Animal Radio® Show #753
Fish Tank Kings Are Back
The star of the highly-popular Nat Geo WILD series, Fish Tank Kings, is returning to Animal Radio® airwaves to yap about his latest project; a Coy Pond for dog trainer Cesar Millan.
Summer Pests
The seasons are-a-changing. With the warmer temps comes a proliferation of fleas and ticks. Now, more than ever, there is an enormous choice for over-the counter prevention and treatment. How do we choose what's best for our pets? Gordon McGee of Drs. Foster & Smith has the lowdown.
Snip Snip Hero
Former band leader for The John Davidson Show and top dog at Natural Balance, Joey Herrick is our "Hero Person" this week. Using his own money and time, he sends veterinarians out in a $300,000 mobile surgical vehicle to spay, neuter and vaccinate animals of poverty-level guardians.
Worldwide Accreditation Program For Pet Crematory Facilities
Recently Animal Radio® reported problems with pet crematoriums and keeping the remains of animals separate from each other so people get their own pet's ashes back. Now the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories has announced a worldwide Accreditation Program for Pet Crematory facilities.
Breed Prejudice?
A Riverside County, California Sheriff's Deputy had gone onto a property to serve an eviction notice. A pitbull, was in the yard and started barking. The deputy drew his gun, presumably to shoot the dog and shot himself in the leg instead. The deputy said that the dog had come at him aggressively and that he felt that his life was in danger.
The Latest Survey On Pet Health Is Out€¦And It Is Not Good
The Pet Health Report is compiled by Banfield Pet Hospital from its records of animals seen. The report found that one in every 300 cats is infected with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus or FIV - with the majority being male cats. Infections of Lyme Disease is also up by 21-percent.
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Animal Radio® Show #752
Pet Bucket List
Our Hero Person this week is Riina Cooke. When she discovered her dog had a terminal illness and only months to live, she created a bucket list of stuff to do with "Romeo" before he passed. She shares how the idea originated and some of the fun things she did with her dog in his last moments.
Where Animals Go To Retire
Ellie Laks spends her days caring for a menagerie of animals that were abandoned or neglected. From cows to kitties, her property is home to over a hundred animals that will live their life out at the Gentle Barn.
Loss Prevention
While microchips are a great form of identification, Ulvid Osis created a pet registration system that works in tandem with microchips to help owners find missing animals using a Google search. He'll explain how Fetch ID is peace of mind.
Titanic Pets
While many a documentary and film has been made about the Titanic, none really focused on the many animals aboard the doomed crossing. Tammy Trujillo suggests you have tissue handy when you hear about one owner that wouldn't leave her dog's side.
Mexico Is Going To The Dogs
Over the past decade, Mexico's middle class has been growing and that has created a new market for all things dog. This includes everything from clothing and accessory boutiques, spas and restaurants that feature doggie snacks. Since 2008, sales of pet-related products in Mexico have grown an average of 13 percent a year, to $2.2 billion last year.
Colorado Is The 39th State To Ban Greyhound Racing
The governor of that state has signed it into law. Yes on marijuana, no on pit-bulls and now then end of Greyhound racing with a new ban. At least seven states still allow greyhound racing.
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Animal Radio® Show #751
I Just Want To Celebrate
Rare Earth Keyboardist Mike Bruner is our "Hero Person of the Week." He fell into a frozen lake while rescuing a dog that had also fallen in. Mike tells the whole story and even yaps about his menagerie at home.
There's An App for That
Lauren Drabble is pitching her new smartphone app. The software allows you to easily find rescue and resources for injured wildlife. The next time you run into a wild animal that's hurt, you'll know exactly who to contact to help.
Making Video Memories
Imagine a short film that highlights your relationship between you and your pet. Franck Tabouring comes to your house and creates a documentary video featuring your pet as the star. A great keepsake!
Mars Buys P&G Pet Food Brands
Candy-maker Mars is growing their pet food business. The company is spending 2.9 billion for three upscale pet food brands from Procter and Gamble. Iams, Eukanuba and Natura. So is it a deal? Pet food sales are projected to hit 24.7 billion by 2017 and sales of premium pet food. Does this mean all our pet foods are will have the same source?
