how the Pups in Prison initiative is a win, win, win!
Banning Hybrids
Animal Defense League's Daniel Lutz is petitioning the courts to outlaw exotic hybrids of wild-cats. He says cats have been responsible for 14% of all the world's extinctions since 1600. Will legislation make a difference in our ecosystem?
Evaluating Pet Insurance
Can pet insurance save you in a pinch? You don't have to go very far to find differing opinions on pet insurance. We'll give you two real life cases involving pet insurance. You decide. California will be the first state to regulate pet insurance.
Animal Bloodmobile
Oh sure, you've seen the mobile blood banks that routinely troll for human blood. But you've probably never seen a mobile blood bank for dogs. Kim Marryott saw the need and now she manages a program in Pennsylvania that collects the twelve different canine blood types for transfusions and other life-threatening procedures.
Legalizing Mobile Vet Meds
Mobile veterinarians treat animals in many settings like barnyards and sometimes even backyards. And to do it, they often need to carry controlled substances - like medicines for pain management, anesthesia or euthanasia. But, the DEA doesn't let them carry those medications outside their hospital. The House of Representatives has passed the Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act - changing the law.
Who's Your Daddy?
If you have a mixed breed dog, you might consider getting him or her a DNA test. Not only will you find out just what combination of breeds went into your best friend, but Dr. David Linzey of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association says you might find out some valuable health information. But are these tests accurate. Animal Radio® tested them - with different results.
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Animal Radio® Show #763
Eating Pet Food
Dorothy Hunter is so confident the food she sells in her story in healthy that she's eating nothing but pet-food for 30 days. We'll find out the inspiration for this stunt and exactly how she is faring 13 days in. So far, the only issue seems to be a mild case of flatulence.
Woman Finds Wedding Ring After 6 Years - Thanks To Her Dog!
A woman in Wisconsin is happily wearing her wedding ring again, 6 years after it disappeared. Lois Matykowski was devastated when her ring first disappeared and even checked her dog's poop for a couple of weeks with no luck. The mystery was solved after Tucker ate a popsicle stick. You'll have to listen to find out how this ends.
Top 10 Bird Dangers
Who would've thought it could be so easy to accidentally kill your bird. If you own a bird, or maybe planning to get one, you'll need to hear the Top 10 Bird Dangers from Dr. Laurie Hess. You might be surprised at the hazards lurking within your household.
14 Year-Old Hero
This week's Hero Person is 14 year-old Nicholas Nash. He helps find homes for adoptable animals and is building a shelter on his family land. A young person so passionate about the health and happiness of our four-legged friends - serves as a great model for future generations.
CBS's Lucky Dog
Brandon McMillan comes from a family of circus performers and is the host of CBS's new Saturday morning show, "Lucky Dog." Each week Brandon takes a shelter dog and trains them for a prospective new home. The program follows the entire process until the dog gets into his/her new forever home.
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Animal Radio® Show #762
Pets for Vets
Clarissa Black is this week's Hero Person. She created a service that matches returning soldiers with adoptable dogs. Some of our servicemen suffering from PTSD find the dogs to be extremely comforting and an important part of their recovery and rehabilitation.
Haatchi & Little B
Owen and his dog Haatchi have gone viral on YouTube. It's the story of a little boy that overcomes his disease with the help of a dog. Owen's father, Will Howkins tells the intriguing story behind the boy and his dog.
Does Phone Warranty Cover Pet Damage?
Recently, there was a study done to see how many pet owners have had their dog or cat damage or destroy one of their electronic gadgets. The study found that male dogs are 86 times more likely than a female dog to wreck a gadget. So, the question, does an extended warranty cover pet damage? Turns out in many cases, they do.
Man's Best Hero
Prolific author Ace Collins entertains with warm and fuzzy conversation about his latest book that celebrates exceptional dogs. And as Lassie's biographer, he has stories. Not only is Lassie alive, but SHE is now ten generations old.
Lady Gaga Under Fire From PETA
Do you dress up your dog? What about accessorizing your dog with a little jewelry? Pop star Lady Gaga has come under fire from PETA for putting some bling on her dog.
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Is Timmy In The Well?
Ace Collins is our guest. He's the biographer for Lassie. Now he's working with the 10th generation of Lassie. He has the behind the scenes gossip about Morris the Cat, Benji and Lassie.
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Eating Dog Food
Dorothy Hunter is eating dog food for 30 days. We check in on her on day 13. She's a little flatulent.
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Ring Found After 6 Years Inside Dog
When a wedding ring goes missing, the dog is suspect. After six years, the ring was dislodged from the dogs innards with a Vaseline sandwich.
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Can I Give Blood To My Dog?
Dr. Debbie says human blood is not the same as dogs. In fact, dogs can have one of twelve different types.Hear Dr. Debbie Now
Hunting At WalMart
A man is arrested for hunting and shooting a deer in a WalMart parking lot.
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Driving Dog
A pedestrian is hit by a car driven by a dog. The dog released the gear and slipped it into drive while waiting for his owner.
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