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Animal RadioŽ Show #675
Thanksgiving Tradition
Some like a good football game after their turkey dinner. But for 20-million TV viewers, The National Dog Show on NBC is the usual fare. Host David Frei is back again with dirt about this year's program.
De-barking Dogs
Who would of thought that removing the vocal chords of a noisy dog was still practiced here in the U.S.? Can you believe that the American Veterinary Medical Association (A.V.M.A.) still condones this archaic procedure? Sue Perry has the details of a petition against "de-vocalization."
Do You Know Your Dog's Mood?
Most dog lovers are convinced they know their pets' moods and that they can tell what their pooches are thinking. Now there is hard evidence to support or refute their assumptions. Researchers at Emory University in Atlanta have performed the first brain scans of dogs. What does a dog really think?
Leave No "Dog" Behind
Former Marine Shaun Duling, 27, is taking the Corps' creed, "Leave No Man Behind," to a whole new level. When Duling completed a year-long contract in Afghanistan earlier this month, he was heartbroken that he had to leave behind one of his closest companions, a dog named "Bolt."
Woman Breastfeeds Dog
A 44 year-old California woman recently revealed that she breastfeeds her pug dog. If this wasn't enough of a bizarre reveal, she also shared in the same interview that she's been doing this for the last two years. The dog was the runt of the litter and she got the idea when Spider would lick the nipple of her son's bottle.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #674
Doggie Shrink
Who would have thought there would ever be a need for a doggy psychiatrist? It is now a booming business. Behaviorist Dr. Rachel Malamed says our pets can suffer from the same mental diseases that humans have. Does this mean your dog could be bi-polar?
Number One Killer
There are more cancer related deaths with dogs than humans. What is causing all these fatalities? Are some breeds more susceptible to cancer than other. Dr. Gerald Post from The Veterinary Cancer Center has some answers and says your groomer may be the first line of defense against cancer.
Seasonal Hazards for Your Furry Companion
Dr. Debbie always sees an increase of patients in her office around this time of the year. She says it's because the season offers up so many hazardous materials, from anti-freeze to mushrooms. The good doctor has tips on what you should be looking out for.
More Pet Food & Treat Recalls
What seems like a never-ending barrage of recalls now includes Nature's RecipeŽ Oven Baked Biscuits with Real Chicken. This is being done as a precautionary measure, as the product has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.
Protecting Paws
Unless your dog or cat wears shoes, their paw pads are the only protection between your furry-friend and the ground. Dogfather Joey Villani has some great ideas for keeping their pads in top condition while protecting them against the elements.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #673
Ripley's Strangest Animals
Ripley's Believe It Or Not is back for their parade down Animal RadioŽ avenue with the most-bizarre and exceptional dogs, cats, fish, birds and insects. We are proud to have more giveaways of the new coffee-table book.
Smartphones for Cows
The age-old task of determining when your milk-cow is in heat is over. A French company has designed a cell-gadget that attaches to the cows genitalia and automatically texts you when it detects an increase in temperature and movement; both signs of being in heat.
Michael Vick Dog Owner
When Michael tweeted a picture of him with a box of Milk-Bones, it was suspected that Michael Vick acquired a dog before his probation allowed. Many are divided on this. Has he served his time? Is there really a microscope on him now? Or once a cold-hearted animal killer, always a killer?
Pet Pix Boost Productivity
Sarah Kliff reports on a study that proves putting pictures of baby animals on your desk can actually increase the amount of work that you achieve. Find out what makes this so. Then start digging out those photos of kittens and puppies.
Halloween at the Vet Clinic
Dr. Debbie is already seeing her usual increase in business this time of year. From candy poisoning to consumed costumes, Halloween always means trouble for thousands of pets across the country. Debbie will tell you what you need to know to stay out of the hospital.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #672
Can Dogs Be Gay?
Dogs may exhibit behavior that we, as humans, construe as sexual behavior. The truth of the matter is that it has more to do with dominance and not sexual preference. Alan Kabel unravels the mystery that has many of us scratching our head in confusion.
Dog Hitchhikes Under The Hood
A dog survived a 110-mile trip beneath the hood of a Chevy Silverado with the blazing Southern California sun above. Jaime Magana of Chino says he had no idea there was a dog hitching a ride in the engine compartment until he stopped in San Clemente for lunch.