Cat Café
You never have to have your tea alone again. The first feline café is now open. Lady Dinah 's Cat Emporium, it's named after Alice's cat in the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland," has 11 resident kitties. It costs $8.29 cents for two hours of kitty company.
Performance Standards for Pet Travel Safety Products
Nearly all of us drive with our dogs in the car. And now there are car seats to make sure they're safe in case of a sudden stop or an accident. The Center for Pet Studies has teamed up with Subaru of America in testing car harnesses. They took a look at seven harnesses using a specially designed crash test dog.
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Animal Radio® Show #750
Who's the Smartest
While Dr. Diana Reiss doesn't like to compare animal smarts, she is fast to explain just how smart dolphins and elephants are, and their ability to recognize themselves in the mirror. It's all part of PBS's NOVA - "Inside Animal Minds."
Carrot Dating
Another genius idea or just a dud? The jury is still out on Carrot Dating. The premise is meeting singles online while bribing them with a cute little puppy. What if your date showed up holding a cuddly puppy instead of flowers?
Hero People
We kick off our Hero People series showcasing humans that are going above and beyond the call of duty to make our animal's lives better. Greg Mahle spends much of his time on the road delivering death row animals to adoptable homes.
Separation Anxiety
Alan Kabel has proven ways to treat and cure separation anxiety. It all starts with desensitizing your dog to the subtle cues you give him/her when you're about to leave the house.
They Get A Bad Rap
Pit-bulls get a bad rap. They're not necessarily a vicious dog, unless they are trained to be or simply un-trained. Every decade has their poster dog. It used to be the German Shepard and the Rottweiler. Let's break the myth today and save these dogs from their owners and bad press.
Performance Standards for Pet Travel Safety Products
Nearly all of us drive with our dogs in the car. And now there are car seats to make sure they're safe in case of a sudden stop or an accident. The Center for Pet Studies has teamed up with Subaru of America in testing car harnesses. They took a look at seven harnesses using a specially designed crash test dog.
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Animal Radio® Show #749
Mother Nature Is Trying To Kill You
Animal Planet's "Monsters Inside Me" host Dr. Dan Riskin is stirring up the airwaves with the truths about nature's ugly side. No wonder he so entertaining. Maggot eggs got into his brain and he lives to tell you why parasites really rule the world.
Animals In Vineyards
Sara Bennett's family business, Navarro Vineyards is using little tiny sheep to keep the weeds under control. But that's not the only thing they do. Hal asks the hard-hitting questions, like - "what sound does a sheep make €¦ and isn't that the same sound as a goat?"
Pet Food Company Bashes Competitors
The makers of BLUE Brand Pet Food Products is being asked to change it's advertising to stop making negative comments about other pet food makers. The company says it will appeal the recommendation by the National Advertising Division. The claim was made by Hill's Pet Nutrition, the maker of Science Diet foods, over ads that were shown on TV, the Internet, in print and on mobile advertising.
No More Sniffles
The second phase of clinical trials for a new vaccine is done and the results are very promising. If it's successful, you'll take just four doses over a 12-week period to keep your cat allergies at bay for as long as 2-years.
Dogs Detect Cancer Before Medical Testing
A dog's sense of smell is said to be 200,000 times better than humans. That's why dogs work detecting bombs, drugs and now they're being trained to use those fantastic noses to detect certain health issues, like the moment a person with diabetes starts to have a hyperglycemic incident. Now, researchers at a UK charity, Medical Detection Dogs, are working on training dogs to detect the odor of cancer.
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Rare Earth's Mike Bruner Saves Drowning Dog
The keyboardist from Rare Earth is the Hero Person of the Week because he saved a drowning dog.
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Mazda Recalled Because of Spiders
2010-2012 Mazda 6 is being recalled because of spiders. Strangest story of the week!
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How Maggots Got In My Head
Dr. Dan Riskin talks about the parasites that effect humans. He also explains how maggots got inside his head€¦.for real!
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14 yr old Inventor
A young kid invented a great device to help with separation anxiety. Hear Interview Now
Turkey's Animal Laws Tightened
Why is America so far behind other countries when it comes to animal welfare. Turkey has new laws that might not fly if the were enacted here.
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