Animal Radio® Show #761
Blacklisted Breeds By Insurance Companies
Dr. Stanley Coren is back! This time he's toting his research about the breeds of dogs that are being blacklisted by homeowners and liability insurance. Allstate claims one third of their claims last year included a dog.
Thriller Author Hero of the Week
Author Stan Yocum is the Hero Person this week because he spends countless hours training & fostering service dogs for Canine Companions for Independence. After bonding with these awesome animals for 18-months, Stan must say "goodbye" when they go to their forever home.
More Companies Offer Pet Insurance
Health insurance is an important benefit at work, now one in every three Fortune 500 companies is offering Pet insurance. Those companies include Chipotle Mexican Grill, Delta Airlines, Microsoft, T-Mobile and UPS. Some of the companies even pay 100-percent of their employee's pet insurance premiums.
Laser Pointers Can Cause Psychological Problems
Most dogs and cats love to chase laser pointers, but they could have some unintended consequences on your pet's psyche. Dr. Nicholas Dodman says that if you use a laser pointer too often, your dog can get so obsessed with chasing the light that they develop behavior problems. Never getting to the point of actually catching the 'prey' can drive a dog slightly nuts.
New Pet Mixers To Meet Your Mate
If you're single and ready to mingle, you can attend one of the pet-friendly mixers being hosted by Petsmart Charities and Match-dot-com. They're being held all over the country this summer.
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Animal Radio® Show #760
Animal Madness
Can our pets suffer from the same psychological illnesses as humans? How did Prozac find its way into veterinarian's offices? What good is anthropomorphizing? Laurel Braitman has answers to these burning questions.
Pet Food Myths
With our pet-store shelves stocked to the ceiling with a confusing array of pet-foods, does it really make a difference if you feed your dog something cheap off the shelves of Wal-Mart? You might be surprised at the answer. Animal Radio® Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker reveals the truth behind pet-foods.
Hero People
Our new segment celebrating those that do good for the animals is getting high-acclaims. This week we're spotlighting Linda Spurlin-Dominik. She helps care for pets of deployed military personnel.
DNA Tests
Trying to figure out what kind of dog you have? There are several DNA tests available to the consumer. However, some are more accurate than others. And you probably won't be able to confirm that you own a Dingo.
Fish Oil and Coat
Joey Villani wants to dispel the rumor that Fish Oil will make your dog's coat shiny. In fact, it could have damaging affects because it clogs pores. The Dogfather will help you determine what supplement, if any, you really need.
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Animal Radio® Show #759
Using High-Tech To Find Homes
Adi Pinhas is using facial recognition technology in his new iPhone app. You'll upload a picture of the pet you want and it'll tell you all the adoptable animals that look like the original picture. The Verge Magazine uploaded a picture of Lady Gaga and got back an adoptable hamster.
Purina Compensates Victims Of Recalled Treats
Just a few weeks ago, both Petco and Petsmart said they would stop selling pet treats made in China. For the past 7 years, dogs and cats have been getting sick and many have died after eating imported chicken and jerky treats. Now, Purina Petcare and Waggin' Train have set up at $6.5-million-dollar fund to compensate pet guardians whose animals suffered.
Pets In The Classroom
New research says kids learn better when their classroom has a pet. Even truancy is down. We all remember the class pet. And if you were lucky, the teacher let you take the guinea pigs home for the summer. Brent Weinmann of the Pet Care Trust is making sure all kids get an opportunity to have pets in their classroom.
Cure For Parvo?
Researchers may have literally stumbled on a way to treat the usually fatal Parvo virus. It happened when a pharmaceutical was looking for a way to save flocks of geese that were mysteriously dying. They discovered an antibody that's harvested from the yokes of geese eggs that can stop the Parvo virus in as little as two days.
Calf Gets Prosthetic Back Legs
Kitty Martin love's her calf so much that she's put more than $40,000 into rescuing the steer after it's back legs were amputated because of frostbite. She's the Hero Person this week with a great story to tell about the human-bovine connection.
Sharing Your Bed With Your Pet Leads to Bad Sleep Quality
If you have a cat or dog, chances are he or she sleeps with you in bed. But new research says that sharing your bed with your pet can lead to bad sleep quality. Recently at the 28th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies data was presented that showed at least 30-percent of pet owners say their pets wake them up at least once per night.
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Animal Radio® Show #758
Eastwood Leaves No Pet Behind
Daughter of actor Clint Eastwood, Alison Eastwood makes her second guest appearance on Animal Radio®. Last year she went into a Southern California animal shelter and pardoned 200 animals from Death Row.
Allergy Season
This is the time of the year when vet offices across America fill with allergic reactions to environment, food and even medicines. Dr. Patricia White is an animal dermatologist and she'll tell you how to determine the allergy and what to do to comfort your pet.
Goat and Burro Go Viral
When "Mr. G" (a goat) got transferred to a foster facility, he went into a severe depression. He wouldn't eat. The facility then learned that he had been separated from "Jellybean," a burro at Mr. G's last home. After trying many solutions to bring Mr. G out of his funk, they reunited the two. Kim Sturla from the foster facility tells the story and she's our Hero Person this week.
More Pets Buried In Backyards
More pets are buried in U.S Backyards than anywhere else, but that is quickly becoming illegal in more and more places. That is causing some companies to emerge with some creative options. There's a company that turns hair or the remains of a pet into a synthetic diamond. Then there a company that sends your pet's remains into the heavens inside a 5-foot round helium balloon and another that can scatter the ashes at sea.
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Pet Trusts - Crazy or a Really Good Idea?
Vinnie Penn is all wound up over pet trusts. He thinks it's a great way to stick it to someone.
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Bra Bats
Britt Savage reports on a lady that found a baby bat in her bra after€¦ wearing it all day. Perhaps she had a little too match to drink the night before?
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Pomeranian Bowling League
A listener admits to setting up his dogs toys and using his Pomeranian to knock them down.
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Mother Nature Isn't So Nice
Dr. Dan Riskin talks about the Monsters Inside YOU! He has natures 7 deadly sins. Hear Interview Now
Dog Shredder Accident
What happens when a dog has an encounter with a paper shredder. It all ends okay.
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Oh Rats!
A woman in WI. is facing eviction because she's hoarding over 300 rats.
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News Update
Tammy Trujillo reports on the top animal news. Purina sues Blue Buffalo. Vet Goes Bad. Lost Dog Found After Months.
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