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Animal Radio® Archives
1286. Cancer: No Longer A Death Sentence For Your Pet.

Cancer Researcher Dr. Gerald PostPreventing And Treating Cancer In Your Pet
Cancer is no longer a death sentence for dogs or cats. Amazing technological breakthroughs allow vets to treat cancer fairly effectively. Dr. Gerald Post from The Veterinary Cancer Center is back to answer questions.
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Traveling With Your Dog
Kelly Carter has traveled the world with her Chihuahua, Lucy. Now she's telling us the best places to take your pet. She even has tips for making the journey more pet-friendly and comfortable.
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Bad Vet
Bad Vet DudeImagine taking your dog to the vet and he falsely tells you that your furry-companion needs to be euthanized. Then imagine the vet didn't euthanize the dog but used it for transfusions without your knowledge. This allegedly happened in Fort Worth, Texas. Listen to this horrendous case as the details develop.
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First Ever One Million Pibble March
There's been a Million Man March and Million Mom March, and a few weeks ago, there was the first-ever One Million Pibble March on Washington. What's a Pibble?  It's one name for Pit Bulls. Thousands of pit bull advocates convened on the West Lawn of the U-S Capitol. The message was to create stronger laws against dogfights and stop legislation restricting ownership of certain dog breeds.
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Create a masterpiece
Creating Memories and Keepsakes
Amy Cecil is bringing back the fun of paint-by-numbers to the pet world. You can easily create a masterpiece painting of your pet with Amy's "Easy 1-2-3 Art" system. You'll start by uploading a picture to her website.
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Bite size snacks of Animal Radio

1285. 'Sally Forth' Writer Francesco Marciuliano Transcribes Cat's Poetry - "I Can Pee On This"

Francesco Marciuliano is on Animal RadioI Could Pee On This
Our special guest is Francesco Marciuliano. He's the author of the Sally Forth comic strip that runs in over 700 newspapers and a series of pet poetry books that he says he transcribed from his cat. Not bad for a kid with a "Bucket List" at ten years old. You'll laugh until you hurt!
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$1 Million Lawsuit Over Dog That Was Supposed to Euthanized
The story of the vet in Fort Worth, Texas, who is charged with keeping several dogs alive who were supposed to be euthanized so they could be used as blood donors, keeps getting more unbelievable. The clinic has been shut down while it is being investigated for animal cruelty and faces a $1 million lawsuit.
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Cuddle Clones on Animal Radio
Stuffed Pet Look-a-likes
Jennifer Graham has a pretty cool business. She makes customized stuffed animals that look just like your pet. You'll submit front and side-view pictures of your furry companion. Eight weeks later, the UPS man will deliver a stuffed version of the family pet.
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Panda Dogs on Animal RadioThere's Panda-Monium in China
There is panda-monium going on in pet shops all over China. Dogs that look like the country's prized pandas are all the rage. It takes about two hours to turn a dog into a panda, and the look will last for about six weeks before it is time for a touch-up.
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IKEA Helps Homeless Animals In Showrooms
The showrooms of two IKEA stores currently feature life-sized cardboard cutouts of shelter dogs available for adoption. Shoppers interested in the dogs can scan their unique QR codes to learn more about them.
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Bite size snacks of Animal Radio

1284. Being A Vet Saved Her Life - How Far Would You Go To Save Your Pet's Life?

Dr Sarah Boston on Animal Radio®Being A Vet Saved Her Life
When Veterinarian Dr. Sarah Boston noticed a lump on her body, she insisted that it was cancerous, even though other doctors said no. She did an ultrasound at her office and validated her worst fear. The lump was removed, and she is now cancer-free.
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What Would You Do For Your Dog?
When this week's Hero Person found out his pup had Ventricular Tachycardia, a rare condition where a dog has a rapidly fast and sometimes irregular heartbeat, Scott Clare drove almost 5,000 miles and spent over $10,000 to treat Buck-O.
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Bit 100,000 Times
Brian Barczyk is back on Animal RadioBrian Barczyk had 30,000 snakes at home. Yes, he was bitten 100,000 times. And yes, the ladies dig it! While Brian told people he breeds snakes, he actually said he cleaned snake poop for a living! He ran one of the world's largest snake breeding facilities and hatched over 30,000 baby snakes a year! They sold to beginner hobbyists and advanced collectors. They had snakes as cheap as $25 all the way up to $125,000 a piece.
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Removing Sap
Animal Radio Dogfather Joey Villani has several foolproof ways to get tree sap out of your dog's hair and that hard-to-get-to spot between their pads. No need to cut out the hair if you use the right stuff.
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1283. Skunk Explosion - FDA Calls Out Tear Stain Remover Manufacturers

Skunk Talk on Animal Radio®Skunk Explosion
Skunk researcher Christopher Kemp joins us. He's from England, and they don't have skunks in Europe. Ironically, Pepe' le pew is from the Americas. But the most important thing you'll learn is that tomato Juice doesn't remove the smell. Christopher will unlock the true secret to remove the stink and some other interesting facts about the mostly misunderstood critter.
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Small Town Hero
This week's Hero Person is making a big difference in a small town. Businessman Barry Kives is paying the adoption fees on 60 pets in his local shelter. Thinking Globally. Acting Locally. Do you know someone that should be nominated for our Hero Person of the Week? Send us an email to:
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Tear Stain Remover Under Fire from FDATrouble For Tear Stain Removers
The top makers of tear-stain removers are being called to the carpet by the FDA. The administration says these products are not FDA-approved and may have harmful side effects on your pets. Animal Radio News Director Tammy Trujillo reports on the investigation.
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Panda Faking It?
A Panda in China was about to give birth on live TV until handlers found out she wasn't pregnant. Researchers suspect the Panda may have faked her pregnancy to get some of the lush accommodations and plentiful food offered to the expecting Pandas.
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Also this week, Tail Docking - Nail Trimming - Dressing Up Your Dog

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1282. Bestselling Author Dean Koontz Bought His Dog A Typewriter

Dean Koontz and Anna are back on Animal RadioDean Koontz is Back
Award-winning, best-selling author Dean Koontz returns to Animal Radio airwaves to tell us the story about his dog, Anna. According to Dean, Anna purchased a computer and started answering advice emails. Tune in to hear the rest of the story.
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Dog Food Advisor
Dr. Mike Sagman was a dentist until he gave that up to create an unbiased website that reviews every pet food on the market. Nobody is in his pockets...although they try. He's here to tell us how pet food manufacturers deceptively use loopholes to make their labels read better. Find out how your food stacks up.
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John Bradshaw is back on Animal RadioCat Sense
John Bradshaw is arguably the top expert on cats. He's back to dispel myths and tell us what happens inside our kitties' heads. For instance, did you know cats can hear very low and very high frequencies? While cats can't see in the dark, they can see only a few colors well in dimly lit areas.
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AVMA-CDC on Ebola and Our Pets
Dr. Doug Aspros from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have teamed up to bring you the latest information on the Ebola virus and your pet. Is your pet vulnerable? Probably not. There are real risks you should worry about. Many thousands of people died last year from Rabies alone.
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Sarah Timms is on Animal Radio
Pet Crowd-funding
This week's Hero Person created a crowd-funding website similar to Kickstarter to help pay for much-needed pet projects. Whether funding surgery or feeding homeless animals, Sarah Timms wants to use modern fundraising techniques to help pets live happy and healthy lives.
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1281. Helping Pet Owners Afford Life-Saving Procedures - Alison Eastwood Talks Chimps

Alison Eastwood is back on Animal RadioEastwood Is Back
The daughter of Clint Eastwood, Alison Eastwood is back for more fun! She's crowd-funding to raise money for Chimp Haven, the home of 110 research chimps purposely infected with HIV and Hep C.
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Financial Help For Procedures
Our Hero Person this week created the Brown Dog Foundation to help pet owners afford life-saving surgeries and procedures for their pets.
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Bringing Pets Into The Classroom
The 501c3 APPA (American Pet Products Association) is riding high on its viral Pets Add Life campaign. APPA President Bob Vetere says teaching compassion for animals in the classroom creates adults who respect and love pets and people.
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Hawaii Pet Quarantine Under InvestigationHawaiian Quarantine
If you plan to take your pet to Hawaii, you might want to rethink your strategy. A dog that was put in the mandatory 120-day quarantine suffered heat stroke. Now, the owner is demanding an investigation of the quarantine center.
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Would You Use A Shock Collar On Your Dog?
That question is getting lots of interest lately. Researchers suggest that collars can cause physical and emotional harm to dogs.
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1280. Is Your Dog An Optimist Or A Pessimist?

Mike Arms is our Hero PersonMike Arms Talks About How A Near-Death Experience Changed Everything.
Our Hero Person this week has been serving animals for decades since a near-death experience changed how he viewed our furry friends. Mike Arms is the Top Dog at the Helen Woodward Center in San Diego and he's no stranger to Animal Radio® airwaves.
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Is Your Pup An Optimist Or A Pessimist?
Researchers say that dogs, like people, can be optimistic or pessimistic. This information could dictate whether certain dogs are cut out for certain jobs. A pessimistic dog that avoids risks would be better as a guide dog, while an optimistic, persistent dog would be more suited to detecting drugs or explosives.
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Free animal with pizzaFree Animal With Purchase of Pizza
A Pizza Hut in Australia has apologized for offering a 'free small animal' with the purchase of 10 large pizzas. The deal was offered in connection with a local pet store. The corporate office at Pizza Hut says the promotion was not approved, and no animals were given away.
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GPS Microchip
Karen Zaxton's mom has no technical skills, but she devised a great idea to combine the microchip with a GPS locator. Not until now has the battery technology been available for powering a rice-sized chip.
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Fixing Litter Box Issues
Building The Perfect Litter Box
Dr. Debbie tackles litter-box problems every day. She has a winning record! She'll explain why cats don't use them and how to solve inappropriate elimination issues.
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1279. Pet Deaths Highlight Need For Regulation Of $6 Billion Grooming Industry.

