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Animal Radio® Show #827
Non-Chemical Flea Remedies
Dogfather Joey Villani and Dr. Debbie address concerns over chemical spot-on flea treatments. They have great alternatives that can safely remove those pesky parasites. They'll also bust some myths.
Blessing Your Pets
Grab your pets and bring'em around the radio for our annual "Blessing of the Animals" performed by the extra charismatic Dr. James Capers. Our virtual ceremony celebrates the pets in our lives.
Most Unusual Pet Insurance Claims
The "most unusual" pet insurance claim is sought each year with the announcement of the nominees for the Hambone Award by Nationwide Insurance. One of the favorites to win this year is Jackie, a terrier mix in Indiana that needed X-rays and laxatives after she figured out how to open the family's junk drawer and ate all of its contents, including a medicine bottle, a bottle of perfume and a pair of sunglasses.
My Old Dog
Laura Coffey created a coffee-table book that features senior dogs with "second-acts." These senior dogs could've wasted away at the shelter waiting for adoption, but instead they are going on to live resourceful and happy lives with a second or third guardian. Senior pets make great friends!
Dolphin-Assisted Human Births
Dolphin-assisted birth, is a new trend growing in popularity. One woman in Hawaii plans to deliver their baby in the Pacific Ocean off the Hawaiian coast. They plan on having a flippered midwife showing up to help. There is a You Tube video about this fad and believe it or not, the mother to be thought her baby would be able to "speak dolphin" as a result of immediate exposure to the animals.
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Animal Radio® Show #826
Tips for Selling Your Pet-Friendly Home
Chicago Realtor Jason Feldman specializes in selling homes to and for pet-owners. If you're trying to sell your home after many years of "pet-life," he'll have tips for making it more appealing to the buyer. He says sometimes pet-owners become immune to the smell, so it's advisable to bring in a third party to assess the situation.
Accessorizing Your Pet
Joey Villani (The Dogfather) reviews the last grooming trade show and the strange accessories including fake eyelashes for your dog, fingernail polish and wigs. Some might think this is for the hardened pet lover who may be just a little nutty for their pet. And they're probably right.
Couple Makes Extra Large Bed for Themselves AND Their Pets
Have you ever known an animal that didn't want to sleep in the bed with you? Neither do we. So how lucky are this couple's five cats and two dogs? They made a gigantic 11-foot wide bed that takes up most of their bedroom, but is big enough to share with all of their pets!
Another County Bans Puppy Mill Sales at Pet Stores
Camden County, New Jersey has voted unanimously to prohibit pet stores from selling animals from puppy mills. The representatives say they are standing up for animals of their county and want to ensure no one is profiting off the inhumane treatment of puppy mills. Several other counties and towns have inquired about the legislation and enacting it in their areas.
Infant Exposed To Pets Have Less Allergies
A new study has found that, infants who share a home with furry pets were found to share some of the animals' gut bacteria - which might possibly explain why exposing children to animals early in life may protect kids against some allergies.
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Animal Radio® Show #825
The Dog That Put Subway's Jared Behind Bars
Dennis Clark tells us how he trained the dog that sniffed out the thumb-drive with Jared Fogle's child pornography on it. Training a dog to smell electronics can't be easy. Dennis will explain what type of dog it takes to smell pirated DVDs in import containers.
You Need More Sleep
Francesco Marciuliano is back for more abuse. The writer for the "Sally Forth" syndicated comic strip moonlights as a writer of satirical cat and dog books. His latest, "You Need More Sleep" has advice from cats for humans. We'll have giveaways of his new book.
China Bad - Mexico Good
From the Good News/Bad News Department: Chinese officials in Jinan have ordered all dogs to be outlawed. They've asked owners to dispose of their dogs or they city will come and bludgeon the dog's to death. In Mexico, the once iconic bullfighting is becoming extinct. Coahuila becomes the third state in Mexico to ban the sport.
My Dog's Cell Phone
Imagine receiving a bill from Verizon for calls you didn't make. Then upon closer examination, the bill is actually addressed to your dog. That's exactly what happened and don't you know it'll be a mess to clean up when the phone company finally admits their error. Britt Savage reports.
