Animal Radio® Show #740
Former Mob Head Turns Into Pussycat
James Guiliani was the head mob enforcer in Brooklyn for over 20 years. He said his used to get a high inflicting violence on behalf of John Gotti. Now he gets high saving animals after a dog changed his evil ways. James is our guest and he explains how he got out of the mafia and into pet rescue. Oh, he also has a brand new show on the Oprah Network.
Cat Videos Made The Internet
The Internet Cat Video Festival is selling out and attracting huge audiences nationwide. It's not a bunch of single cat-women that are attending these feline festivities. William Braden, winner of the Golden Kitty Award for his viral videos, is hosting the event. He joins us and explains this strange phenomenon and our unquenchable desire for cat videos.
Dope Of The Month
What happens when you get pulled over after ingesting your dog's tranquilizers? The defendant said he mistook them for his own vitamins. Likely story? Nope, just another moron skimming his dog's medicine. Britt Savage reports.
Forget The Raccoons - We Got Bears
We get a lot of calls about all kinds of animals. This week Dr. Debbie helps with a small bear problem that seems to be threatening local dogs. First tip, stop putting food out for the deer.
Sicker Pets, But Less Vet Visits
Pets are getting sicker, and many owners don't have a clue. One reason: They're not going to the vet. Dog vet visits have slipped 21 percent since 2001 and cat visits have dropped 30 percent, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Leave Your Pet Out In The Cold - Be Charged With A Felony
Anyone who leaves a dog outside in the cold should be charged with a felony, says State Senator Greg Ball. Ball is calling on tougher new legislation to protect dogs and cats from being left outside in the cold all day.
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Animal Radio® Show #739
Westminster Opens Door To Mixed Breeds
No longer is a dog required to be a purebred to compete in some of the Westminster events. David Frei explains, mixed breed dogs still won't be eligible to compete for "Best In Show."
Spring Brings Nasty Parasites
Did you know fleas can transmit tapeworm to your pet, robbing your furry friend of 25% of it's daily nutrition. Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig has the low-down on tapeworm and how to avoid being a statistic.
War Yorkie
Smoky was a 4 lb. Yorkie, found in New Guinea during Bill Wynne's WWII tour of duty. The little dog flew 150 reconnaissance missions and holds the title of the First Therapy Dog. Bill is now 92 and he recounts his stories about Smoky quite lucidly as if they were yesterday.
Puppy Bites Deodorant Can, Causes Huge Explosion
An explosion that caused thousands of dollars in damage to a house is being blamed on a puppy and a can of deodorant. It turns out Zeus bit a hole in a can of spray deodorant and then rolled it near the gas fireplace. The can blew up a when the boiler came on and caused more than $3,000 in damage.
Tailless and Troubled
The Manx is a special breed of feline that has no tail. You may have known that...but did you know the Manx comes with its own set of medical problems and predispositions. Dr. Debbie helps a listener treat a Manx with incontinence issues.
Track Your Dog's Fitness
Wearable fitness tracking has gone to the dogs, literally. Voyce is a health and activity tracker that fits around your pooch's collar. The new gadget features a three-axis accelerometer to track data on your dog's movements and rest periods, plus sensors rely on radio frequencies to measure heart and respiratory rates.
Dependence on Technology Goes To New Heights
A new survey has found that about a fifth of the country may be taking their dependence on technology to new heights. The poll asked a group of pet-owners to imagine a scenario in which they would have to either give up their pet for a month, or their smartphone for a month. 20% of the respondents admitted they would rather hold on to their gadget and go without seeing their animal.
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Animal Radio® Show #738
Comedian Seth Herzog Guests
NatGeo's new science/comedy "Duck Quacks Don't Echo" will put to the test everyday common misconceptions. Host Seth Herzog joins us and shares some of the experiments he's doing with animals.