Joey Villani legislates for Groomer RegulationGroomer Certification
Several high-profile recent pet deaths highlight the possible need for government regulation of the over $6 billion pet grooming industry. Our very own "Dogfather," Joey Villani is spearheading the move towards regulation for the pet grooming industry.
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The Cost of Pet Ownership
The first year of being a pet parent to a cat will cost about $1,035, and for a dog, that number is $1,843, as estimated by the ASPCA. The estimates seem somewhat conservative by Animal Radio's standards.
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The Wealthiest Pets In The World
One hundred million dollar cat and ownerJust like people, there are some really wealthy pets in the world! The richest of them is probably not a shock to you – it's the long-deceased "Grumpy Cat!" Grumpy's owner has made over 100 million dollars for appearances, modeling, book deals, and ads. That's a larger net worth than Cameron Diaz or Jamie Foxx. Also on the list is "Moose" the Jack Russell who starred as "Eddie" on Frasier, "Keiko" the killer whale, "Rin Tin Tin," the dogs who starred as "Lassie" and Virgin America spokes-dog "Boo."
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Smart Pigs
Pigs are smarter thn dogs and some chimpsAccording to Dr. Lori Marino, new research shows that pigs are smart as, if not smarter than, chimpanzees and dogs. The often lowly regarded swine may even have self-awareness, something our companion animals don't understand.
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What Vaccines Does My Pet Really Need?
Doc Halligan has the 411 on pet vaccines. Can they cause cancer? Are they really necessary? Is there a way to tell if your pet needs them or can skip them? Why are the pharmaceuticals only testing for one year?
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1278. Actress Elaine Hendrix Guests - Scammer Offers to Find Lost Pets for a Fee

Actress Elaine Hendrix is on Animal RadioElaine Hendrix Guests
From the FX television show, Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll, we are thrilled to have the passionate animal advocate, Elaine Hendrix, is Animal Radio's special guest this week. During the day, she's an actress; during the evenings, she's dedicated to raising awareness for animal welfare, a cause close to her heart.
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Learning CPR for Your Pet
Melanie Monteiro just released an incredible 3-hour online course to educate pet guardians about CPR and other emergency care. Covering everything from bloat to car accidents, she'll teach you what you need to know to save your pet's life!
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Vetting Your Groomer
Joey Villani is on Animal RadioAnimal Radio's "Dogfather" Joey Villani is on the cutting edge of legislation to regulate the pet-grooming industry. Until laws are in effect, he wants you to know how to tell a good groomer from bad. He'll tell you what red flags to look out for.
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Scammer Offers to Find Lost Pets for a Fee
Pets FBI Ohio and its 50 volunteers, which reunite lost pets with their owners, are having trouble solving a case where a scammer is taking advantage of worried pet parents. Be warned that his individual calls people who have lost a pet and says he will help find the pet. He claims he's with Pet FBI Ohio.
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Canine Carry Outs HoaxCanine Carry-Outs Falls Prey To Hoax
Viral Internet stories claiming that the pet food treat "Canine Carry-Outs" has the same ingredients as anti-freeze are simply erroneous. Dr. Debbie explains the hoax to curious listeners.
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1277. Bikers Against Animal Cruelty - How Serious is the Canine Flu?

Bikers Angainst Animal CrueltyBikers Against Animal Cruelty
This week's Hero Person is a whole bunch of people. We applaud the motorcycle riders who came together to fight animal abuse wherever it rears its ugly head. Greg Belcher tells us the story behind the biker club.
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How Serious is the Canine Flu?
It appears this year will be one of the biggest for canine flu. Many Chicago pet events, including the Annual Bark in the Park, have been canceled because this is ground zero. Some dog parks have posted signs warning dog guardians that they are entering at their own risk if their dogs have not been vaccinated. According to reports, more than 1,300 dogs have been affected by the disease in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. At least six of the dogs have died. AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) spokesperson Dr. Douglas Aspros has the information you need to keep your pet safe and healthy.
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Guinnevere Shuster PicsFun Pictures Find Pets Homes
The Humane Society of Utah has teamed up with photographer Guinnevere Shuster to come up with a better way and it worked. She put dogs in a photo booth and let the shutter fly. The pictures turned out to be amazing and really showed off the individual dog's personalities. In fact, all the dogs in the shoot were almost immediately adopted.
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New Pet Product Special
Animal Radio's New Pet Product Special concludes this week. We're giving away our #1 pick, an Arlo Wireless Pet Monitor Camera to help you keep an eye on your critter from your phone or any computer. Phil Pyo shows off this amazing new technology.
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1276. What's It Like To Train Dogs For Hollywood Stage And Screen?

Teresa Ann Miller is on Animal RadioGone Hollywood
Second-generation Hollywood dog trainer Teresa Ann Miller has trained the dogs and other animals you see in movies and TV. She was brought up on-the-set while her dad worked on such notables as The Beverly Hillbillies and Petticoat Junction. She shares her captivating stories about the animal stars of the stage and screen.
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Teaching Police How To Deal With Dogs
Utah's police department is the latest to add a program to its police academy to teach cadets how to deal with pet dogs. The program was championed by Sean Kendall, whose Weimaraner Geist was shot and killed by a police officer after coming into the dog's backyard looking for a lost child.
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Special Menus For PetsSecret Menus For Pooches
It turns out that many well-known restaurants have secret menus that cater to your pooch. You do need to make sure that your pet can handle some human-ish food before you order. For example, Starbucks will serve up a Puppuccinno. It's a small cup filled with whipped cream. Dairy Queen's Pup Cup is a little bit of vanilla soft serve, topped with a dog treat. If you're on the West Coast, there's In-N-Out where you can order a Pup Patty.
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New Pet Product Special Week 2
Animal Radio's New Pet Product Special is underway. We're featuring the latest in cutting-edge technology for your pets. We have giveaways for you! Dr. Roger Mugford is back to claim our number-two pick for this year, the Green Interactive Feeder. This gadget will slow your dog down during dinnertime, preventing upset and bloat.
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Pet Sector Exceeds 60 Billion
Top Dog at the American Pet Products Association, Bob Vetere is back to explain why the pet industry is exploding and how we spent $60 Billion. It should come as no surprise that pet-food comprises one-third.
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1275. Pet CSI Nabs Murderer - Kissing Your Dog Could Be Healthy For You

Christina Lindquist Pet CSIPet CSI
Christina Lindquist is a forensic investigator. She uses evidence from animals, usually dogs and cats, to nab the bad guy. You'll hear about a murderer that was busted when he stepped in dog-poop and a rapist that was tied to the crime when a dog urinated on his car tires.
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Kissing Your Dog Could Be Healthy For You.
After several studies saying that kissing your dog could expose you to some unhealthy things comes a study that says "Go ahead and kiss that dog!"  Researchers think that the microbes contained in a dog's gut could have a probiotic effect on the human body, encouraging the growth of positive microorganisms.
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Chris Morgan is on Animal RadioAnimal Homes
Imagine if you cross HGTV with Animal Planet. You'll get the PBS special Animal Homes. Host Chris Morgan joins us and explains how some animals build their homes bigger and better and shinier to attract the opposite sex.
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Would You Adopt Justin Bieber or Kim Kardashian?
Dallas Pets Alive has started naming their adoptable animals with popular online search terms to increase their exposure by having them pop up more often in trending news feeds.
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Is Dog Renting A Good Idea?
Japan Pet RentalIn Tokyo, they've come up with a pretty cool idea. It's called Dog Heart and you can actually rent a dog for a few hours. You can just hang out at their facility or take the dog out for a walk around the neighborhood or maybe to the park. A half-hour of playtime costs about $8 US and taking the dog for a walk for an hour runs about $30. It's becoming very popular. But the Japanese Coalition for Animal Welfare has some valid worries.
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1274. What Our Dogs Do When We're Gone

Mike the Intern and GuinnessWhat Happens When You Leave?
Most of us wonder what our dog does when we leave the house. Most imagine that they'll curl up and sleep until we return. Mike the Intern put a GoPro Video Camera on his dog, "Guinness." What he saw when he reviewed the video went viral on YouTube. He's our guest and he'll explain the inspiration behind his experiment.
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Gentle Giants
This week's Hero Person rescues large breed dogs. These are often the last at the shelter and have nowhere to go. Candace Bright devotes a lot of time and her paycheck from waitressing to make sure these big dogs are taken care of.
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Practical Uses For Muzzles
Dr. Roger Mugsford on Animal RadioCompany of Animals' Dr. Roger Mugford joins us from "across the pond" to explain why Europeans embrace the muzzle more than U.S. pet owners. Perhaps it's time to change the way we think about these tools.
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Bad Breath
Did you know your dog's stinky breath could be because of dental disease? And did you know dental disease could affect your pet's organs and be fatal? Find out why your friend's breath makes you tear.
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Canine Motion SicknessCanine Motion Sickness
It's a more common question than you might think. Can our pets get car-sickness? Just like us, our dogs can get dizzy and throw-up. But determining whether it's a genuine sickness or just a phobia of traveling can be difficult. Dr. Debbie has answers.
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1273. This Week's Hero Person Stops Highway Traffic To Save Kitten

Cat Abandoned on FreewayFreeway Kitten
Our Hero Person segment features the heartwarming story about a kitten that was abandoned on a highway and rescued by Keri Lamar. She was driving when all of a sudden a kitten flew by hear windshield. Keri tells the rest of the story.
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Basic Training Tools
Every dog owner should have several basic training tools. Founder of the Animal Behavior Centre and inventor of the Halti, Dr. Roger Mugford will be explaining what you need to train your dog to sit, stay and come.
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Aussie Family Travels Across America Washing DogsBathe To Save
Australian Anthony Amos has loaded his large family in an RV. He's towing a giant fiberglass blue dog. Inside the eye-catching vehicle is a shampoo and grooming facility. He's setting course to cross the U.S. washing 25,000 dogs with 100% of the proceeds going to local shelters.
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How to Choose A Couch with Your Pet In Mind
As an animal lover you've probably spent hours contemplating the fabric of your next sofa. Consider how their hair shows up on the upholstery as well as whether it will embed itself in the weave and be difficult to clean. Consider how the fabric will react to their nails, and, you'll want to make sure you choose a fabric that is fairly easy to clean off the drool marks and paw prints.
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Lady Gaga Working on Line Of Pet Products
Lady Gaga showed us her talents clearly go beyond music and outlandish outfits. Animal Radio hears she is working on a line of pet products inspired by her dog Asia. Gaga will be the artistic director for the canine collection, which will feature pet clothing and accessories, toys and food bowls. Perhaps she'll create an outfit of meat that will double as a treat? Probably not.
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1272. Selling And Buying Pet Friendly Homes

Pet Friendly Real EstateTips for Selling Your Pet-Friendly Home
Chicago Realtor Jason Feldman specializes in selling homes to and for pet-owners. If you're trying to sell your home after many years of "pet-life," he'll have tips for making it more appealing to the buyer. He says sometimes pet-owners become immune to the smell, so it's advisable to bring in a third party to assess the situation.
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Accessorizing Your Pet
Joey Villani (The Dogfather) reviews the last grooming trade show and the strange accessories including fake eyelashes for your dog, fingernail polish and wigs. Some might think this is for the hardened pet lover who may be just a little nutty for their pet. And they're probably right.
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Guy Makes Bed Big Enough For Pets TooCouple Makes Extra Large Bed for Themselves AND Their Pets
Have you ever known an animal that didn't want to sleep in the bed with you? Neither do we. So how lucky are this couple's five cats and two dogs? They made a gigantic 11-foot wide bed that takes up most of their bedroom, but is big enough to share with all of their pets!
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Another County Bans Puppy Mill Sales at Pet Stores
Camden County, New Jersey has voted unanimously to prohibit pet stores from selling animals from puppy mills. The representatives say they are standing up for animals of their county and want to ensure no one is profiting off the inhumane treatment of puppy mills. Several other counties and towns have inquired about the legislation and enacting it in their areas.
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Infants and DogsInfants Exposed To Pets Have Less Allergies
A study has found that, infants who share a home with furry pets were found to share some of the animals' gut bacteria - which might possibly explain why exposing children to animals early in life may protect kids against some allergies.
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1271. Pet Food Companies Are Feeding You Lies - The Pet FBI Visits Animal Radio

