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Animal Radio® Show #840
Share Your Food With Your Dog
The "Dog Food Dude," Rick Woodford is back. He says you should share your food with your dog. But doesn't that go against everything we've been taught about proper nutrition? No, not if you're doing it right.
New York May Be First State to Ban De-clawing
If Linda Rosenthal has her way; New York will be the first state to make it illegal to declaw a cat. The Manhattan assemblywoman has introduced a bill to ban the controversial procedure sometimes called de-knuckling because it's actually the entire knuckle, which is the last bone in the cat's toe that is removed. Declawing of cats is already banned in many countries, including Australia, India, Spain and the United Kingdom, as well as seven cities in California, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.
The Comeback of the Doghouse
Ask most pet owners and they'll tell you their dog sleeps in bed with them. The days of the doghouse seem to have all but disappeared. But Larry Hobbs has a booming business making high-end Eco-friendly doghouses. He'll explain why.
UK's Dogs Must Be Microchipped
Beginning in April, all dogs in England, Scotland & Wales will have to be microchipped with their owners' details registered and kept up to date in huge database to encourage "responsible pet ownership." To help people get it done, Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, is offering free microchipping. It's hoped that "Compulsory microchipping will help reduce the number of lost and abandoned dogs and it will allow authorities to directly identify dog owners and hold them accountable for their dogs' behavior and welfare.
Dog Loses 100-pounds
At the beginning of a new year, everyone makes a resolution to lose weight. Well, Buddy the dog has a jump on all of us after losing more than 100 pounds. Buddy the 180-pound, 6-year-old, morbidly obese Australian Shepherd spent the last 9 months dieting and now weighs 71 lbs. He lost so much weight that he underwent skin removal surgery.
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Animal Radio® Show #839
Pet Blood Banks
Nicole Humphries runs a blood bank for companion animals. She'll answer the itching question, is dog's blood different than cat's, or is a German Shepard's blood different than a Pug's? And where does all this blood come from? You never see a pet blood-mobile in the neighborhood.
Cat Escapes Carrier on Delta Flight
A mischievous cat escaped its carrier on board a Delta flight last week and to the horror of a cat fearing flight attendant, the cat roamed free in the cabin. Of course, someone caught the incident on video and it had some comical moments. The poor cat's owner fell asleep with headphones on and somehow it managed to get out of the carrier.
The Rising Cost of Cancer Treatment
For owners of dogs and cats stricken with cancer, expensive treatments only adds to the emotional difficulties. Just the initial cancer diagnosis can cost $2,000. A standard course of chemotherapy costs between $3,000 and $5,000. A bone marrow transplant costs between $16,000 and $25,000 and the cure rate is only about 33%. These aren't just wealthy people. Some used their life savings, and even refinanced their houses to pay for the treatments.
It's a Crime To Insult The King's Dog
Some really strict new laws there now make it a crime to insult the Thailand monarchy and now a factory worker could go to jail for 37 years for making disparaging posts on Facebook about the king's dog. Turns out that the man was charged after making a "sarcastic" Facebook post about the dog. The 88-year-old ailing King rescued Copper from an alley and in 2002 he wrote a best selling book about her. She is so revered there that the media must address the dog as ma'am.
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Animal Radio® Show #838
Bringing Pets Into Hospitals
Donna Jenkins is pioneering a movement to allow visitation of patient's personal pets during long-term treatment. She formed Zachary's Paw For Healing after her son passed from a terminal disease. During his final hours he requested a visit from the family pet but didn't want to sneak the dog into the cancer treatment facility.
Wildlife Docs
Did you get a pet for the holiday? Dr. Marty Becker is back with tips that every new puppy or kitten owner should know. These tips could save you a lot of grief.
Michael Vick Lobbies for Bill to Protect Pets
Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Michael Vick got the celebrity treatment as he visited the Pennsylvania state Capitol last week to lobby for a bill to help protect cats and dogs from being left in unattended vehicles. Vick was a star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons when he plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges in 2007 for his role in a dog fighting ring and served nearly two years in prison. He claims to have been reformed and spoke on behalf of animals saying, "The bottom line is that all animals thrive (on) kindness and respect. They depend on us like our children depend on us."
