Animal Radio® Show #757
What Your Dog Isn't Telling You
Dogs and cats generally don't exhibit pain. This is a trait designed mostly to protect themselves in the wild. However, research now shows that when they are alone in a room they do show signs of pain, until someone enters the room. Dr. Annie Forslund tells us how to recognize pain in our pets.
Stores Stop selling Chinese Made Treats
You've probably heard about the toxic treats from China that have been recalled. The FDA says the treats have been linked to reports of over 5,000 cats and dogs getting sick and over 1,000 dogs dying. Now, both Petco and Petsmart say they're going to stop selling Chinese-made treats.
Pilots n' Paws
Over 3000 volunteer pilots fly 250 mile jaunts to bring adoptive animals to new homes or hospitals. This non-profit agency regularly moves animals from dogs and cats to donkeys. Kathleen Quinn Charleston explains the Pilots n' Paws mission.
Spike Bite
Great invention or insane idea? You decide if Johnny Dumas has a sensible solution to prevent dogs from attacking your dog. He's designed a spike-filled coat of armor that protects the vital organs against bites.
Find The Right Pet Match With Your Smart Phone
Superfish, a Palo Alto-based startup, created an app called PetMatch that lets you look for adoptable pets in your area based on photo technology. You upload a picture of the pet you wish you could find (it might be a dog you see at the park or maybe a cat just like one you used to have). PetMatch then does an image recognition search of similar, adoptable pets in your area.
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Animal Radio® Show #756
I Could Pee On This
Our special guest is Francesco Marciuliano. He's the author of the Sally Forth comic strip that runs in over 700 newspapers, and most recently a series of pet poetry that he says he transcribed from his cat. Not bad for a kid that had a "Bucket List" at 10 years old. You'll laugh until you hurt!
$1-Million Dollar Lawsuit Over Dog That Was Supposed to Euthanized
The story of the vet in Fort Worth, Texas who is charged with keeping several dogs alive who were supposed to be euthanized so they could be used as blood donors just keeps getting more unbelievable. The latest is that the Camp Bowie Animal Clinic has been shut down while Dr. Lou Tierce is being investigated for animal cruelty and faces a $1-million dollar lawsuit.
Stuffed Pet Look-a-likes
Jennifer Graham has a pretty cool business. She makes customized stuffed animals that look just like your pet. You'll submit front and side view pictures of your furry-companion. Eight weeks later the UPS man will deliver a stuffed version of the family pet.
Non-Surgical Sterilization
Animal Radio® Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is back. This time he's reporting on a "game-changing" injection that could ultimately reduce the amount of animals euthanized simply because they have no home.
There's Panda-Monium in China
There is panda-monium going on in pet shops all over China. Dogs that look like the country's prized pandas are all the rage. It takes about two hours to turn a dog into a panda do and the look will last for about six weeks before it is time for a touch up.
IKEA Helps Homeless Animals In Showrooms
The showrooms of two IKEA stores currently feature life-sized cardboard cutouts of shelter dogs available for adoption. Shoppers interested in the dogs can scan their unique QR codes to learn more about them.
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Animal Radio® Show #755
Ft. Worth Veterinarian Story Gets Weirder
Animal Radio® New Director Tammy Trujillo is digging deeper on this developing story out of the Texas. A veterinarian is being sued because instead of euthanizing allegedly terminal animals - he kept them alive in poor conditions and used them for blood transfusions. Now, it appears that the doctor was even using his own dog.
Tortoise Talk
More and more pet lovers are choosing turtles and tortoises over the traditional dog or cat. Lisa Winn owns 8 African Spurred Tortoises and she is the VP of a tortoise organization. She also dresses up her shelled-friends.
Blue Buffalo Under Fire
Blue Buffalo Pet Food has come under fire the last few months for deceptive advertising practices. Purina announced it is suing the pet food company for revenues lost in a negative advertising campaign. The competition is fierce in the 37 BILLION dollar pet food industry....with only 4 major players.
Amazing Acro-cats
Samantha Martin is the circus ringleader for a bunch of really talented cats. She and her 15+ cats travel the country entertaining crowds with her circus cats. She'll tell us what it takes to put a musical band together consisting of only cats....oh, and one chicken.
It's Like Christmas
Sean Conlon started a pet-box of the month subscription service. Imagine being able to customize a monthly delivery of toys and treats to your dog. Sean's business is doing great. He's shipped over 66,000 boxes this last year.
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Animal Radio® Show #754
Traveling With Your Dog
Kelly Carter has traveled the world with her Chihuahua, Lucy. Now she's telling us the best places to take your pet. She even has tips for making the journey more pet friendly and comfortable.
Bad Vet
Imagine taking your dog to the vet and he falsely tells you that your furry-companion needs to be euthanized. Then imagine the vet didn't euthanize the dog, but used it for transfusions, without your knowledge. This allegedly happened in Fort Worth Texas. Listen to this horrendous case as the details are developing.
Cancer Awareness Month
Cancer is no longer a death sentence for dogs or cats. Amazing breakthroughs in technology allow vets to treat cancer fairly effectively. Dr. Gerald Post from The Veterinary Cancer Center is back to answer questions.
Creating Memories and Keepsakes
Amy Cecil is bringing back the fun of paint-by-numbers to the pet world. You can easily create a masterpiece painting of your pet with Amy's "Easy 1-2-3 Art" system. You'll start by uploading a picture to her website.
First Ever One Million Pibble March
There's been a Million Man March and Million Mom March, and a few weeks ago, there was the first ever One Million Pibble March on Washington. What's a Pibble? It's one name for Pit Bulls. Thousands of pit bull advocates convened on the West Lawn of the U-S Capitol. The message was to create stronger laws against dogfights and stop legislation that restricts ownership of certain breeds of dogs.
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Owner Creates Bucket List For Dying Dog
When Rena Cooke found out her dog was dying of cancer, instead of grieving she made a "Bucket List."
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Turkey More Advanced In Animal Welfare
Turkey instates strict laws for those that abuse or neglect animals. Should the US have the same laws or is that too much government?
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Are Doggy Kisses OK
Is it okay to let your dog kiss you all over?
Hear The Sloppy Truth Now
14 yr old Inventor
Comic strip creator Francesco Marciuliano is one hilarious man. He admits he's crazy in this interview. Hear Interview Now
Top News Stories
Tammy Trujillo is covering a strange story out of Ft. Worth about a vet that told owners their dogs needed to be euthanized. He then kept them alive in poor conditions for blog transfusions. Also, why is Blue Buffalo getting in so much trouble for bad advertising practices.
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