Susan Thixton is on Animal RadioCrimes and Lies Against You
Every time you enter the pet food aisle, manufacturers are vying for your patronage and their share of the 21 BILLION dollar pet-food sector. They will do just about anything to get your business, except make a truly human edible food. No wonder, only four companies account for 67% of the marketplace. Susan Thixton will tell you the lies the pet-food companies want you to believe.
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Pets Make Us Happier, Richer & Healthier
Blue Cross pet charity conducted a survey of pet owners and found that they tend to earn nearly $5,000 a year more than those without an animal and are more likely to work full time. They are also happier in general, spend more time with their families and have jobs they enjoy. Lori Brooks reports on this new research and has some illuminating results.
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Cat Survives Two Months in Mattress
Cat Survives 2-Month Move In Mattress
Moosie a 2-year-old gray tabby cat has been reunited with his family after he miraculously survived a two-month journey trapped inside a mattress when his owners moved from Texas to Alaska. A moving company left with the military families belongings while the family stayed behind and spent three more days in Texas searching for Moosie. Turns out, Moosie was already en route to Alaska— inside a futon mattress.
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Harnessing the power of the Internet for good, Maresa Fanelli pioneered the pet lost and found database for Columbus, Ohio in 1998. Today she's the driving force behind Pets Found By Internet, reuniting lost animals all across America. She explains how it works and families she's reunited.
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1270. Links Between Cats and Human Schizophrenia - Baseball Legend Steve Garvey Guests

Steve Garvey and Dodger Dog on Animal RadioSteve Garvey Guests
Legendary first baseman Steve Garvey is back for his third time to explain his relationship with his 140 pound Rottweiler, among other things. Steve is now working closely to help the Lucy Pet Foundation score a home run. He won't be talking politics!
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Using Cats to Fight Cancer
Everybody loves cat videos. Rachel Gitlin figures that her creation, Cats vs. Cancer, will use the power of cat videos to raise money, through advertising, to help assist in the fight against human cancer. She'll explain the model and tell you how you can help too.
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Pet Law
Attorney Debra Hamilton gave up practicing litigation law to focus on the animals. As a mediator, she negotiates peaceful resolutions to pet-related discourse. Besides the obvious, divorce and pet-custody issues, she also deals with bad breeders and pet trusts.
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Links Between Cats and Human Schizophrenia
Looking for a link to help explain mental illness, new research shows that growing up with a family cat is a commonality among people who develop schizophrenia.
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Adjoining PlotsGermans Allows Adjoining Cemetery Plots and Urns
The German Cemetery Association is offering pets and people adjoining urn spaces. The cost is between $1,100-1,600. Although the ashes of pet owners and their animals will now have the chance to sit side by side, cremations are still legally required to be carried out separately.
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Dogs Help Mourners At Funeral Homes
Dogs are used in all kinds of ways to help humans feel better, emotionally. Funeral directors say dogs, especially trained therapy animals, can lighten the often awkward, tense atmosphere at a wake or funeral service and sometimes seem to know exactly who needs their help.
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1269. Our Hero Saved A Drowning Bear - 5 Must Know Things About Your Dog

Adam Warwick Saves Drowning BearOur Hero Saved 400 lb. Drowning Bear
What would drive Adam Warwick to jump in alligator filled waters to save a bear that was drowning? Adam is our special guest this week and he tells an adrenaline filled rescue story. When he's done telling you what he did for this bear, you'll ask yourself if you would've done the same thing.
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5 Must Know Things About Your Dog
Pet World Insider Robert Semrow has done the research. He's come up with the 5 things you should definitely know about your dog. Before you embark on training your favorite pooch, check out theses tips for training the untrained.
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What to Do With The Poo
Rose Seemann is the author of "The Pet Poo Pocket Guide" and our guest. She has some shocking realities about our pet's waste. There's more poo than we think accumulating in landfills and polluting our environment. She'll be using the gold standard of monumental measurement, the football field. And you'll need a lot of them to house all our pet's poo.
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Bri Bradley has a pet treat businessBuilding A Dog Treat Business
Bri Bradley is co-owner of a brand new dog treat business. What makes her business so different than the hundreds of other dog treats? She customizes the treats for your dog. You tell her what flavors, carbs, proteins and vegetables to put in and she'll bake them and deliver them right to your door.
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No Jerky Is Safe
It was thought that China was the source of the jerky that's making dogs sick across America. But new research shows that even US sourced jerky is a problem. The FDA is scratching their head. Nobody seems to exactly understand what part of the jerky is making animals sick. At this time, the best advice is to stay away from all jerky treats.
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Allergies for You and Your Pet
Did you know your pet can have a host of allergies this time of year? That might explain the itching, hair loss, and eye issues. Dr. Debbie will try to help you determine the source of your pet's allergies and how to resolve them.
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1268. A Deep-Dive Into The Service Dog Scene

A Flight Attendant's View of Service Animals
Heather PooleSince there is no real certification for service or emotional support animals, anything goes. Flight attendant Heather Poole is fed up with trying to make everybody happy. She questions the credibility of "emotional support" pigs, horses and monkeys. Yes, these are animals she's had the pleasure of accommodating on her LA-NY route.
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Airline Apologizes to PTSD Sufferer
Former U.S. Marine Eric Calley suffers from (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is quite thankful for his service dog, "Sun." Calley had a run-in with a US airline when they denied proper seating for his service dog and berated him with insults.
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Homeopathic Drugs Need Regulation
No matter how hyper your dog is, you would never give it an alcoholic drink to help it relax? You might have been doing just that if you used the product Good Dog made by Pet Organics. It turns out that among those 'natural ingredients' is 13% alcohol, about the same amount that is wine.
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Service Dog Evicted
Disabled Vet Evicted Over Unpaid Pet Fee
We've been seeing more and more stories about the fees landlords charge people who move in with pets. Now, an unpaid pet fee has resulted in a disabled Army Veteran and his service dog being evicted from a mobile home in Bandera, Texas. David Palasek refused to pay the pet fee, citing Section 504 of the Fair Housing Act that states service animals are not pets, so are not subject to a pet fee.
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1267. Former Navy Seal Helps Military Dogs Transition To Civilian Life

Michael Ritland is on Animal RadioDogs With PTSD
Former Navy Seal Michael Ritland created a non-profit to help military dogs transition to civilian life. Just like our human soldiers, dogs need help acclimating back into a normal environment. Small noises can cause extreme emotional distress in our enlisted canines.
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Unique Adoption Ideas
The Aloft Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina is helping the local shelter find homes for adoptable dogs with their unique program. So far they've found homes for almost two-dozen dogs. Wait until you hear how they're doing it.
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Renzo off forcePolice Dog Removed From Force
A Florida Police Dog is being kicked off the for for biting a Dunkin' Donuts worker in the calf. "Renzo" had been a police dog for about a year. This is his second bite incident.
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Jerky Treats Update
Most stores are no longer selling jerky pet treats made in China. The treats were connected to thousands of dogs getting sick and at more than one thousand deaths. But the FDA could never determine WHAT it was in the treats that were causing the issues. With the treats off the shelves, for the most part, the number of complaints to the FDA has gone down dramatically, but the agency says it still plans to continue it's investigation.
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1266. Flea Facts and Tick Talk - 8 1/2 Year Old Hero Of The Week

Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty BeckerFlea Facts and Tick Talk
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is back to help you keep your pets flea-less and tick-less. The good doctor has the ugly truth about how ticks infect you and your pet with a multitude of nasty viruses. And are fleas becoming resistant to spot-on preventatives?
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APPA Releases Pet Spending Figures
The American Pet Products Association (APPA) released the yearly numbers of dollars spent within the pet industry. APPA says we spent 58 BILLION in last year on 397 million pets, including everything from freshwater fish and reptiles to cats and dogs. We spend over 20 billion on pet-food alone. No wonder the business is so cutthroat as many compete for our dollars.
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Alyssa Carter is our Hero8 1/2 Year Old Hero
Our Hero Person this week lives in Johannesburg, South Africa and she's 8-and-a-half years old. Alyssa Carter parlayed her love for Rhinos into fundraising to keep them from being poached. So far, she has been able to raise $23,000 by selling candy and trinkets to schoolmates and family.
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To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate
Dr. Debbie teaches us all about the Titer test. The test determines the amount of antibodies in your pet, and ultimately if it is really necessary to vaccinate. She'll tell you why you should vaccinate and what types of animals should avoid vaccination altogether.
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Amtrak On Track To Become Pet Friendly
Amtrak is one step closer to becoming pet friendly. The House of Representatives has approved 8 billion in funding for a pilot program for people traveling with pets. At least one car per train would allow pets in kennels as long as they meet size requirements. The bill now goes to the Senate and then to the White House, where it reportedly is being supported.
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1265. Quit Your Crappy Job At Work With The Animals

Jane Migdal is on Animal RadioQuit Your Crappy Job
If you've ever thought of quitting your job to work in the pet industry, you'll should hear this week's guest. Jamie Migdal created a website to match you with the perfect pet-related job. From Dog-walking to Marketing, the jobs pay quite well.
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Sewer Trolling Hero
This week's Hero Person definitely goes above and beyond for animals. His latest rescue was a small Chihuahua dumped into a sewer. Dusty Showers probably needed a few showers after crawling through raw sewage to find this pup that everyone else had given up on. This isn't his first heroic stunt. Besides the long list of animals he has rescued, Dusty also rode his bike across the country to raise funds for Cancer research.
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Owner and Dog Receive Similar Pacemakers
Dog and Owner share pacemakerCatherine Pipon was diagnosed with a condition known as heart block. Doctors inserted a pacemaker. Recently, her five-year-old Cairn Terrier Molly was diagnosed with the same condition. Catherine spent over $5,000 to get a pacemaker for the dog. The pacemakers are nearly identical and their conditions are so similar that Catherine and Molly share the same doctor Jersey General Hospital. Molly goes in after hours, so other patients don't get upset that a dog is being seen at a people hospital.
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1264. Do Synthetically Produced Pheromones Calm Pets?

Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty BeckerBetter Living Through Pheromones
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is back with the scoop on pheromones. Can the synthetically produced smell be helpful in calming cats and dogs, or is it a waste of money?
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Pedigree vs. Mutt
It's long been thought that mutts are much healthier, both mentally and physically, than those pure bred for pedigree. While there may be some truth to this, it is not always the case. Author Michael Brandow describes how the quest for status has harmed man's best friend.
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Man Finds Dog 18 Months Later
Richard Brower's German Shepherd, Dozer, was stolen 18 months ago. He looked everywhere. After a year-a-half, Richard decided to share his home with a new dog. He did an online search for 'German Shepherds for sale,' which led him to the local animal rescue and right there was Dozer on the front page.
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Therapy DucksTherapy Ducks?
Former Ohio National Guardsman Darin Welker uses ducks to treat his PTSD. The town council says he hasn't presented enough evidence that the ducks serve a medical need and that he would face imminent harm without them.
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Zombie Cat in Custody Battle
Last week, we had the story of Bart the cat that was hit by a car and buried but was actually still alive. Bart dug his way out and made it to his neighbors yard. Bart is now officially, and fondly known, as the Zombie Cat. If you think his story couldn't get stranger, think again.
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1263. Actress Tippi Hedren Talks About The Lions, Tigers And Ligers That Share Her Home.
Melanie Griffith with Lion NeilJust Say No To Big Cats
Actress Tippi Hedren (The Birds) is back to talk about the big cats at her sanctuary and legislation to stop the breeding of lions and tigers. She comes clean about her daughter's (actress Melanie Griffith) relationship with "Neil" the lion.
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Pets Can Give You A Tax Break
If you foster an animal, you can deduct some of the associated costs. Things like vet bills, food, grooming; they qualify as charitable donations, which are deductible up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. But once, you officially adopt the animal, that animal is no longer considered a foster, so you will lose the deductions.
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Saving Elephants
This week's Hero Person is rescuing elephants from circuses and zoos. Often mistreated, the gentle giants are exploited for our entertainment. Scott Blais, co-founder of an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee, Skypes with us from Brazil, where he is currently rescuing 50 elephants.
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No more pierced cats
Body Art Is Not For Animals
It will soon be a crime throughout New York State to pierce or tattoo a companion animal. There is an exception for markings one under a veterinarian's supervision. The laws were prompted by people showing off what they did to their animals on the Internet, including a woman who was piercing kittens and selling them as 'gothic.'
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Pet Owners Get Emotional Distress Award in Death of Pet
The Maryland Court of Appeals has ruled that a jury can award damages to pet owners for the emotional distress they suffer following the injury or death of a beloved animal due to gross negligence. The Court let stand a $200,000 award to Roger and Sandra Jenkins. Their Labrador retriever was shot and killed by a Frederick County sheriff's deputy.
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1262. Actress Kim Sill's Pet Project

Kim Sill is on Animal RadioGenius Idea For Shelter Pets
Actress Kim Sill is back to tell us about her latest project. She's putting adoption stores inside malls. Kim is saving hundreds of death row cats, dogs and bunnies by changing their adoption venue to the more appealing atmosphere.
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Valentine Dangers
While you may not associate Valentine's Day with pet dangers, Doc Halligan from the Lucy Pet Foundation thinks you should be extra cautious. She see more animals the day after Valentines (only third after Christmas and Halloween), usually because pets swallow something they shouldn't have.
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Using dogs to cure cancerUsing Dogs To Treat Cancer
Author Arlene Weintraub explains how vital the roles of dogs are in the search for a cure for cancer. Veterinarians and Oncologists are working together to discover new treatments for Cancer.
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Few Pet Friendly Rentals in Los Angeles
Have you ever searched for a home or apartment to rent that allowed you to have pets? Yes, it's nearly impossible to find in Los Angeles where 62% of the rental units do not accept pets. Now, the LA City Council has voted to make some changes in hopes of making landlords more open to accepting pets at their properties.
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15 year old 3 legged dog save family twice15-Year-Old, 3-Legged Dog Saves Family - Twice
A small, 15-year-old, three-legged dog might not seem like much of a threat, but this dog took a bullet for his family in Wisconsin and saved them from a man who had broken into their home and attempted to rob them. A bullet grazed the top of the dog's head and became lodged in his neck.
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1261. Making Clothing Out Of Roadkill

Road-kill Clothing
Pamela Paquin makes clothing out of RoadkillPamela Paquin is an "ethical designer." She collects road-kill to turn into "Petite Mort," or stoles, collars and coats. The average price is $1000 for one of her creations. Many of her clients are upscale and affluent. Pamela says this is a tribute to the animals.
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Petco Stops Selling Treats From China
Petco has kept it promise and removed all dog and cat threats made in China from the shelves of it stores nationwide. Last May, the chain became the first national pet retailer to say it would stop selling the treats after reports began showing up Chinese-made treats were making animals sick, and worse. The move includes pet treats made for the Petco Brand 'unleashed' and those sold online.
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Top Dog Names
Next time you go to the Dog Park, you're likely going to hear someone calling for Max or Bella. Those are the top two names bestowed on puppies in 2023. says other popular names for boy dogs after Max were Charlie, Rocky, Buddy and Cooper. says there was a 37% increase in food-themed names like Coconut, Ginger, Kale, Peanut, Guinness, Vino, Mochi and Whiskey.
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Orly Sedransk is our Hero Person
Young Heroes
This week's Hero Person is 9-year-old Orly Sedransk. After a visit to her local shelter, she was moved to do something to make a difference. Through a 50/50 raffle, she was able to raise enough money to help the municipal shelter purchase cages to hold cats.
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Pet Food Stamps Program Shuts Down
When Pet Food Stamps, Inc. was formed, it got attention from all over, including being featured on CNN, CBS, ABC and Animal Radio. Founder Marc Okon raised $65,000, enough to handle the nearly 200,000 people who'd asked for help. He resigned last April, saying he was overwhelmed with applications and closed the program.
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1260. Experts Now Say "You Should Sleep With Your Pets."

Emotional Support AnimalEmotional Support Animals
Often confused, there is a major difference between Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals. Lori Brooks has the lowdown on what this means for you and your Emotional Support Tarantula. Yes, he'll be able to get on a plane, but he may be legally turned away from your favorite restaurant.
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Stolen pets are on the rise. It doesn't matter what breed you have. An estimated two million pets were stolen last year in the United States. That's up 32% according to the American Kennel Club. And the number of actual dogs stolen could be potentially much greater. You need to be extra careful with your furry-family or they might end up in the ugly under-belly of human nature.
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Pets in bed okayWelcome the Pets in Bed
Many experts say "keep the pets out of the bed." But a recent study from the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona could change some minds. Researchers surveyed 150 sleep center patients and found that more than half of pet owners allowed their pets to sleep in the bedroom. One out of five described their pets as disruptive, but 41% said their pets were quiet and even beneficial to their nightly sleep.
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Zika Virus and Animals
The big question this week is about the Zika Virus - and if our pets can be affected. While there is no evidence yet that they can carry it or transmit it, the relevant question is if they can be sickened by it.
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1259. Can Pets Commit Suicide? Animal Behaviorist Dr. Nicholas Dodman Shares His Research.

Cat Head PerfumeCan Pets Commit Suicide?
Dr. Nicholas Dodman (Program Director for the Animal Behavior Department at Tufts) researched several alleged cases of pet suicide to see if it's possible. He's here to report on his findings and to answer the provocative question.
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Laws to Protect Pets Left Out in the Cold
While many states mandate that pets are not allowed to be kept outdoors in extreme weather for extended periods of time without insulated housing, others barely consider hypothermia deaths to be animal cruelty. Fortunately, some states and local governments are now enforcing harsher punishments for people who allow their pets to perish in weather extremes like the recent blizzard on the east coast.
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Cat Head PerfumeGet the Smell of Fresh Cat Head in a Bottle
Do you think the back of your cat's heads smells wonderful? A Japanese company has researched that scent, recreated it, and is now bottling it. The head of Yamamoto Perfumery spent four months doing research, sniffing many cat's heads to replicate the smell. The result? Fluffy Brow Scented Fabric Water. It can be sprayed on fabrics or anything to give them a lovely cat-head smell. A bottle sells for 1,200 yen or about $10 each.
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Cold Weather Tips
Doc Halligan and Dogfather Joey Villani have incredible tips for helping your furry-friends through the winter. Everything from their coat to their diet change when the weather gets frigid.
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Cat House on the KingsWoman Has 1000 Cats
A woman in California has 1,000 cats. But she's no hoarder. Lattanzi runs Cat House on the Kings, the largest cat sanctuary in the country. It all started when she volunteered to bottle feed kittens for a rescue back 25 years ago. Today Cat House on the Kings has 45 paid personnel who help to care for the cats and maintain the property including a veterinarian and seven vet techs are also part of the team.
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1258. The Dog Food Dude Says "Share Your Food With Your Dog"

Dog Food Dude Rick Woodford is on Animal RadioShare Your Food With Your Dog
The "Dog Food Dude," Rick Woodford is back. He says you should share your food with your dog. But doesn't that go against everything we've been taught about proper nutrition? No, not if you're doing it right.
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New York May Be First State to Ban De-clawing
If Linda Rosenthal has her way; New York will be the first state to make it illegal to declaw a cat. The Manhattan assemblywoman has introduced a bill to ban the controversial procedure sometimes called de-knuckling because it's actually the entire knuckle, which is the last bone in the cat's toe that is removed. Declawing of cats is already banned in many countries, including Australia, India, Spain and the United Kingdom, as well as seven cities in California, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.
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Bow Wow DoghousesThe Comeback of the Doghouse
Ask most pet owners and they'll tell you their dog sleeps in bed with them. The days of the doghouse seem to have all but disappeared. But Larry Hobbs has a booming business making high-end Eco-friendly doghouses. He'll explain why.
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UK's Dogs Must Be Microchipped
Beginning in April, all dogs in England, Scotland & Wales will have to be microchipped with their owners' details registered and kept up to date in huge database to encourage "responsible pet ownership." To help people get it done, Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, is offering free microchipping. It's hoped that "Compulsory microchipping will help reduce the number of lost and abandoned dogs and it will allow authorities to directly identify dog owners and hold them accountable for their dogs' behavior and welfare.
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Dog loses 100 pounds
Dog Loses 100-pounds
At the beginning of a new year, everyone makes a resolution to lose weight. Well, Buddy the dog has a jump on all of us after losing more than 100 pounds. Buddy the 180-pound, 6-year-old, morbidly obese Australian Shepherd spent the last 9 months dieting and now weighs 71 lbs. He lost so much weight that he underwent skin removal surgery.
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1257. Is Dog Blood Different Than Cat Or Human Blood?

