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Animal Radio® Show #844
Get the Smell of Fresh Cat Head in a Bottle
Do you think the back of your cat's heads smells wonderful? A Japanese company has researched that scent, recreated it, and is now bottling it. The head of Yamamoto Perfumery spent four months doing research, sniffing many cat's heads to replicate the smell. The result? Fluffy Brow Scented Fabric Water. It can be sprayed on fabrics or anything to give them a lovely cat-head smell. A bottle sells for 1,200 yen or about $10 each.
Can Pets Commit Suicide?
Dr. Nicholas Dodman (Program Director for the Animal Behavior Department at Tufts) researched several alleged cases of pet suicide to see if it's possible. He's here to report on his findings and to answer the provocative question.
Laws to Protect Pets Left Out in the Cold
While many states mandate that pets are not allowed to be kept outdoors in extreme weather for extended periods of time without insulated housing, others barely consider hypothermia deaths to be animal cruelty. Fortunately, some states and local governments are now enforcing harsher punishments for people who allow their pets to perish in weather extremes like the recent blizzard on the east coast.
Cold Weather Tips
Doc Halligan and Dogfather Joey Villani have incredible tips for helping your furry-friends through the winter. Everything from their coat to their diet change when the weather gets frigid.
Woman Has 1000 Cats
A woman in California has 1,000 cats. But she's no hoarder. Lattanzi runs Cat House on the Kings, the largest cat sanctuary in the country. It all started when she volunteered to bottle feed kittens for a rescue back 25 years ago. Today Cat House on the Kings has 45 paid personnel who help to care for the cats and maintain the property including a veterinarian and seven vet techs are also part of the team.
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Animal Radio® Show #843
The Prince is Back!
Prince Lorenzo Borghese has returned for his second time on Animal Radio. While he never found love on ABC's The Bachelor, he did find a special love for the animals. He helps relocate homeless animals on death row in Georgia to new forever homes in Jersey.
FBI Tracks Animal Abuse
This year, for the first time, the FBI has begun tracking animal abuse the same way it tracks other major crimes such as murder, arson, and assault, so animal cruelty is now a Class A felony with its own category. Previously, animal cruelty crimes were reported to the FBI as "other." The deputy executive director of the National Sheriffs' Association backed the change when he learned that many serial killers are animal abusers first.
How Do Dogs Wear Pants?
Julie Korth has been making pants for dogs long before it was cool! As CEO of Mozziepants, she's following her dreams. So many questions. So little time.
Dog Flu Spreading
There is a dangerous strain of dog flu spreading through the western U.S. Health officials in the Seattle area have confirmed tests showing the virus was found in dogs who stayed at a local doggie daycare facility where at least 80 dogs developed respiratory illness since December. The virus began spreading last spring in the Chicago area and sickened more than 1,000 dogs in the Midwest. Although most dogs recover, a handful of deaths were reported. It has since spread to about 25 states.
Emotional Support Turkey Flies Delta
Did you see the photo of a turkey that took the Internet by storm after boarding a Delta Airlines passenger flight? It shows the bird sitting opened beaked while being hugged by its owner. Another photo was also shared online of the turkey being transported in a wheelchair. It is believed the turkey was given a seat on the plane as an "emotional support animal."
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Animal Radio® Show #842
Doggie Detox
The Morris Animal Inn in Morristown, New Jersey caters ONLY to our four-legged friends. They just finished a week-long Spa Treatment and Canine Cleanse program. Pups from all over the country enjoyed smoothies, treadmill trots, meditation, nature trail hikes and massages as part of the $260 package. Debora Montgomery reports on how the program went and what you can do at home to pamper your pup.
What Your Vet Isn't Telling You
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker will tell you what information your veterinarian may be withholding; and conversely, what he/she shouldn't be telling you. We hope you have an honest and transparent vet for your pets.
Selling Pets for Research
Buried in a massive government-spending bill is a provision that will shut down shady animal dealers who buy and sell pets for research, all paid for by your tax dollars. But, that could change if Congress does the right thing and cuts off funding to pay for licensing of so-called Class B animal dealers by the USDA. Every year, these licensed dealers work with illegal "bunchers" to round up thousands of dogs and cats that will end up in laboratories.
My Dog Has Bad Breath
If your dog's breath could melt steel; you need to hear what Dr. Debbie has to say about it. She might even have a simple solution so that those puppy kisses won't be so traumatizing.
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Animal Radio® Show #841
Charm School for Wayward Cats
Shawn Simons said she accidentally started herding and domesticating feral kittens for adoption. What began as a hobby has turned into one of the best rescue stories of the decade. Simons is making a difference for feral and homeless feline across Los Angeles county. She even enlists high-profile celebs to help with her cause.
5th Annual Kimpton Pet Photo Contest
Start looking for that perfect picture of your pet because the Kimpton Pet Photo Contest is about to kick off. Some lucky couple and their pet will win airfare for two adults and a pet on Jet Blue and three nights at any Kimpton property. Kimpton's Top Dog Steve Pinetti is back to explain the new ways to enter your photos.
Pets Save on Your Medical Bills
Two researchers from George Mason University in Virginia have calculated a savings of more than $11 billion in health care costs in the United States as a result of pet ownership. On average, the 132.8 million pet owners in the country visit a doctor 0.6 times less than the average non-pet owners. With the average cost of a visit to the doctor's office at $139, that calculates to more than $11 billion pet owners did not spend. Not only that, but the dog owners who walked their pet five or more times a week had a lower incidence of obesity and were responsible for saving $419 million in related health care costs, according to the study.
Secondhand Smoke Bad for Pets
A recent study says that dogs and cats whose humans smoke are at greater risk of cell damage, weight gain and some animal cancers. Researchers in Scotland discovered that, "An examination of the testicles removed from castrated dogs found that a gene, which acts as a marker of cell damage, was higher in dogs living in smoking homes." But if you have cats, the risk is greater because cats groom themselves, which increases the amount of smoke chemicals that enter the body.
Cat Uses Litter-box as Flotation Device
A very smart cat used its litter box to stay afloat during a devastating flood that had water almost up to the ceiling of his house trailer in Missouri. Two members of the Disaster Response Team from the Humane Society of Missouri pulled up to the trailer in a boat and were able to gently extract the wet cat from the litter box as it floated by a window inside.
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Paul Reiser Guests
Comedian and Actor Paul Reiser is our guest. He wins the award for the funniest interview. And what's up with "Dog Breath?"
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Pet Owners Save 11 Billion Dollars
Researchers in Georgia figured that pet owners save $11,000,000,000 in health care costs.
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Glowing Animals
China has tweaked genes to make animals glow. Researchers also say dogs 'align' when they go potty.
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How Do Dogs Wear Pants?
If you've been anywhere near social media, you know the big questions is€¦ "How do dogs wear pants?" We have a dog pants maker on to finally answer this burning question.
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Dog Flu Spreading
Lori Brooks reports on the Dog Flu Virus and an Emotional Support Turkey.
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Cat Head Perfume
Lori Brooks reports a perfume maker that is marketing a fragrance that smells like the back of a cat's head. Also, a lady that has 1000 cats.
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Giving Your Dog a Complex
Robert Semrow has a list of ways to keep from giving your dog a complex.
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TailsInc January Pet Events Calendar
Janice Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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