Dogs Get High On Pot
Pooches getting high on pot is an increasing problem in states where medical marijuana is legal. Veterinarians say what used to be a rare problem is becoming alarmingly more common, and the results can be deadly. Dr. Stacy Meola says "Dogs most commonly get stoned by eating their owner's pot-enhanced foods." Our own Dr. Debbie White is upset when owners won't come clean in order to save their pet.
Flight of The Butterflies
Dr. Chip Taylor was the advisor of the new 3-D hit IMAX movie "Flight of the Butterflies." He explains the intriguing migration of the Monarch from Mexico to Canada. You might be surprised about the life of this casual insect.
Armed & Dangerous Turtles
If a pet turtle shows up at your home, do not take him in. He is considered armed and dangerous. No joke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Salmonella cases linked to tiny breeds of the reptile is on the rise.
Who Better To Find A Lost Dog Than Another Dog?
Anne Wills is the founder and executive director of Dogs Finding Dogs, a Baltimore-area nonprofit that uses trained tracking teams to search for lost pets.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #671
Actress/Comedian Debra Wilson Guests
Mad TV's Debra Wilson has a thing for long, slimy, slithering reptiles. In fact, he shares her life with one. Get all the gooey details and find out why she's Nuts for Mutts.
Dancing Dogs
Author Jon Katz is back and this time he's sharing short stories about our strange and unique connection to our animals. You're not alone when you spoil your furry family.
Bully Sticks Recalled
Kasel Associated Industries is recalling its Boots & Barkley 6-Count 5-Inch American Beef Bully Sticks dog treats because of a possible salmonella contamination.
Special Dog Gets Second Leash on Life
Nakio was a prime candidate to be euthanized when rescuers found all four of his paws frozen and useless. That until Christine Pace came into his life and arranged for prosthetics for all four of his feet.
Jerseyans Are Split on Dog Seatbelts
A new poll says New Jerseyans are split on car seatbelts for dogs. 45% of residents favor the idea, but a solid 40% oppose it. Violators would be subject to a $20 ticket.
How About A Kid's Party Where You Swim With The Alligators!
A Florida company has decided to offer children unique pool parties the kids will likely never forget. The folks who run Alligator Attractions in Madeira Beach are offering live alligators that swim with the children at area pool parties.
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Dog Attack
Mike K.: Hi everyone! Absolutely love your show!!! Its the highlight of my weekend at the Post Office. I have 2 Springer Spaniels, about 65 lbs each, not fat, just both are big for Springers, and I usually walk them around the neighborhood when I get home. They are usually pretty good on lead. One of my neighbors has a Rottweiler (probably over 100 lbs) and it was loose this one morning and it attacked my dogs especially my female, who tried to go right back at him. I knew what was happening before he even got to us and I started screaming NO, but while I'm trying to keep my dogs in control, he's laying into my females hindquarters and I don't even know what my male is doing during all this other than I had his leash firmly. I got knocked down and bruised my elbow and hip and my girl had scrapes and one tooth puncture on her hip. 2 women came running out of the garage and pulled him off Roxie all the while telling me how sorry they were and he is such a gentle dog. Could have fooled me!!! My question is what should I have done during this? Should I have released my dogs leashes so they could at least defend themselves? Should I turn this attack incident in to the police or animal welfare? I don't walk my dogs up there anymore and I am carrying pepper spray now. Would this stop an attack if I got it in his face?
Alan Kabel: I'm very sorry that this happened to you. There is no easy answer to your question because the best way to avoid a dog fight is to be alert and prevent it from happening in the first place. Your job is to protect your dog, to be a strong leader. As scary as that charging Rot was I would have immediately stepped out in front of my dogs and yelled NO before he got there. Once they are fighting it is too late. The only way to break it up is by putting something between them like a piece of wood or a trash can lid.
A hose in the eyes, pepper spray or mace. You should carry these from now on and use them if a dog charges. Don't put your body in harms way once they are fighting. In a dogs head he is in a fight to the death. The best way to prevent a dog fight is to be alert to your surroundings and ready with a good response in your head. If a dog charges - step in front of your dogs and yell go away, no! Do not stare but look the dog in the eye and move your glance all around his body. If he continues to come, mace or pepper spray him.
Now that your dog is fearful of big dogs, it is very reasonable that he would bark at them. To change this you have to teach him again that not all big dogs want to hurt him. He now has a negative association with big dogs. You have to change it to a positive one and that will take time, patience and you have to find a big, or some big friendly mellow dogs to expose him to. You can do this at a dog park. Many have separate areas where small dogs can be and observe bigger dogs going by. There he can observe bigger dogs safely from behind a fence in a neutral place. You can pet some big dogs through the fence and on the other side while bringing them over to meet your dog thru the fence.