Where does pet blood come fromPet Blood Banks
Nicole Humphries runs a blood bank for companion animals. She'll answer the itching question, is dog's blood different than cat's, or is a German Shepard's blood different than a Pug's? And where does all this blood come from? You never see a pet blood-mobile in the neighborhood.
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Cat Escapes Carrier on Delta Flight
A mischievous cat escaped its carrier on board a Delta flight last week and to the horror of a cat fearing flight attendant, the cat roamed free in the cabin. Of course, someone caught the incident on video and it had some comical moments. The poor cat's owner fell asleep with headphones on and somehow it managed to get out of the carrier.
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The high cost of cancer treatmentThe Rising Cost of Cancer Treatment
For owners of dogs and cats stricken with cancer, expensive treatments only adds to the emotional difficulties. Just the initial cancer diagnosis can cost $2,000. A standard course of chemotherapy costs between $3,000 and $5,000. A bone marrow transplant costs between $16,000 and $25,000 and the cure rate is only about 33%. These aren't just wealthy people. Some used their life savings, and even refinanced their houses to pay for the treatments.
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It's a Crime To Insult The King's Dog
Some really strict new laws there now make it a crime to insult the Thailand monarchy and now a factory worker could go to jail for 37 years for making disparaging posts on Facebook about the king's dog. Turns out that the man was charged after making a "sarcastic" Facebook post about the dog. The 88-year-old ailing King rescued Copper from an alley and in 2002 he wrote a best selling book about her. She is so revered there that the media must address the dog as ma'am.
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1256. Bringing Pets Into Hospitals

Pets in the hospitalBringing Pets Into Hospitals
Donna Jenkins is pioneering a movement to allow visitation of patient's personal pets during long-term treatment. She formed Zachary's Paw For Healing after her son passed from a terminal disease. During his final hours he requested a visit from the family pet but didn't want to sneak the dog into the cancer treatment facility.
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Becker is Back
Did you get a pet for the holiday? Dr. Marty Becker is back with tips that every new puppy or kitten owner should know. These tips could save you a lot of grief.
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Michael Vick changes tuneMichael Vick Lobbies for Bill to Protect Pets
Former NFL quarterback Michael Vick got the celebrity treatment as he visited the Pennsylvania state Capitol last week to lobby for a bill to help protect cats and dogs from being left in unattended vehicles. Vick was a star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons when he plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges in 2007 for his role in a dog fighting ring and served nearly two years in prison. He claims to have been reformed and spoke on behalf of animals saying, "The bottom line is that all animals thrive (on) kindness and respect. They depend on us like our children depend on us."
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Tests Show No Safe Travel Seats
Two years ago, in a first of its kind crash test, the leading pet harnesses, which were trusted by owners, failed again and again. Now, the Center for Pet Safety is testing pet travel seats. So are there any safe pet seats? Really, the answer is No. The Director at the Center for Pet Safety says they "do not recommend pet seats at this time for pet owners" to use for their pets in cars.
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1255. Victoria Stilwell And The Secret Language of Dogs

Victoria Stilwell is on Animal RadioThe Secret Language of Dogs
Accomplished dog trainer Victoria Stilwell returns to Animal Radio airwaves to help us decode our dog's behavior. She'll tell us what some common dog gestures mean. New studies show our dogs are much smarter than we give them credit for. Do dogs feel guilt? They sure look guilty when you catch them doing something bad.
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Holiday Dangers for Pets
Pet World Insider Robert Semrow has his list of the Top 5 Holiday Traditions That Can Land Your Pet on the Naughty List. Make sure you listen carefully so that you won't end up at the Vet Clinic.
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Pet Gift Guide
Judy-Claus continues her countdown of the greatest pet and pet lover gifts for the holidays. These are inexpensive and invaluable toys and gadgets that have been tested by the Animal Radio pets. We'll have giveaways of every single item to help you fill-out your gift giving. This week we're featuring a new tool for fast-eating dogs that will slow them down and improve on their foraging skills. We'll also give away a toy that combines a ball with Emojis.
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Ripleys Big Eye Cat on Animal RadioRipley's Weird Animals
Edward Meyers is back for his yearly visit. He collects oddities for Ripley's and he'll be sharing his strange picks for animals that are a bit out of the ordinary, like the cat with BIG eyes and the dog that ate a round of gun ammunition.
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InsPurrational Posters for Cats
Mo Golden and Ross Cowman created a business of making motivational posters for cats. At first it was a novelty idea, but it turned into something truly beneficial for both cats and humans explains Ross.
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1254. Do You Sleep With Your Pets? You Need To Hear This.

Dog thrown from car on highwayHigh-Speed Rescue
Mario Chiozza is this week's Hero Person. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a dog tossed out of the car in front of him on Interstate 40. Despite the 55 mph. rush-hour traffic, he managed to capture the dog and save her. "Savior" is the catalyst for Mario's mission.
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Licensing Groomers
Animal Radio's very own Joey "Dogfather" Villani is behind legislation to protect your pet while they're at the groomer. Currently, anyone with a scissors can groom your pet. This bill would mandate certification and a license, just like your barber.
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Holiday Pet Tips
Dr. Kathy Hillestad is here to help make your holiday safe and fun for your pets. She has the details about good and bad foods and plants. This year, as Lithium batteries become more prevalent in devices, more animals are swallowing them.
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Do your pets sleep with you?Do You Sleep With Your Pets?
Research presented at the Sleep conference showed that 54% of pet guardians sleep with their pets and that 30% of those said they wake up at least once a night because of them. 63% said they have poor sleep quality. Some people though say they sleep better WITH their pets.
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Santa Sent Packing after Pit Bull Incident
An autistic 7-year-old girl and her service dog waited in line to see Santa at a SoCal Mall. Santa's elf told them they would not be allowed near Santa because the jolly man was afraid of Pit Bulls. The family complained and Santa was sent packing.
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1253. Study Says: Fat Pets = Fat Pet Parents

Actress Sylva Kelegian GuestsGOD Spelled Backwards
Actress Sylva Kelegian not only guests this week, but she is also our Hero Person. Changing focus from acting to animals, she's on a mission to reduce the homeless population in LA. She wrote a book about her journey.
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College Pet Therapy
There is not much out there to make taking college finals fun, but Iowa State University found a way to make them a bit less stressful. Pet therapy. ISU set up a room at the library where stressed out students could come in and spend some time playing and petting a group of dogs.
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Fat CatFat Pets - Fat Pet Parents
Chances are your New Years resolution has something to do with weight-loss. We should also be thinking about our pets too. They become very sedentary during the winter and putting on the pounds is not uncommon. Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker has a plan for you and your poochy-pet.
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Movers Packed The Cat
The Barths, were moving from Virginia to Hawaii. Just before they were ready to go their cat "Mee Mowe" disappeared. They postponed their move for three days hoping that she would show up. They finally had to go. They got to Hawaii and 36 days later their belongings arrived. They heard a very faint meow coming from one of the boxes. Yup, there was Mee Mowe.
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English to Doglish
Britt Savage has tips on naming and teaching your dog their name. Many dogs think their name is "Max get out of the trash" because we don't use it properly.
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1252. Pet-Nanny Share Wild Stories

Pet Nanny Lindsey Grant
After selling her successful Pet-sitting business, Lindsey Grant wrote a book about the strange and curious relationships we have with our pets. Some of her client's requests make for a noteworthy book. She'll also be talking about how Switzerland, her new home, treats animals.
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Must-Hear Hero
You'll love this week's Hero Person. She's 84-year-old Dolly Jefferson. And she had no qualms about intercepting angry coyotes to save a neighbor's dog. Now she's making news nationwide.
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Side Car DogsSidecar Dogs
Movie Producer Eric Ristau released his latest masterpiece about the many dogs that travel alongside their owner in a motorcycle sidecar. Sit Stay Ride: The Story of America's Sidecar Dogs is the full-length movie that launched with a Kickstarter campaign, and now proceeds benefit animal welfare.
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Banned Pit-Bull Service Dog Can Stay
Authorities in Louisiana have backed off on its demand that Zeus be gotten rid of or be destroyed. In October, Moreauville passed a law banning Pit Bulls or Rottweilers. When they targeted Zeus, the whole thing blew up on national television and on the Internet. Zeus helps the Owen's daughter O'Hara who uses a wheelchair and has spasms, which Zeus monitors and gets her help when she needs it.
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1251. TV Host Helps Pet Product Entrepreneurs

Carolyn Gracie is on Animal RadioTV Host Helps Pet Product Entrepreneurs
QVC's Carolyn Gracie loves her animals. Besides a house full of rescues, she also is quick to bring a pet into the QVC fold. "If you want to sell-out a product, bring a pet on TV with you," Carolyn advises. She regularly pitches products from small up-and-coming pet product entrepreneurs.
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The Pet Chef
Lisa Hennessy decided she was done with commercial dog food for her Collie. She started creating healthy, fresh dishes that her dog could share with her. Lisa tested dozens of recipes and compiled them into several cookbooks. She's here to share some of her recipes with you.
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Woman Spends $35,000 For Lost Dog
How much would you spend to try and find your dog if he got lost? The sky is the limit it seems for Janet Mihalyfi of Georgetown. Her 5-year-old, Rottweiler mix, Havoc, has been missing for a year this month. So far she's spent $35,000 dollars trying to find him.
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Sneezy Squirrel is on Animal RadioSneezy Squirrel Goes Viral
When Mary Krupa befriended a wild squirrel, she learned that she could easily dress "Sneezy" up and take photos of the rodent in hats and clothing. Now, she regularly meets up with the squirrel for photo sessions.
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Could Testing Cosmetics on Animals Be Banned In US?
Testing cosmetics on animals has recently been banned in Europe and India and a similar ban here in the United States will be on the front burner when the new Congress convenes in January. Virginia Democrat Don Beyer is expected to take the lead on the issue. Their state, Virginia, is home to several big cosmetic companies.
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Guardian Sues Over Dog Killed Because of Ebola Exposure
The nurse in Spain who recovered from Ebola, but whose dog Excalibur was killed by Spanish Health authorities, is suing. Teresa Romero's lawsuit seeks the equivalent of $186,000 for the loss of her dog and another $186,000 for damage done to her name.
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1250. Actor/TV Host John O'Hurley Spreads Warm Fuzzies.

John OHurley back for 9th time on Animal RadioJohn O'Hurley Yaps About The Thanksgiving Dog Show
You might remember him from Seinfeld. He was the first winner on Dancing With The Stars and People's Sexiest Man of the Year. John O'Hurley, host of the National Dog Show on NBC, is back to spread Thanksgiving cheer and Holiday warm-fuzzies all over Animal Radio® airwaves.
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Pet Ownership On The Rise
More than half of the people in the nation have at least one pet according to a new Rasmussen survey. 49% have a dog and 23% have a cat. 24% have more than one kind of pet. Only 3% have a fish, bird or some other sort of animal. An overwhelming majority of pet guardians, 92% say they talk to their pet.
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Microchipped Dog Returned After Eight Years
Dog found after 8 yearsA couple in Atlanta has their Shih Tzu, Jordan, back after eight years. The last time Mike Nuanes saw Jordan he was just a puppy. He's sure someone snatched Jordan out of their backyard. They did everything to find him, but no luck until a few weeks ago, when the Fulton County Animal Services called to say Jordan had been turned in as a stray. Luckily, Jordan was microchipped, the key to his finally getting home.
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1249. Catifying Your House With Jackson Galaxy

Jackson Galaxy is on Animal Radio®Catification
Cat expert Jackson Galaxy is back. This time he has great ideas for turning your house into a cat-friendly playground without losing its aesthetic appeal. It's not enough to just have a feeding bowl and litter anymore. Cats need stimulation. Jackson has a plan, even if you're a renter. Oh, did we mention we have giveaways of Jackson's book?
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Human Separation Anxiety
Forget about canine separation anxiety. Let's talk about how much we miss our pets when we go out of town. 10% of us call our pets to say hi. 4% of us send postcards to our pets. And a whopping 23% of us buy souvenirs for our critters. Tammy Trujillo has all the details about our obsession with our pets.
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Charlotte Ross is on Animal Radio®Char Char
Actress Charlotte Ross guests this weekend. This charismatic fireball loves the animals. You've seen her on Glee, NYPD Blue, Nashville and Arrow. But her biggest role is being a voice for the voiceless.
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Myths About Fleas Treatment
There are lots of home-remedies for fleas that simply don't work or can be dangerous for your pet. No, Motor Oil doesn't work, and is obviously very dangerous. Lemon juice doesn't kill fleas either. Nor does Dawn dish detergent. Dr. Debbie & Dogfather Joey Villani have what you need-to-know to effectively and safely rid your pet and house of fleas.
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Let's Pass On Gas
Our Hero Person this week is trying to put an end to an archaic method of euthanization. 22 states still use the gas chamber to get rid of unwanted animals. Joe Dwyer adopted a dog that survived a gassing. Now the lucky dog, "Daniel," is the poster-dog for anti-gas chamber legislation.
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Looking for Holiday Gift Ideas for your pet?

