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Animal Radio® Show #857
The Dog Merchants
Driven by her incredible curiosity, Kim Kavin uncovered the world of dog auctions. 11 BILLION dollars exchanges hands during the buying and selling of companion animals. Even the so-called 'rescues' are partaking in the auction process, using donated dollars to buy, rehabilitate and adopt these dogs at considerably high prices. While not necessarily humane, nor ethical, it's all legal simply because pets are viewed as property in the eyes of the law.
Battling Pet Allergies
It's that time of the year when allergies present a problem for both human and our furry-companions. Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker has the 'top 3 things you can do to calm your pet's allergies.'
Litter Box Etiquette
Yes, there indeed is etiquette for your kitty's litter. Doc Halligan (Lucy Pet Foundation) will help any cat owner solve their litter-box issues. Cat no going inside the box? Maybe you're not following the etiquette.
Does Your Dog Have GPS?
You know that you can track your pet dog or cat with your smart-phone, all you need is a GPS locator on their collar. But, there are quite a few pet trackers out there, so we break it down for you.
World's Oldest Dog?!
Last month, "Maggie the Kelpie," an Australian dog that was possibly the oldest dog in the world, died. Maggie was 30 years old according to her owner. That's over 200 in human years, and a contender for the oldest dog in the world, except for one thing....
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Animal Radio® Show #856
Dog Lawyer
Attorney Jeremy Cohen gave up his insurance fraud law practice to focus only on dogs. He is one of the few "dog only" lawyers in the U.S. Jeremy represents dangerous dogs that usually have a death sentence. He tells us that lots of people have threatened him and harass him, but it's worth it if he can save the life of a dog.
Maybe We're Not Smart Enough To Know
Dr. Frans de Waal asks the poignant question, "Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are?" Many of us suspect that our cats and dogs have a sixth sense. They seem to know things are going to happen before humans do. Is this smarts, or is it hyper-observation of your every move? Maybe a little of both.
Animal Cruelty Charges Dropped Against Cesar Millan
The investigation of dog trainer Cesar Millan (Dog Whisperer on TV), is over and there will be no charges filed. It all began in February when an episode of Millan's show featured him using a scared potbellied pig to teach a French bulldog to get along with pigs. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's office says they were unable to find anything to charge Mr. Millan with.
Supreme Court Puts a Value on Pets
The Georgia Supreme Court will soon decide the value of a pet. Currently, the law sees pets as property, like a car or a toaster. The Georgia Supreme Court is set to rule on the value of the dog whose death was allegedly caused by a fancy, high dollar kennel that allegedly gave the dog the wrong medicine that ultimately killed her. The kennel says that Lola the dog was property, and the family should get her "market value" - which, because she was a free rescue dog, is nothing.
Chicago Gets First Cat Cafe
Tree House Humane Society has been given approval to launch a coffee shop, which will double as a cat adoption center. It will feature a full coffee bar and a cat lounge where a dozen or more cats will be free to roam about, sleep and play. The $6 million Chicago facility set to open in early fall. Cat cafes are very popular in other countries. Cat Town in Oakland, saw its adoption rate more than double after opening the first stateside cat cafe not even two years ago.
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Animal Radio® Show #855
Always Know Where Your Dog or Cat Is
Sebastian Langton created the world's smallest GPS pet tracker. A small pod the size of a wine cork is all that's needed to find your pet most anywhere in the world. The Podtracker is also capable of setting boundaries and monitoring activity. You could win one in our giveaway.
Doggy DNA Nabs Poop Offenders
A luxury apartment community near Grand Rapids, Michigan says it will use DNA technology as a way to sniff out dog owners who fail to pick up their pets' poop. The Ridges of Cascade complex is asking dog owners to swab their pet's mouth so it can build a DNA database that will allow it to identify residents who ignore its strict cleanup policy. The management company as already contracted with the Tennessee-based company PooPrints to collect DNA samples of each dog in the development. Violators will face a $350 fine.
Sloth Love
Most every social media butterfly has seen at least one cute video of a sloth (if not, check out our Facebook page). These litter critters are so cute, that many people want one as a pet. Photographer Sam Trull says she "went to Costa Rica for the primates but stayed for the sloths." She has the lowdown on sloths, and she says people think they're slow. She says "they can be fast when they want to, and their nails are pretty scary too."