Tests Show No Safe Travel Seats
Two years ago, in a first of its kind crash test, the leading pet harnesses, which were trusted by owners, failed again and again. Now, the Center for Pet Safety is testing pet travel seats. So are there any safe pet seats? Really, the answer is No. The Director at the Center for Pet Safety says they "do not recommend pet seats at this time for pet owners" to use for their pets in cars.
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Animal Radio® Show #837
The Daily Squeal's Tracey Stewart Guests
Wife of Jon Stewart (former Daily Show host), Tracey Stewart is our guest. She reveals that Jon was behind her decision to leave the corporate world for animal welfare. She even says Jon has a special bond with their pigs. She's just released a brand new book exploring compassion towards all animals.
Wildlife Docs
Host of ABC's Wildlife Docs, Rachel Reenstra guests. She'll tell us about her unscripted TV show following the antics and rescues at Busch Gardens. Maybe we'll even find out what she's getting her pets for the holiday.
Darwin's Dogs
Dogs were the first animals people domesticated. Sadly, they also suffer from many of the same difficult-to-treat psychiatric and neurological diseases we do. Researchers from the Darwin's Dog Project put together a series of short surveys about everything from diet to behavior to personality. Any dog can participate and it's free. Once an owner has filled out the survey, they send you a kit to collect a small saliva sample from your dog for DNA analysis and they share any information they find!
Dog Returned After SEVEN Years
Once again you can thank a microchip for reuniting a lost pet with its owner, only in this case the dog had been missing for 7 years. Little mixed breed Mishka was only 3 when she got out of her yard. She was found late last month and turned in to a shelter in Ohio where the owner used to live. She now lives in Tennessee. The shelter says it was difficult to find the dog's microchip because it is normally located between the shoulder blades, but over the years Mishka's chip had migrated to her side.
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Animal Radio® Show #836
A Loss That's Hard to Explain to the Boss
Losing a furry-companion can be as upsetting (if not more) than losing a human friend. But try explaining that to most bosses and they'll laugh in your face. However, more employers are beginning to include pet bereavement leave in their employment policies. Dr. Sandra Grossman has researched this movement and will explain.
New Legislation for Retired Military Dogs
It's a great day for military heroes on both ends of the leash. A gigantic defense spending bill was recently signed including a provision that will allow U.S. military dogs to be returned to the United States upon their retirement and gives their military handlers first chance to adopt them!
World's Largest Cloning Factory
The world's largest animal cloning factory is under construction in China, with plans to churn out pets, police dogs, racehorses and beef cattle, to be sold on the open market on an industrial scale.
Children with Pets Have Less Anxiety
A new study validates that finding that having a dog to cuddle up to and play with is good for children and are less likely to suffer from anxiety because of it.
Traveling with Your Pet
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker has three things you should bring when you travel with your pet. He'll help you curb the anxiety and motion sickness associated with pet travel.
Dog Shoots Wedding Video
On their one-year anniversary, this couple released the most beautiful wedding video to ever be filmed - by a dog. Josh and Addie Burnette strapped a GoPro camera to the collar of their dog Ryder on their wedding day. The result? A two-minute video capturing the most important moments of the day from a "dogs eye view." See The Video
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
Animal Radio® is now on iHeart Radio!! Listen to full shows or Listen to highlights
Gifts for your Pets
Hal and the team explore the best gifts for cats. What did your pet's get this Christmas?
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Anal Glands€¦ooooooow Yuck!
Dr. Debbie regularly deals with expressing anal glands. They have a special initiation at her office for new vet techs. If you've ever had to deal with this, you'll appreciate this highlight.
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Pee-licking Dog
What's going on with the dog that licks pee? Is it something in his diet?
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Charlie Daniels Guests
Country performer Charlie Daniels guests and talks about his relationship with animals.
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The Daily Squeal
Tracey Stewart is the wife of former Daily Show host Jon Stewart. She's our guest and she says Jon has a special relationship with the pigs at their farm.
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TailsInc January Pet Events Calendar
Janice Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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