Bear in mind, once your dog knows that you will protect him, that you are the leader much of this fear will subside. Unfortunately in this instance you were unable to protect your dog because you were not prepared. You need to always be prepared. Dogs do not attack out of the blue even though it seems like it. You just didn't observe this one until it was too late or you could have simply turned and walked the other way before he attacked. Be alert, have a plan and protect your dog.
I'm glad your dogs didn't get hurt.
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Amy: My boyfriend has an American Bull, is there a type of dog food he can feed him to lessing the amount this dog sheds?
Doctor Debbie: Dear Amy, I hate to break the bad news- but no diet is going to decrease shedding, unless the diet is of poor quality. There is no single good or bad food, but price does count when it comes to food quality...so if your boyfriend shops for good quality food (purchased at pet store) and the food isn't one of the low cost discount store brands, then you are probably okay there.
Most Pits will shed- ALOT and the trick is to stay ahead of the hair growth cycle. The best tips are to bathe 1-2 times a month with a non-medicated shampoo (look for one enhanced with fatty acids) and to brush several times a week with a short bristle brush or even a Furminator.
Here in Las Vegas we see a lot of pets with dry skin or haircoat- and they may shed more than other dogs. For them I suggest a good oral supplement of omega fatty acids- can definitely help keep the luster, but honestly doesn't make a dog shed less. There are a ton of supplements sold online that will promise to decrease shedding (be careful of what you read) but brushing still wins out as the best shed fix!
Those Problem Anal Glands
Connie: Any ideas for helping our 48-lb Beagle/Bassett (rescue) keep his anal glands clear at least for a longer period of time than 3 weeks?
He eats Stella and Chewy's raw with Natures' Recipe Kibble; added pumpkin in PMs, green beans for snacks (is on a diet); yogurt in breakfast. Azmiras' Fiber as well, along w/ holistic herbs and DMG.
Doctor Debbie: Veterinary products such as Fortiflora or Prostora; Hypoallergenic diet - a trial on a hydrolyzed protein diet may be helpful for some dogs. Anal sac infusion - ask your veterinarian about this possibility. This is when we use a small catheter to flush the anal sac contents and infuse an antibiotic cream. I have had nice success with some patients after infusions - decreasing interval of expressions and decreasing discomfort on expression of anal glands.
The last resort is surgical removal of these nasty little glands. It's the last thing I turn to when either we have recurrent infections.
Hope that helps ya some!
Rocky Raccoon
Sheila: I have 6 feral cats (Daddy cat + 5 1 year old kittens) of which I have successfully trapped and fixed 5 of the 6. They are a very stocky build. Daddy (the largest) is probably 12-14 lbs.
Over the last year, I have not been able to get any closer to them than to provided food, water and shelter within my garage through a doggy door (plastic flap removed). Over the last couple weeks I have noticed they have come around less predictably. Yesterday I discovered that a raccoon (about 20 lbs.) has discovered the garage as well. I modified the dog door to about a 4" x 8" (1/2 size) opening and found the raccoon was still able to get in.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can continue to provide the cats protection from the snow and continue to allow free access to food without sharing the love with the raccoon?
Dr. Debbie: The truth is now that the raccoons have also discovered your feral cat feeding site, there is little you can do to selectively feed the kitties. Unless the raccoons vacate the area you will continue to have an open smorgasbord for cats, raccoons and other wildlife! I like your idea of trying to limit the size of the doggie door, but as you have found out- raccoons are very "smooshy" and can fit through areas just like ferrets can! The only other alternative for limited doggie door access which we often use for house pets (dogs/cats) is to fit them with a radio activated collars that open cat/dog doors only for the individual animal- but this technique doesn't help with feral or un-catchable cats.
I wonder how much the kitties are eating currently now that the raccoons are around? It is likely that they have been forced to find other food sources with the wildlife dipping into their grub! You may want to consider discontinuing feeding in this area and trying remote feeding outside and some distance away from the home via a dog/cat kennel. This might help re-direct the raccoons that the food source near the house has dried up. Then later on, you can try resuming feeding the ferals in the garage.
Sorry, it seems like you have some freeloading raccoons to support now as well! :)
Best Wishes to you!

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