Pet Food Recalls On The Rise
Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes and, increasingly, pet food and treat recalls. There were 33 in 2013. On average, that's one every 11 days. Between 2008 and 2012, the Food and Drug Administration received more than 2,500 complaints from consumers regarding pet food and livestock feed.
Training Therapy Animals
Paula Scott trains and certifies therapy dogs, cats, miniature horses and plenty of animals you wouldn't necessarily think as therapy pets. Science is proving that even purring a cat can make you feel better and promote healing.
Grave Contains Remains of Animals Who Were To Be Cremated
The lead lawyer in Morgan County, Tennessee, says he is looking to press charges against the owner of a pet crematory after investigators found a mass grave with dozens of dead cats and dogs. But he's still waiting on investigation results.
Two Heads Are Better Than One - Ask This Cow!
Sana Saida, whose name translates into "Happy New Year" in Arabic, was born in Morocco. The bovine has a condition called Polycephaly, which means having two heads and is more common among turtles and snakes, but Sana Saida is said to be healthy.
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Animal Radio® Show #737
Dog To English Translator
Leave it to the Swedes and Tomas Mazzetti, Project Manager of "No More Woof," a device that straps onto your dogs head and translates their thoughts into one of eight different voices. While Tomas admits the technology is far from perfect, he has been able to raise over $10,000 on a crowd-funding website.
Choosing Pets Over Kids
It may come to you as a surprise, but young couples opting to have furry-kids instead of human children. While the causes are still unknown, Ron Reich's research suggests income and social media may play a role.
A Vet's Home
Life with a vet is never dull according to Scott Reeder. His wife is like most veterinarians. She ends up bringing homes animals that otherwise couldn't be adopted. If you walk into a veterinarian's house, you're likely to see animals that may be missing limbs, can't see or can't walk.
Pampered Pets Get Private Club in Las Vegas
VIP lounges and entrance fees are commonplace in Las Vegas, but now there is a social club downtown just for pampered pets and their owners. The view from the outside is what most of us are likely to see. You need a special key card to get inside the Hydrant Club private park.
My Dog Can't Sleep
Yes, just like humans, dogs can also suffer from REM sleep disorders. Since they can't tell you, this disorder can go unnoticed, taking years off your pup's life. Dr. Debbie tackles one such case this week. And of course, the entire Dream Team is here to answer your pet questions. (toll-free 1-866-405-8405)
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Seth Herzog Really Does Care
Comedian SETH HERZOG is our guest and he's hosting a new television show on Nat Geo. It's the network's first stab at comedy/science. He's testing myths and making history.
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Your Pet or Your Smarthphone
If you had to give up either your pet or your smartphone for 30 days, what would it be? You might be surprised by what other respondents said. STACEY COHEN reports.
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Dad In Doghouse After Pet Theft
What happens when a well-meaning dad shoplifts a Chihuahua for his daughter? BRITT SAVAGE has the story.
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Westminster Allows Mixed-Breeds
The big announcement this month is the Westminster, known for endearing the purebred dog, is opening its doors to mixed-breed dogs in some of the competitions. DAVID FREI explains.
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Glow in the Dark Pets
Scientists have figured out how to make animals glows in the dark. While this might not be the next party-fad, it does have some practical applications. STACEY COHEN reports on this new discovery and what it really means to you.
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Recall Stats from 2013
Last year was yet another huge year for pet food recalls. In fact, one every eleven days. STACEY COHEN reports on what is being done and how you can protect your furry family members.
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Bob Barker's 10th Visit
BOB BARKER is lucid as ever and still helping the animals. He's also condemning the American Humane Association (AHA) for making unethical decisions regarding placement of the PAID "No Animals Were Harmed" endorsement stamp.
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Stop Scratching The Furniture
DOC HALLIGAN is here to help you with tips to stop your cat from ripping up the furniture.
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Stop Scratching The Furniture
DOCTOR DEBBIE is fascinated by a study that indicates dogs align North and South when doing their business. What do that know that we don't?
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