1248. Pet Prenups. Who Gets The Dog?

Pet PrenuptualsPet-Prenup
When a marriage breaks up, it's the children who often get caught in the middle, but pets can end up becoming the subjects of custody battles too. Now the British animal charity Blue Cross has come up with what it calls a 'Pet-Nup' that spells out who will get the family pet if a couple splits up.
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Goldfish Undergoes Life Threatening Surgery
You don't hear very often, maybe never, about a goldfish having an operation. But you don't often hear about a goldfish having a life-threatening tumor growing from its head. Little George of Melbourne, Australia had both.
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Our Hero Needs a Hero!
This week's Hero Person has her hands full with paraplegic and quadriplegic dogs. Elizabeth Forsberg has adopted animals that normally would be put-down because of their handicap.
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KLM BeagleBeagle Returns Lost Airport Items
If you leave something behind when you get off a plane, getting it back can be a real pain. Not so anymore if that plane lands at Amsterdam Airport Schipole. Sherlock will get it back to you, no problem. Sherlock is a beagle specifically trained to return lost items to passengers.
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Makeovers For Dogs & Cats
One pet groomer in Yekaterinburg, Russia is doing more than just baths and hair cuts, she's giving dogs and cats makeovers into creatures like mythical green dragons or yellow and black striped bumblebees. Daria Gotz says she only uses dyes made from botanical extracts that wear off once the animal's coat grows out. See the Video
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…and, of course, Dr. Debbie and Dogfather Joey Villani are answering your pet questions about jumping dogs, TPLO surgery, doggy A.D.D., teaching your bird to talk, fleas, eating poop, ear-mites, hairballs, motion sickness, allergies and aggressive behavior. Call from the free Animal Radio iPhone/Android App.
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1247. Should Homeless People Have Pets?

Homeless and PetsShould Homeless People Have Pets?
Dr. Gillian Squirrell has developed a nonprofit program, Working Dog LLC, for vulnerable adults and young people working with dogs as a way to develop interpersonal and workplace skills. Dr. Squirrell tells us that Working Dog LLC has a small fund for the development of ideas about how to improve support for homeless people and their animal companions. As we know, these clients and their animals can fall through gaps in service provision. Should homeless people have pets? Dr. Gillian states that that is an interesting conversation starter. This is a very under-researched and little understood area. There is a lot of judgment attached to homelessness as well as a lot of fear. People range on a continuum from "Absolutely they shouldn't, they can't look after themselves, to thinking it's a really cute thing," states Dr. Gillian.
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Cats With Jobs
Author Lisa Rogek has found 50 cats that have jobs. This isn't easy. Cats are notoriously not workers, unlike dogs. From Grumpy Cat to Kitty Models, Lisa will share the stories behind these frolicking felines.
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Download this free Chihuahua Pumpkin StencilHaving A Safe Halloween
Halloween can be a fun time for your pets. But some animals just aren't cut out for the holiday and would be safer cuddled inside on the night of trickery.
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Rodent Traps a Pet Hazard
There's a warning for pet owners after a cat was found with its head stuck in a rodent trap. The cat, which was seriously injured, was caught in a Fenn Trap, meant for squirrels and rats. Luckily the cat was found and rescued by a Good Samaritan. Since the incident last month, the SPCA is now calling on people to be aware that setting these traps could be breaking the law.
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Pets in the Classroom
Pets In The Classroom Have A Profound Impact
A new study reveals having a pet in the classroom may provide real educational value through leadership skills and character building. Despite some of the challenges to having classroom pet, such as coping with loss and teachers spending their own money to care for the pet, the study found six objectives proving the benefit of caring for a classroom pet, like teaching children responsibility compassion, empathy, respect and leadership through animal care and providing relaxation when children are stressed.
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1246. Cat Thwarts Suicide

Cat Thwarts SuicideCat Thwarts Suicide Attempt
San Francisco Police spent hours trying to convince a jumper not to jump. It wasn't until the officers brought in the jumper's tabby cat that the standoff ended. Never underestimate the bond between people and their pets.
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Pet Obesity Continues To GROW
Being overweight can seriously impact our health and that of our pets. The Association for Pet Obesity estimates that nearly 54% of cats and dogs in the US are overweight or obese. Lori Brooks has tips to tell if your pet is a healthy weight. We'll also discuss the safest methods for lowering your pets caloric intake and increasing exercise.
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Anonymous Hero Saves Dog
An anonymous real life hero saved the life of a dog that was trapped inside a burning home this week in Tennessee.  As someone who witnessed it describes it said, "This guy in a gray mustang pulls up says, 'I do this for a living,' and he runs in and he comes out about two minutes later with this beautiful dog in his arms." Less than a minute later the roof of the home caved in.
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Pets and Halloween
Halloween Pet Hazards
Pets often find it truly scary during this time of year. The things that make Halloween a treat for people can overwhelm many pets. Some parts of Halloween can even be dangerous. On the other hand, some pets absolutely love the holiday. There's no shortage of dogs and cats that love the attention and adulation they receive in their costume. We'll help you determine which side of the scale your pets find most comfortable. Dr. Debbie sees more patients the day after Halloween. She'll explain why and what you can do to avoid the vet.
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Download this free Chihuahua Pumpkin Stencil
Download the Chihuahua Pumpkin Stencil

1245. Marshall Tucker Band's Doug Gray Gets Catty

Doug Gray on Animal RadioDoug Gray Guests
Animal Radio's Season of Stars continues with the lead singer for The Marshall Tucker Band, Doug Gray. He shares his life with animals, including anecdotes about his Persian kitties, "Cheech & Chong."
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Overprotective Owners
Are you fearful that your dog will catch a disease if you let him out of the yard. You're not alone. Numbers of "backyard prisoners" are growing and causing more behavioral problems in the long run. Both Vladae and Dr. Debbie have answers to battle this epidemic.
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Dog Dials for Help
Emergency responders in the U.K. say a 2 year-old Basset Hound dialed 9-9-9, the British version of 9-1-1, while he was choking on the phone's cord. The dog reportedly knocked over the phone and became tangled in the cord, and somehow managed to dial for help.
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Luggage-Inspecting Beagles
Izzy is among a small number of Beagles employed by TSA that lives and works at an airport. His job is to smell luggage for fruit, meat, plants, seeds and vegetables. Federal officials won't disclose how many canines are employed as "passive response dogs."
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1244. The Truth About Dog-Lick Bacteria

This border collie has a job at the airportCharleston Airport's Newest Employee
Russ Kennedy holds down security at Charleston's Yeager Airport. He's also the handler for Greg, a border collie that clears runways from geese and other wildlife that could cause a fatal aircraft accident.
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The Truth About Dog-Lick Bacteria
A Wisconsin man made headlines after a dog lick led to a rare infection resulting in the amputation of part of his legs and arms. This has set off unwarranted alarm. While the bacterium is extremely common in dogs and cats, the risk posed by being licked is infinitesimally low.
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Counting Cats
A coalition of animal groups in Washington, D.C., have started the D.C. Cat Count, which will try to create a more accurate estimate of the city's entire cat population, including both feral cats and pet cats. The project is expected to take three years and cost $1.5 million. The groups hope the information will help improve efforts to manage the cat population. The project will use many different strategies to arrive at a total population count, including an app allowing residents to snap their own images of cats they encounter.
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Ball or Dog?Is It A Dog Or Ball
A dog groomer in Japan is literally turning dogs into fluff balls. Yoriko Hamachiyo is clipping usually small dogs into a ball. He does this by cutting their hair so they look like a soft, fluffy round ball, a ball with legs.
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Dog Fraud
Dogs can communicate through scent, leaving their mark everywhere. New research finds that smaller dogs "cheat" by using higher raised-leg angles to leave higher urine marks, thus exaggerating their size to other dogs that would come along and sniff later.
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Bart's Voice Loves Animals
The voice of Bart Simpson is our flashback guest. Nancy Cartwright really loves animals. She has an entire menagerie at her L.A. ranch. Her prized pet is a fiberglass cow. Nancy felt that because she's always saying, "don't have a cow man," that she should have one. She also has seahorses.
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1243. Should You Trust Pet DNA Tests?

Should You Trust Pet DNA TestsShould You Trust Pet DNA Tests?
Dr. Lisa Moses says there is a place for DNA tests, but only as a novelty. While these tests may show a predisposition towards breed specific diseases, she warns against making medical decisions based on a DNA swab or blood tests.
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What We Know About Our Cat Food
A study of 2,000 cat owners reveals many of them are oblivious about what foods could be harmful to their cat's health. More than 50% of those questioned did not know that milk, grapes, raisins, garlic and onions are hazardous to a cat's health. A fifth of owners don't even know their cats are carnivores, with one in 10 feeding them raw vegetables and another one in 20 serving up salad leaves.
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Pets start 1000 fires a yearPets Cause 1000 Fires Per Year
"Unattended pets often set their homes on fire and pets can't call 911," according to Zsolt Sapy, the COO of Smoke Alarm Monitoring. Just how does this happen? What can you do to stack the odds in your pet's favor?
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Kids Prefer Rats Over Cats Or Dogs
Right Pet has announced the findings of its 8-year pet ownership study that used the data of nearly 17,000 pet owners across 113 countries. The biggest revelation is that children between the ages of 10 and 17 years old say they get more satisfaction owning pet rats rather than cats or dogs.
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Dream job for a cat loverCat Lovers Dream Job
If you've ever thought of quitting your job and living out your life saving cats on a picturesque Greek island, here's some great news. A cat rescue in Greece, called God's Little People Cat Rescue, is looking for a new caretaker. They're looking for a part-time caretaker to look after 55 cats with free lodging in the form of the sanctuary manager's house that overlooks the Aegean Sea.
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Ed Asner Loved Himself Some Kitty!
The late iconic actor Ed Asner is our flashback to 2010. Bet you didn't know Ed was a "cat" guy? His satirist banter and love for his personal kitties makes this one of most memorable moments of Animal Radio.
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1242. Turning Your Pet Into A Social Media Influencer. Wise Words From An Expert.