How Do Companion Animals Effect Seniors?
The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative has awarded a $43,000 grant for a new study to explore how companion animals effect social engagement and psychological well-being in adults ages 55+. With 75 million baby boomers entering mid and later adulthood it is vital to understand how everything, including pets, can improve their lives.
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Animal Radio® Show #824
5 Signs You Need To Get To The Vet ASAP!
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker counts down the top 5 things to look out for that indicate a health emergency for your pet.
Patient Compliance
More than half of pet owners disregard instruction for medicating their pets as prescribed by their vet. This can have horrific results, especially where antibiotics are concerned. Doc Halligan has tips on easily pilling your pet.
Your Cat Probably Doesn't Miss You When You're Away
According to a new study that observed the relationships between a number of cats and their owners, domestic cats do not generally see their owners as a focus of safety and security in the same way that dogs do.
Lost Pet Recovery
Donna Lewis is a Lost Pet Recovery Expert for LostMyDoggie.com & LostMyKitty.com. This nationwide service will automatically dial all the phones within the radius of the lost pet alerting neighbors. Does this work? The service claims an 85% success rate. If you've lost your pet and have the cash, then this might be a good solution.
Guy Adds Two-Headed Snake to His Two-Headed Collection
A west coast freak show owner who paid $50,000 for "Medusa", a three-foot-long, 4-year-old two-headed Honduran Milk snake born in Florida, recently purchased a rare two-headed albino snake. The proud new owner says he's wanted the snake since the day it was born four years ago, but price just kept getting higher." By the way, this guy currently holds a Guinness World Record for having the biggest collection of two-headed animals.
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Animal Radio® Show #823
Using Pets To Teach Anti-Bullying
Allison Basinger from the Kansas City based "Wayside Waifs" animal welfare organization is on the cutting edge of the anti-bullying education movement. She's using her dogs, Justice and Paxton to help 3 through 5 graders learn a more compassionate lifestyle.
Get Your Licks
The host of CBS's Lucky Dog, Brandon McMillan, the cast of The Young and The Restless and Susan Sims are in Los Angeles to kick-off the 7th Annual "Get Your Licks On Route 66" Adoption Tour. There's no better time than now to find your forever friend.
Black Dog Syndrome
While there is no hard evidence to back Black Dog Syndrome, it is largely felt that black animals take a back seat when it comes to adoption. Pet Photographer Fred Levy believes it's because they are hard to photograph and don't look desirable online photos. He'll have tips for photographing your black dog or cat.
Selecting A New Car With Your Pet In Mind
So who influences you when you need to buy a car? According to Auto-trader, more than half of America's 54 million dog owners consider buying a vehicle based on its ability to accommodate their best friend, which is their dog. The list includes cars with features pet owners need, like fold-flat rear seats, rear lift gate, under-floor storage and rear climate control. There are 9 cars on the list and we'll tell you what they are.
Pamela Anderson Says Company is Not Cruelty-Free
Actress and animal-rights actress Pamela Anderson has written a letter to MAC Cosmetics owner and friend John Demsey expressing disappointment in the brand for testing on animals. Anderson used to be a spokesperson for the brand, but recently learned that the supposedly cruelty-free brand admittedly tests on animals where it is "required by law," like in China.
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
Animal Radio® is now on iHeart Radio!! Listen to full shows or Listen to highlights
The Dog That Put Jared Away
We're talking to the guy that trained the dog that sniffed out Subway's Jared Fogle. He explains how dogs can be trained to sniff electronics.
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How To Pet A Cat
A new study shows most people pet their cat wrong. The study also showed their preference for music. This useful information came from your tax dollars.
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My Male Dog Squats
A listener wants to know why her male dog squats like a female dog. Dr. Debbie has the answer and the solution.
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Howard Stern Cuddles Kitties
Beth Stern explains what it's like around her household right now and how Howard Stern loves the kittens. The hardened shock-jock has a soft and fuzzy side.
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TailsInc October Pet Events Calendar
Janice Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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