Animal Radio® Show #831
Comedian Kip Addotta is Back
Legendary Comedian Kip Addotta knows a lot about animals. Especially cats. The love of his life was "Harley," a kitty that lived 23 years. Kip will tell us the secrets to feline longevity as well as some of his secret flea remedies. He says "I loved my cat, Harley! People ask me if I had Harley declawed. Well, I would never have a cat declawed, because claws are a cat's only line of defense, and I can get pretty drunk!"
Find Your Lost Dog Using A Facial Recognition App
There are many apps for finding lost pets, but a new one has gone a step further by using facial recognition software. It's called and it matches eight distinctive facial markers on dogs with images uploaded by people searching for lost pets. Eyes and noses are important areas to help tell dogs apart; especially the eye size and how the eyes are positioned near the snout.
Do Animal's Improve Student's Reading Skills
Human Animal Bond Research Initiative is giving $13,000 to answer the question: Does reading aloud to a classroom pet such as a rabbit help to improve students' reading skills? Experts say the human-animal bond can lessen the stress young children sometimes feel in the classroom, and believe it will show classroom interactions with rabbits and guinea pigs will improve students' oral fluency and reading comprehension.
Therapy Dog Loses Certification Over Costumes
A Pet Partners certified therapy dog has lost that certification because the organization the organization says it found the Boston Terrier's biker costume to be a "safety concern." 5-year-old Chopper has put in several years volunteering in San Diego-area hospitals and senior centers on his mini-motorcycle. Chopper's owner says Pet Partners told him it was concerned about "the perception Chopper may be creating in the community with regard to therapy animals."
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Animal Radio® Show #830
Having A Safe Halloween
Halloween can be a fun time for your pets. But some animals just aren't cut out for the holiday and would be safer cuddled inside on the night of trickery.
Rodent Traps a Pet Hazard
There's a warning for pet owners after a cat was found with its head stuck in a rodent trap. The cat, which was seriously injured, was caught in a Fenn Trap, meant for squirrels and rats. Luckily the cat was found and rescued by a Good Samaritan. Since the incident last month, the SPCA is now calling on people to be aware that setting these traps could be breaking the law.
Pets In The Classroom Have A Profound Impact
A new study reveals having a pet in the classroom may provide real educational value through leadership skills and character building. Despite some of the challenges to having classroom pet, such as coping with loss and teachers spending their own money to care for the pet, the study found six objectives proving the benefit of caring for a classroom pet, like teaching children responsibility compassion, empathy, respect and leadership through animal care and providing relaxation when children are stressed.
Cats With Jobs
Author Lisa Rogek has found 50 cats that have jobs. This isn't easy. Cats are notoriously not workers, unlike dogs. From Grumpy Cat to Kitty Models, Lisa will share the stories behind these frolicking felines.
FREE Happy Healthy Dog Summit
The Healthy Happy Dog Summit will train YOU to provide the happiest, healthiest life possible for your pup! You'll see 30 world experts including Sonya Fitzpatrick (Animal Communication), Victoria Stillwell (Puppies 101) and Dr. Nicholas Dodman (How Dogs and People Communicate). The Happy Healthy Dog Summit is ONLINE and FREE. Learn more at:
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Animal Radio® Show #829
Cat Thwarts Suicide Attempt
San Francisco Police spent hours trying to convince a jumper not to jump. It wasn't until the officers brought in the jumper's tabby cat that the standoff ended. Never underestimate the bond between people and their pets.
Pet Obesity Continues To GROW
Being overweight can seriously impact our health and that of our pets. The Association for Pet Obesity estimates that nearly 54% of cats and dogs in the US are overweight or obese. Lori Brooks has tips to tell if your pet is a healthy weight. We'll also discuss the safest methods for lowering your pets caloric intake and increasing exercise.
Anonymous Hero Saves Dog
An anonymous real life hero saved the life of a dog that was trapped inside a burning home this week in Tennessee. As someone who witnessed it describes it said, "This guy in a gray mustang pulls up says, 'I do this for a living,' and he runs in and he comes out about two minutes later with this beautiful dog in his arms." Less than a minute later the roof of the home caved in.
Halloween Pet Hazards
Pets often find it truly scary during this time of year. The things that make Halloween a treat for people can overwhelm many pets. Some parts of Halloween can even be dangerous. On the other hand, some pets absolutely love the holiday. There's no shortage of dogs and cats that love the attention and adulation they receive in their costume. We'll help you determine which side of the scale your pets find most comfortable. Dr. Debbie sees more patients the day after Halloween. She'll explain why and what you can do to avoid the vet.
FREE Happy Healthy Dog Summit
The Healthy Happy Dog Summit will train YOU to provide the happiest, healthiest life possible for your pup! You'll see 30 world experts including Sonya Fitzpatrick (Animal Communication), Victoria Stillwell (Puppies 101) and Dr. Nicholas Dodman (How Dogs and People Communicate). The Happy Healthy Dog Summit is ONLINE and FREE. Learn more at
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Animal Radio® Show #828
Secret Lives Of Bats
When you mention bats, most people shutter. Dr. Merlin Tuttle believes bats are misunderstood and that in many countries, they're a welcome friend. Oh, he also says without bats there would be no tequila. Just sayin'
Trendy Pet Costumes
Some pets really like to be dressed up for Halloween, or so we think. Wonder Costumes' Chris Yandek has a list of the most popular pet costumes and you can rest-assured the worthy "Minion" is on it.
Just Say No To Dog Buns
Odd animal trends like the "dog bun" could actually harm your pet. If you haven't seen photos of this yet, it's where a dog's hair is gathered into a bun on top of its head. Veterinary experts say pulling a dog's ears up like that can damage the ear, causing wounds, cuts, which then risk the chance of being infected.
Stealing Cat Owned By Cop
How funny is it that a police Sergeant in Oregon owns a cat that loves to steal? After sharing the antics of his thieving cat with his fellow police officers, the sergeant has created a Facebook page for his cat Tigger whom he affectionately calls "Kleptokitty." Tigger has been stealing for many years. He brings home everything from socks to old fast food boxes and even a small bag of marijuana.
Micro Pigs
Tiny pigs, which were created by scientists in China using new genetic editing techniques, are to be sold as pets in the near future and the prospect has triggered a furious debate between animal rights groups and scientists.
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Blessing of Your Animals
Dr. James Capers will Bless The Animals. Grab your pets and bring them around the radio for a virtual blessings.
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Can My Dog Eat Ice Cream?
A listener calls in and asks Dr. Debbie if it's okay to feed his dog ice cream and other junk food.
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Dolphin Assisted Birth
Lori Brooks reports on Dolphin Assisted Childbirth. It's a thing! You've got to hear this strange story.
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Dogs That Drive
We talk to a guy who is training dogs to drive. Mark Vette found three dogs that are learning to drive a car.
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TailsInc November Pet Events Calendar
Janice Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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