Kelly Lund and Loki are on Animal RadioTurning Your Pet Into A Viral Sensation
Kelly Lund and Loki, his Husky - Wolf mix, didn't intentionally become a viral Internet sensation. Kelly casually posted a picture on Instagram that was picked up by Reddit, Bored Panda and Buzzfeed. Now Loki has a half-million followers and a new book. Kelly will give us tips on making your pet a star.
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Pit Bulls Aren't Getting A Fair Shake
Fiona Gilbert has Multiple Sclerosis. a degenerative neurological condition that affected her ability to walk. Without her service dog, she cannot function or work. The only problem is that Koda, her service animal is a pit-bull mix. As a frequent flyer on Delta Airlines, she is no longer welcome because her service dog is banned on the carrier.
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Social Media's Top 10 Pet Influencers
Forbes came out with multiple lists on social media influencers. On the list of Pet Influencers, probably the best-known Internet pet that still commands the most eyeballs and makes money to match her fame, is the long-deceased 'Grumpy Cat.' Why are these animals so engaging and why are they so valuable to advertisers? Collectively, the top 10 Pet Influencers have 50 million followers.
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Parrots change traffic patternParrots Change Traffic Pattern
Kea parrots are big and about 18 inches long. They're native to New Zealand where they can be a pest, but they do attract the tourists. These big parrots have been caught on camera shifting traffic cones into active traffic lanes. Why? The New Zealand Transportation Agency thinks they know why.
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Pentobarbital Horse Meat Used In Pet Food
Through the freedom of information act, some new information has come to light in the case of a pet food company having pentobarbital tainted horse meat in some of its canned food. The manufacturer was in compliance and had a license to use horse-meat at that time. However, it turns out they had been processing horse-meat as early as 2015 without a license. Records show an inspector found it on the premises of the processing plant during an inspection that was made as a result of complaints over health concerns and unsanitary conditions at the facility.
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1241. What Does It Mean When Your Favorite Drinking Buddy Is The Cat?

Have a cocktail with your petCocktails for Pets
Taryn Nahm wants you to kick back a few cocktails with your pet. She says you can bond with your pet while you relax with a beverage. Taryn created pet cocktails that look just like the human adult versions, except without alcohol.
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Fear Free Tips You Can Use
Do you have trouble getting your pet to the vet? You're not alone. Certified Trainer Mikkel Becker has some great ideas for making a vet visits easy and enjoyable. Check out our Fear Free Expert Series.
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Antibiotic Resistant Virus Outbreak
There has been a Campylobacter outbreak associated with puppies sold at Petland stores and it's the humans that have handled these puppies that are getting sick. So far, more than 55 people in 12 states have now been diagnosed in this outbreak, which is so serious that at least a fourth of the patients have been hospitalized.
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Millenials changing the pet worldMillenials Choosing Pets Instead
Millennials, or Generation Y, are those born between 1982 and 2004 and they are quickly changing the world of pets. According to the American Pet Products Association, Millennials are now the largest segment of pet owners. They found Millennials invest more time in their pets, evaluating their needs more thoroughly and spending more money.
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If Your Pet Is Unwell - You Might Be Unwell Too
New research shows that if your pet is unwell, it can make you unwell, leading to depression, anxiety and a poorer quality of life. It's the same problem that was previously found in the human world.
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1240. A Therapy Duck? Can Kissing Your Pet Make You Fat?

Diva DuckDiva Duck
Shellie Powell has an unusual pet. She is the proud guardian of "Diva," a pet duck that wears a diaper and shoes. Diva goes with Shellie everywhere, including Walmart, Target and PetSmart. Shellie is training Diva the Duck to be a Therapy Pet.
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Taking The Fear Free Movement Home
Many veterinarians are practicing "Fear Free." Pets that like going to the veterinarian are generally healthier. Now, the Fear Free movement is coming to your home with ideas for enriching your pet's life everyday. Dr. Marty Becker is back to explain how your pets can live an improved lifestyle.
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Can Kissing Your Pet Make You Fat?
Researchers are looking into the connection between having a pet and obesity. They are interested in gut health and trying to find out if certain microbial swaps (such as a kiss or a lick with your pet) might help or hurt when it comes to weight problems in both pets and people. Current evidence actually suggests heavier people have heavier pets, which some scientists believe could be due to microbial swaps from a human to a dog.
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Steve BurroHow Hot is Too Hot?
Your dog doesn't need to be in a hot car to suffer from heat exhaustion. Temperatures above 82 degrees are enough to cause a fatal reaction. Steve Burdo from Contra Costa Animal Services sat inside his Acura as temperatures soared about 115 degrees. He did this to bring attention to the new California law that allows people to break into cars to rescue hot animals.
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Scammer Targets Lost Pets
The number of pet related fraud cases are on the rise. The latest is Texas where a woman's cat mysteriously disappeared from the front porch where he would take his afternoon nap every day. The day after he vanished, she put up fliers all over her neighborhood. Less than a week later, she received a call from a man who asked if there was a reward for the cats return. He then said she could get Romeo back for $300 and offered to finance the payments for 8 months!
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1239. Nude Birding. Yes, It's A Thing.

Olaf Danielson Nude Birder is on Animal RadioNude Birding
Olaf Danielson has made a hobby out of birding without any clothes. Olaf is an author, religious scholar, storyteller and adventurer. He will share some of his favorite stories of seeking out rare and exotic avian wildlife... while naked as a jaybird.
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Who is Tracking Your Pet Purchases?
With the pet industry growing so fast, any information that can be gained from your purchases for your pets is going to be extrapolated every way possible for those companies which profit from your spending habits. Search data pulled by Hitwise from major pet supply websites in June shows the majority of both cat and dog owners, or at least those doing the buying for their pets, are women and that the women who own dogs make nearly twice as much as those who have cats.
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Jeff Jenkins Midnight Circus is on Animal Radio
Training Pit Bulls for Good
Jeff Jenkins is the ringleader for the Midnight Circus, a pit-bull agility performance that shows the often-misunderstood dogs in a positive light. He's helping youngsters train their pit-bulls to do tricks instead of fighting.
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Pet Crematory Intentionally Gives Back Wrong Ashes
A pet cemetery and crematory in Illinois is accused of deceiving clients by giving them ashes that were not be from their deceased pets. Police found three deceased animals inside an old freezer at the facility and fortunately one of the animals had been micro chipped. Authorities contacted the owner who said they had already received their cat's ashes. But the only thing illegal in this case was misrepresenting ashes of an animal because pet crematories in Illinois are not regulated.
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Are Kittens and Puppies The Key to a Successful Marriage?
You're thinking love, communication, trust, common interests and that kind of stuff, right? But, a new study from the University of Florida says it could also be cute, cuddly puppies, kittens and bunnies. The team of psychological scientists found that to break the 'familiarity breeds contempt syndrome' or boredom that can happen in long-term relationships, couples can make better associations with their spouse through a positive stimulus like puppies and bunnies.
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1238. 5 Signs You Need To Get To The Vet ASAP!

Tips for finding lost petsLost Pet Recovery
Donna Lewis is a Lost Pet Recovery Expert for & This nationwide service will automatically dial all the phones within the radius of the lost pet alerting neighbors. Does this work? The service claims an 85% success rate. If you've lost your pet and have the cash, then this might be a good solution.
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Your Cat Probably Doesn't Miss You When You're Away
According to a study that observed the relationships between a number of cats and their owners, domestic cats do not generally see their owners as a focus of safety and security in the same way that dogs do.
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Dr. Marty Becker is on Animal Radio5 Signs You Need To Get To The Vet ASAP!
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker counts down the top 5 things to look out for that indicate a health emergency for your pet.
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Patient Compliance
More than half of pet owners disregard instruction for medicating their pets as prescribed by their vet. This can have horrific results, especially where antibiotics are concerned. Doc Halligan has tips on easily pilling your pet.
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Guy Adds Two-Headed Snake to His Two-Headed Collection
50,000 dollar snakeA west coast freak show owner who paid $50,000 for "Medusa", a three-foot-long, 4-year-old two-headed Honduran Milk snake born in Florida, recently purchased a rare two-headed albino snake. The proud new owner says he's wanted the snake since the day it was born four years ago, but price just kept getting higher." By the way, this guy currently holds a Guinness World Record for having the biggest collection of two-headed animals.
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1237. Black Dog Syndrome - Using Pets To Teach Anti-Bullying

Black Dog SyndromeBlack Dog Syndrome
While there is no hard evidence to back Black Dog Syndrome, it is largely felt that black animals take a back seat when it comes to adoption. Pet Photographer Fred Levy believes it's because they are hard to photograph and don't look desirable online photos. He'll have tips for photographing your black dog or cat.
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Selecting A New Car With Your Pet In Mind
So who influences you when you need to buy a car? According to Auto-trader, more than half of America's 54 million dog owners consider buying a vehicle based on its ability to accommodate their best friend, which is their dog. The list includes cars with features pet owners need, like fold-flat rear seats, rear lift gate, under-floor storage and rear climate control. There are 9 cars on the list and we'll tell you what they are.
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Allison Basing is on Animal RadioUsing Pets To Teach Anti-Bullying
Allison Basinger from the Kansas City based "Wayside Waifs" animal welfare organization is on the cutting edge of the anti-bullying education movement. She's using her dogs, Justice and Paxton to help 3 through 5 graders learn a more compassionate lifestyle.

Get Your Licks
Former host of CBS's Lucky Dog, Brandon McMillan, the cast of The Young and The Restless and Susan Sims are in Los Angeles to kick-off the 7th Annual "Get Your Licks On Route 66" Adoption Tour. There's no better time than now to find your forever friend.
Pamela Anderson loves herself some animals
Pamela Anderson Says Company is Not Cruelty-Free
Actress and animal-rights actress Pamela Anderson has written a letter to MAC Cosmetics owner and friend John Demsey expressing disappointment in the brand for testing on animals. Anderson used to be a spokesperson for the brand, but recently learned that the supposedly cruelty-free brand admittedly tests on animals where it is "required by law," like in China.
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1236. Things Your Vet Wished You Worried About More

Marty BeckerThings Your Vet Wished You Worried About More
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker has a list of things he wishes his clients would pay more attention to than they do. He'll also tell you what you unnecessarily worry too much about.
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Healthiest Breeds
Pet Breeds compiled a list of 33 dog breeds that either have a clean health record, or are associated with only one, two or three health problems at most. And, the top seven have NO major or minor health concerns at all. They are…(drum roll please).
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How To Pick A Pet Food
Picking the right pet foodLucy Pet Foundation's Doc Halligan has what you need to know in order to pick the best food for your pet and your budget. Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good. You'll learn how to read the label.
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Pets May Be Breeding Ground For MRSA
Research suggests family pets might actually be reservoirs for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. Researchers believe pets might be an important factor behind the increase of MRSA outbreaks.
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Pets destroy electronic devices
Pets Destroy Eight Million Electronic Devices
A study says American pets have bitten, chewed or damaged at least 8-million electronic devices! All that damage caused an estimated $3 billion in repair and replacement costs! Researchers found 1/3rd of the damaged devices were smart-phones; 2/3rds of the incidents happened when the pet was not being supervised. And interestingly, male pets are 50% more likely than female pets to damage electronic devices.
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1235. The Chicken Chick Is Back! Who Gets Custody Of The Dog?

