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Animal Radio® Show #731
Best Dog Tricks On The Planet
Babette Haggerty has trained Jack Nicklaus' Golden Retriever to bark the number of his major tournament wins on command, Curt Gowdy's Rottweiler to say, "Go Reds," and Jimmy Buffett's Maltese to dance on cue to "Margaritaville." Now she's sharing her best on Animal Radio®
There's An App For That
Steve Pelletier is a techie, a dog lover, and a fitness fanatic. Once an Economist at the Reagan White House, he's now focusing his attention on the pet obesity problem in the U.S. He's invented a smartphone app that can help your dog stay in shape.
Designer Breeds
Darlene Arden busts the myths surround the new Cava-Poo-Chon breed. This toy dog is supposed to look forever young and live to 20. These designer breeds actually are a waste of your hard earned money and can be racked with health issues. Listen to what Darlene has to say before you run out and get the latest fad-dog.
Does My Dog Understand Time?
How much does our dog know? Can they tell time? Alan Kabel schools us on separation anxiety and what is believed to be canine perception of time. When you leave the pack, your dog may think you're never coming back.
Trained Dogs Prevent School Violence
While some say school safety hinges on guns, cameras or alarms in classrooms, Mark Gomer and Kristi Schiller think specially trained dogs should take point in preventing violence in schools.
Man Thinks He Is A Dog
Boomer the dog has a bone to pick with the world. He wants to be accepted for his doggie lifestyle. Born Gary Matthews, the retired technology worker and a self-confessed "nerd" thinks he is a dog. The 48-year-old wears a dog collar, eats dog food from a bowl and loves milk bones and dog cookies. Matthews was featured in a National Geographic special, "Extreme Anthropomorphism: Boomer the Dog."
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Animal Radio® Show #730
Jobs That Bite
Jeremy Brandt has a strange and scary job. One minute he's be doing dental work on a lion, next he'll be tattooing a bear. It's all part of a days work as a Nat Geo WILD television host.
Does Your Cat Have A Smart Phone?
Yes, there's an "app" for that. Just released, the Human-to-Cat Translator. This intriguing app says it can translate human words into cat language. Speak a word or phrase into your phone, and the app plays back a collection of meows, supposedly translated your English into, well, Catlish. When we tried a translation for "come here," our cat tester showed a little curiosity but not enough to actually get off the couch. Of course, even if the app accurately does work, there's a good chance your cat will ignore you, anyway.
St. Francis of Bloomberg
Ex-Mayor Bloomberg's daughter makes a pretty decent living riding horses. Georgina Bloomberg continually wins big stakes in riding competitions. But now she's taking time off to have a baby with her boyfriend. She has more info on the big Tinsel & Tails event this December.
Medicines Safe For Humans May Not Be Safe For Pets
When people feel pain, they often reach for common medicines such as aspirin or Motrin. But NSAID use in pets carries risks as well as benefits. Pet owners need to be informed about possible side effects, including those that could signal danger.
Ahhh, The Holidaze Are Here.
Time for endure another year with drunk old Uncle Ned. This year Vinnie Penn defends the right of the family dog to have a sock hanging from the fireplace mantle. This doesn't end well.
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Animal Radio® Show #729
Straight from the Shark Tank
Abe Geary pitched his pet-related idea to the sharks on ABC's Shark Tank. He ended up turning down an offer that required too much equity. Now he's on Animal Radio® to share his Pet Paint with listeners. Abe tells us what it was like for him on the prime-time blockbuster show. His mere appearance on the TV show has driven sales.
The Prince Returns
Prince Lorenzo Borghese is back. This time we clear up any confusion about being related to Napoleon. Since being on the TV reality show The Bachelor, almost a decade ago, he's been actively involved with his high-end boutique pet line, and he's been advocating for our furry-friends.
Dangerous Dog Registry
Orange County California officials are proposing a website, similar to the Sexual Offender Registry for humans, except for "Dangerous Dogs." Proponents say there are approximately 150 dogs in the city that have either maimed or killed people. A Database would let neighbors know if there is a dangerous dog living in their area.
Cowboy Poet Veterinarian
Perhaps you've already had a chance to hear Baxter Black on NPR or The Tonight Show. A former veterinarian turned poet, entertainer and philosopher - you will be thoroughly entertained by this odd character and his Thanksgiving Turkey tribute.
Mints for Fido?
Vinnie Penn has already started his Christmas shopping. While in line at Petco, he saw "Doggie Mints" as an impulse purchase item. Which led him to thinking, why? Who is the person that is feeding their dog mints for their breath? Aren't they supposed to have bad breath?
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Animal Radio® Show #728
Every Dog Deserves A Second Chance
Bestselling author Jon Katz is back on Animal Radio®. A few years ago he was on top of the world. Then came the end of his 35-year marriage and he went broke. He needed a second chance. Along came Frieda, a Rottweiler-shepherd mix that also needed a second chance.
Suffering in Silence
Often when an animal is sick it goes un-noticed. Some believe that's because they can't show weakness in the wild. Animal Radio® Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker will tell you what signs to look for that indicate your furr-kid is sick.
Pot Plant Pesticides Killing Animals
Half-a-million marijuana plants have been recovered on US Forest Service land so far this year. However, it's not what they're growing but how they're growing it, that's killing wildlife, tainting water supplies and endangering hikers. NBC affiliate Elyce Kirchner reports.
Tinsel and Tails
Celebrity Photographer Mike Ruiz is here to talk about the Celebrity Catwalk event and what some well-known "A-list" celebs are doing to help companion animals nationwide.
FDA To Regulate Pet Food
The Food and Drug Administration proposed rules that would govern the production of pet food and farm animal feed for the first time. The proposal comes six years after the biggest pet food recall in history.
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Life As A Nat Geo WILD Host
Jeremy Brandt has a great job at Nat Geo's WILD TV. He had to increase his insurance because this is a high-risk job. He'll tell you what it's like and share his scariest experience.
Hear this interview NOW
Pitching the Sharks on Shark Tank
Abe Geary got his 15 minutes of fame on ABC's Shark Tank. He was looking for $200,000 for 20% equity. Needless to say, he got grilled and did not make a deal. Hear his story about the Shark Tank right now on iHeart Radio
Hear this interview on iHeart Radio
Just Another Day At The Office
Dr. Debbie has an exciting job. This week two of her patients had trauma to their gonads. Men, beware! This audio may make you cross your legs and never open them again.
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Animal Radio® News Highlights
with News Director Stacey Cohen
FDA Starts Regulation of Pet Foods
Nearly one out of every four pet foods tested came back with Salmonella or Listeria.
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Pet Buffalo? Why Not
An 1800 lb bison may seem like a strange choice for a pet.
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First Dog Up Everest
"Rupi" was rescued a month ago from certain death and now he's the first canine to reach the 17,900 foot base of Mt. Everest.
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