Animal Radio® Show #774
Is Your Pup And Optimist Or A Pessimist?
Researchers say that dogs, just like people, can be optimistic or pessimistic. This information could dictate whether certain dogs are cut out for certain jobs. A pessimistic dog that avoids risks would be better as a guide dog while an optimistic, persistent dog would be more suited to detecting drugs or explosives.
Pet Food Victory Goes Overboard
Hill's Pet Nutrition recently won on it's challenge in how Blue Buffalo markets its products and puts down it's competitors, but it looks like Hill's got a bit carried away with the victory. The National Advertising Division says Hill's went too far when it started promoting the win. It seems that Hill's PR Department sent out so-called 'article starter kits' to certain bloggers about Hill's products and included links to a press-releases and articles written about the Hill's/Blue Buffalo dispute.
Free Animal With Purchase of Pizza
A Pizza Hut in Australia has apologized for offering a 'free small animal' with the purchase of 10 large pizzas. The deal was offered connection with a local pet store. The corporate office at Pizza Hut says it had not approved the promotion and no animals were given away.
Remember Me Thursday
Our Hero Person this week has been serving animals for decades since a close-to-death experience changed the way he viewed our furry-friends. Mike Arms is the Top Dog at the Helen Woodward Center in San Diego and he's no stranger to Animal Radio® airwaves. He explains his latest viral campaign for animal awareness.
Pet Friendly Events
Janice Brown-Gork is back for her monthly countdown of pet-related events across the country. There's no better time to get out of the house with your four-legged friend. The TailsInc Events Calendar has the information you need to find fun stuff to do with your pets in your hometown.
GPS Microchip
Karen Zaxton's mom has no technical skills, but she came up with a great idea to combine the microchip with a GPS locator. Not until now has the battery technology been available for powering a rice-sized chip.
Building The Perfect Litter Box
Dr. Debbie tackles litter-box problems everyday. She has a winning record! She'll tell you why cats don't use them and how to solve inappropriate elimination issues.
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Animal Radio® Show #773
Eastwood Is Back
The daughter of Clint Eastwood, Alison Eastwood is back for more fun! She's crowd-funding to raise money for Chimp Haven, the new home for 110 research chimps purposely infected with HIV and Hep C.
Financial Help For Procedures
Our Hero Person this week created the Brown Dog Foundation to help pet owners afford life-saving surgeries and procedures for their pets.
Getting Licked On Route 66
We're almost halfway across the country and coming to you from Oklahoma City this weekend. It's all part of the "Get Your Licks On Route 66" adoption tour. Fido Friendly's Susan Sims checks in from the adoption site.
Bringing Pets Into The Classroom
The 501c3 APPA (American Pet Products Association) is riding-high on their viral Pets Add Life campaign. APPA President Bob Vetere says teaching compassion for animals in the classroom creates adults that respect and love pets and people.
Hawaiian Quarantine
If you're planning on taking your pet to Hawaii, you might want to re-think your strategy. A dog that was put in the mandatory 120-day quarantine suffered heat-stroke. Now, the owner is demanding an investigation of the quarantine center.
Would You Use A Shock Collar On Your Dog?
That question is getting lots of interest lately. Researchers say the collars can be not only physically damaging to a dog, but also emotionally damaging.
Joan Rivers Leaves Money To Her Pooches
The value of Joan Rivers estate is roughly 150-million dollars. She left most of it in her will to her daughter Melissa, but she also made sure that her dogs are provided for.
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Animal Radio® Show #772
Being A Vet Saved Her Life
When Veterinarian Dr. Sarah Boston noticed a lump on her, she insisted that it was cancerous, even though other doctors said no. She did an ultrasound at her office and in validated her worst fear. The lump was removed and she is now cancer-free.
What Would You Do For Your Dog?
When this week's Zeuterin Hero Person found out his pup had Ventricular Tachycardia, a rare condition where a dog has a rapidly fast and sometimes-irregular heartbeat, Scott Clare drove almost 5000 miles and spent over $10,000 to treat Buck-O.
Grumpy Cat Not So Grumpy at 100 Million Dollars
Cat Videos has to be the biggest "time-suck" on the Internet. Now, the popularity of these videos has spawned several video festivals. The next one in Los Angeles is expected to bring at least 10,000 cat lovers to Exposition Park. What's the deal behind this cat craze? Erik Deleo explains.
Removing Sap
Animal Radio® Dogfather Joey Villani has several foolproof ways to get tree sap out of your dog's hair and that hard-to-get-to spot between their pads. No need to cut out the hair if you use the right stuff.
Bit 100,000 Times
This week is the triumphant return of Brian Barczyk to Animal Radio® airwaves. Yes, he has 30,000 snakes at home. Yes, he's been bit 100,000 times. And yes, the chicks dig it!
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Animal Radio® Show #771
Trouble For Tear Stain Removers
The top makers of tear-stain removers are being called to the carpet by the FDA. The administration says that these products are not FDA approved and actually may have harmful side effects on your pets. Animal Radio® News Director Tammy Trujillo reports on the investigation.
Small Town Hero
This week's Hero Person is making a big difference in a small town. Businessman Barry Kives is paying the adoption fees on 60 pets in his local shelter. Thinking Globally. Acting Locally. Do you know someone that should be nominated for our Hero Person of the Week? Send us an email to:
Panda Faking It?
A Panda in China was about to give birth on live TV, until handlers found out she wasn't pregnant. Researchers suspect the Panda may have faked her pregnancy to get some of the lush accommodations and plentiful food offered to the expecting Pandas.
Skunk Explosion
Skunk researcher Christopher Kemp joins us. He's from England, and they don't have skunks in Europe. Ironically, Pepe' le pew is from the Americas. But the most important thing you'll learn, Tomato Juice doesn't remove the smell. Christopher will unlock the true secret to remove the stink, as well as some other interesting facts about the mostly misunderstood critter.
Pet Event Roundup
Janice Brown-Gork compiles all the great pet-related events across the country for This week she debuts a new monthly segment spotlighting the places you and your furry-companion can go together.
Also this week, Tail Docking - Nail Trimming - Dressing Up Your Dog
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Join Animal Radio® on Facebook for Wacky Wednesday! Win great prizes every week for your wacky pet pictures. Last month we gave out goodies from Dexas, Stella & Chewy's, WetNoz, Best Friend Botanicals, PetMate, West Paw Design and more. Visit us on Facebook now. #WackyWed
Welcome to new affiliates: WNJE Trenton New Jersey, WZKR Meridian, MS., WOSM Biloxi/Gulfport, MS.
Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Missing Pet Posters
Vinnie Penn shares his take on "Lost Pet" posters and how to make a good one - or not.
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What Do Veterinarians Talk About At The Dinner Table?
Dr. Debbie arrived at the studio in time to tell us about how she just removed a tortoise penis. Apparently, this is how you keep them from procreating.
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Dog's Mouths Are Cleaner Than Human's
Vinnie Penn is pretty sure that dog's mouths are not cleaner than a human's mouth and he's out to prove it.
Listen to Vinnie Now
Sally Forth Comic Author Returns
Funny-man Francesco Marciuliano is back to prove beyond any doubt that he's crazy, in a good way.
Hear Francesco Now
Mike Arms Hero Person
Mike Arms tells the story of how he got mugged in New York and how that changed his life forever.Hear Mike Arms Now
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