Pet Cemeteries In China
Pet cemeteries are becoming increasingly popular in China with owners paying between $50 and $1,800 to buy their pets a plot. Rows of tombstones at one cemetery bear the names of pets along with flowers, toys, food and even calcium pills and chew bones were seen placed beside them.
The Cat's Got More Than Your Tongue
A pet feline in New Zealand has been stealing men's underwear and socks from other people's homes! In just 2 months, the 6 year old cat named Brigit, acquired 11 pairs of underwear and more than 50 pairs of socks. Brigit€™s owner says she has put notes in every mailbox on her street to warn her neighbors.
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Animal Radio® Show #854
Pot for Pets?
Dr. Stephan Katz explains how he is using parts of the marijuana plant to create a therapeutic treat for pets. Do animals respond the same as humans to medical marijuana? What is the legality of pot for pets? These burning questions and more are finally answered.
To Flush or Not To Flush
It may be hard to believe, but people still flush kitty litter down the toilet. Not only is it bad for the pipes, Doc Halligan says it's bad for marine life. Apparently there is a parasite that is transmitted through cat feces and has been documented as a significant killer of otters and other sea life. Who knew?
Lessons from a Knucklehead
Doug Green learned a lot of life's lessons from his dog, Shirelle. He even says that the dog was responsible for his career path as a psychotherapist. He also finds that dogs are great intermediaries in his practice. He'll share some of the important epiphanies inspired by Shirelle.
When is it Time to Let Go?
It can be incredibly difficult to know when it's time to euthanize your furry-friend. Balancing your own selfishness with your pet's health and happiness is no easy task. Dr. Debbie has answers that will help you make the decision when that time comes.
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Animal Radio® Show #853
Unique Ways To Memorialize Your Pet
The one downfall of cats and dogs is their short life span. This leaves us looking for unique ways to pay tribute to their life. We've found companies that will turn your pet into a diamond gem stone or shoot your pets remains into space. Now comes Pet Perennials, a wild-flower garden composed from your pet's ashes. The startups founder Remy Bibaud explains.
Cat Lovers Take More Pictures
The research is in from one "cloud" company that says we upload more pictures of our cats than dogs. What does this actually say about cat guardians? Do we take more cat pictures because we're "cat crazy?" Jackie Stone from MiMedia has her reasons for the trend.
The Difference Between Dog and Cat Owners
Dog owners are happier, more sociable, earn bigger salaries and have a bigger sexual appetite than cat owners, according to a new study. Animal Radio News Director Lori Brooks says data also suggests that dog owners are more likely to have paid off their mortgage and they will be inclined to describe their job as "stressful." By contrast, cat owners are happier living alone and admit they relish a simpler pace of life. The study also found the average cat owner takes home $34,000 a year, while the typical dog lover can expect to earn $38,000.
Cat Survives 8-Days Being Shipped in Box By Owner
Cupcake is an incredibly lucky cat. The Siamese survived being stuck inside a small cardboard box for eight days and 260 miles after her owner accidentally mailed her. The owner didn't see Cupcake snoozing inside the package as she packed it with DVDs. Then she dropped the box in the mail. The package's recipients were stunned to open the box and find the cute cat curled up alongside the movies they'd bought. Cupcake was reunited with her tearful owner (who felt horrible) over the weekend. She says, "I knew Cupcake was missing, but not for one second did I think she was in that box."
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Cat Owners are Neurotic?!
Dog owners are happier, have bigger salaries and a better sex-life. Animal Radio News Director Lori Brooks reports the downside for cat owners.
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As Not Seen on Shark Tank
Inventor Dexter Blanch made a dog chastity belt and a dog bra. Crazy or not? You listen and decide.
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Ideas For Pet Food Makers
Hal's alter ego calls a pet food manufacturer's help-line with some great ideas for food.
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Country Singer Lorrie Morgan Guests
Country performer Lorrie Morgan is our guest€¦ and she love's her animals. Especially pit-bulls.
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Human to Cat Translator
Dogs labeled as pit-bulls aren't getting adopted, even if they're not pit-bulls. Lori Brooks reports.
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TailsInc May Pet Events Calendar
Janice Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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