The Chicken Chick is on Animal RadioThe Chicken Chick
Chickens are more popular than ever in urban settings and as pets. By popular demand, we're having the Chicken Chick on the show to share her vast chicken knowledge. Even if you aren't considering a fowl friend, Kathy Mormino will amuse and educate.
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Photographing Your Pet
Amanda Jones is one of the top best pet photographers in the nation. Her last collaboration is a coffee-table book with 30 dogs photographed during their youth and again in their senior years. It's a compelling contrast between puppy-hood and a dog's golden years. Amanda will have tips for photographing your pet.
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Oldest Living CatOldest Living Cat
A 26-year-old cat named Corduroy has been named the oldest living cat by Guinness. His owner has had him since he was a kitten and she was only 7. Though Corduroy is now the oldest living cat on record, he is not the oldest domestic cat to have ever lived, that designation belongs to Creme Puff, who lived to the awe-inspiring age of 38 years and 3 days.
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Custody Battle Over Pets
Custody Battle over PetDr. Debbie has the top things you need to know when battling for custody over a pet. It's best to consider how it will affect your furry friend. The law doesn't always favor the pet in such battles. Some couples even stay together, just for the pet.
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All Pet Store Dogs Must Come From Shelters
Earlier this month a federal judge in Phoenix, Arizona upheld a city law requiring that all dogs sold in pet stores must come from shelters, which will also help to relieve shelter overcrowding. Phoenix is one of about 60 cities in the U.S. that have similar laws designed to put an end to puppy mills by driving potential pet buyers toward homeless animals.
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1234. The Nasty Truth About Anesthesia Free Dental Cleaning

The truth about Anesthesia Free Dental Cleaning with Doc HalliganThe Truth About Anesthesia Free Dental
Your local pet store may offer an Anesthesia Free Dental Cleaning. This is NOT an alternative to teeth cleaning. Doc Halligan says a real cleaning will help your pet avoid serious trouble down the line with infection of vital organs.
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Movies Impacting Breed Popularity
After analyzing a number of movies released between 1927 and 2004 featuring dogs and evaluating AKC registration trends, researchers confirmed that movies definitely have an impact on breed popularity. "Lassie Come Home" was associated with a 40% increase in Collie registrations. After the remake of "101 Dalmatians," in 1996 animal shelters reported a 35% increase in the number of Dalmatians surrendered.
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Tyrann Mathieu in hot carNFL Player Locks Himself In Hot Car
New Orleans Saints' Tyrann Mathieu's video for PETA is still heavily circulating online. If you haven't seen it, Mathieu is the NFL player who locked himself in a car to demonstrate the danger that dogs endure when they're locked inside a car on a hot summer day. After just a few minutes in the heat, Mathieu starts to breathe and sweat heavily.
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Can Dogs Be Autistic?
Bull terriers who compulsively chase their tails may be autistic, at least that's what Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Director of the Behavior Clinic at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, believes. He studied the subject for years and now says that like autistic people, such tail-chasing Bull terriers may be socially maladapted, unpredictably aggressive toward others and/or may stare into space for no apparent reason. Dodman's study is the first to propose that autism may occur in dogs.
Trump Your CatListen Now

Trump Your Cat
Throughout the course of his time in public life, everyone has been wondering about Donald Trump's hair - or lack of it.  Is it a comb-over? Is it a toupee? And with his announcement that he's running for President again, there's a reemerging social media trend called #trumpyourcat. Here's how it works:  First, you gather up all of the lint and loose pet hair in your house then you put it on your cat's head … then take a picture of your cat and post.
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1233. Pet Store Switcharoo. Would Customers Even Notice?

Tobi SkovronUber for Dog-Walkers
Tobi Skovron has created an App that will summon a vetted dog-walker. He touts his high-end service as the next step in the evolution of pet-based technology.
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Protecting Your Pet From The Sun
Our pets are at a higher risk than we are for sun-related Melanomas. You need to protect them from the sun, even if they're indoor animals. Dogfather Joey Villani and Dr. Debbie share what you need to know for your pet's safety and well being.
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10-Year-Old Hero
Hero Samantha FrenckThis week's Hero Person will charm you! She's just a little girl. But she has a huge heart for the animals. Samantha Frenck created a 501c3 non-profit that brings toys and blankets, among other things, to shelter animals.
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Pet Friendly Cities
Forbes went in search of America's most pet-friendly places to live. The criteria included having the best landlords, lowest pet fees and most pet specialty stores and services. You might be surprised which city topped the list.
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Pet store switches pets for sale with shelter pets
Pet Store Switch
What happens when you switch the pets in a pet store for animals from a shelter? Would the customers notice? A pet store in Brazil partnered with local pet shelters to secretly switch those pricey purebreds for rescues. Then the store went a step further and simply gave the shelter pets away to worthy families.
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1232. To Kiss Your Dog or Not To Kiss Your Dog

Katherine Schwarzenegger is on Animal RadioKatherine and Maverick
Katherine Schwarzenegger (daughter of Arnold and Maria) is an ASPCA Ambassador and bestselling author. She has a children's book, which will empower young readers to help dogs who find themselves in shelters and animal rescues. She's our guest this week.
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To Kiss Your Dog or Not To Kiss Your Dog
A USA Today article cited lots of research and experts both for and against dogs licking humans on the lips. For example: There are more than 700 different types of bacteria in a healthy dog's mouth. One doctor researching this subject says she's heard many personal stories from people on both sides of the spectrum, including one who claimed their dog's kisses healed them from skin cancer and another who believes dog saliva caused a family member's death.
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Dr. Lisa Radosta is on Animal RadioFear, Anxiety and Stress
Dr. Lisa Radosta, owner Florida Veterinary Behavior Service explains what causes fear, anxiety, and stress in our pets? How does this fear, anxiety, and stress affect them? Why is it so important that we address the fear, anxiety, and stress in our pets? What is one simple thing we can do to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in our pets?
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Millenials Make Pets' Lives Better
Millennials are behind the idea of pets as family members and making animals' lives better. A new survey shows that for Millennials (those between the ages of 18 and 36) pets really are like their children with one-third of them, who purchased their first home, doing so because it had a yard and was a better space for their dog. Only 25% of Millennials bought their first home because they got married and 19% because they had children.
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Buy a Salad - Get a Pet!
A southern California woman has a new pet frog after finding the distressed amphibian in a large container of lettuce mix she bought at a local Target. She had already made her salad, poured on the dressing and was just about halfway through eating it when she saw something in her bowl that was moving. Being a strict vegetarian, the woman says she was so traumatized after finding the frog in her salad and that she has no desire to eat salad ever again. However, she quickly scooped up the little frog and rinsed off the dressing, but she noticed the frog was barely alive so she did chest compressions on it - frog CPR - and it survived. His name is now Lucky.
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1231. Does Laser Therapy For Pets Really Work?

Laser Therapy on DogLaser Therapy on Pets
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is excited about his handy gadget. It's only the size of an iPhone Plus but it has multiple applications in the veterinarian's office. Could Laser Therapy be used on your pets?
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Canine Flu Update
This year's strain of Canine Flu is different than past epidemics. There is a vaccine for the previous strain but not for this new one. Veterinarians are looking for new ways to fight the new virus that seems to be affecting felines too.
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Dispatcher Lynn Willett adopts dog911 Dispatcher Hero
When Police Dispatcher Lynn Willett received an emergency call to check on the welfare of an elderly man, she had no idea she would end up adopting his dog. Lynn tells us her heartwarming story about a German Shepard named Sgt. Roscoe.
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Xylitol Toxicity on the Rise
Anyone who has a dog knows they will pretty much chew on anything they can get their paws on, but this story underscored how careful we need to be around them. Luna, a 2-year-old Golden Retriever in Glenwood City, Wisconsin, found the pack of "Ice Breaker" Lemon-flavor gum containing Xylitol. She suffered severe liver damage and had to be euthanized. Xylitol is found in all sorts of things, including sugar-free gum, vitamins, toothpaste, dental floss, nasal sprays and baked goods. Even a couple of pieces of gum can result in life-threatening blood sugar and liver failure.
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1230. Brian Skerry Is Swimming With The Sharks

Brian Skerry Swins with  the Sharks and is on Animal RadioSwimming With The Sharks
Brian Skerry has spent more than 10,000 hours underwater photographing sharks. He says they're misunderstood and not the evil beasts portrayed by Hollywood and the media. He'll share stories including some scary (Skerry) moments.
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Rescue Express
Mike McCarthy made his millions in software development. After retiring, he decided to take on a new project transporting thousands of adoptable pets from saturated shelters in Southern California to the Northwest United States where they will be adopted. He's retrofitted 3 buses and makes the trip weekly.
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No More Anxious Pets
With the 4th of July around the corner, Pet Living's Kristen Levine wants your pets to stay calm. The sounds of fireworks can make animals anxious. She launched "Pet Anxiety Awareness Week" to educate owners about fear, anxiety and stress in your companion animals.
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Cones of FameCones of Shame Turn Into Cones of Fame
Most potential adopters, upon seeing a dog wearing a cone of shame in shelters, think it implies a sick dog chock-full of expensive problems. However, usually at the shelter the cones are used for simple procedures, like spaying or neutering. Unfortunately the coned canines don't have much of a chance next to the pup bouncing around and wagging his tail. So a shelter photographer got an idea. She came up with the idea of 'Cones of Fame.'
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Delta Publishes Lists of Unacceptable Service Animals
Many people try to cheat the airline system by claiming their pet is an Emotional Support Animal because ESA's fly free on most airlines. But all airlines are not the same. Delta has compiled a list of critters it does NOT accept as trained service animals, or even pets allowed to travel in the cabin, saying they post safety and/or public health concerns.
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1229. Dog Changes Mobster's Ways - James Guiliani Is Our Guest

James Guiliani is on Animal RadioMobster Turned Animal Advocate
Special guest James Guiliani was a bad dude. He hung with Gotti and spent time behind bars. He was a drug-addicted ex-con on the verge of suicide when a dog and a dame changed his life for the better. James says "If you think the mafia is bad, try animal rescue."
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Barriers Prohibit Seniors From Pet Ownership
Research published in Activities, Adaption & Aging calls for increased understanding about older adults and the current barriers, which limit older adults' chances to own a pet. Medical, physical and financial barriers keep seniors from enjoying the therapeutic benefits of animal guardianship.
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Employers Offer Pet Health Insurance
Pet health insurance is revealed to be one of fastest growing employee perks in a benefit package. While not all companies allow our four-legged friends in the workplace, one in three Fortune 500 companies now offer pet insurance as a voluntary benefit. As the popularity of pet health insurance expands, some companies are subsidizing a percentage of their employee's cost, with several companies now paying as much as 100% of their employees' pet insurance premiums.
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Is Fake Grass Okay for your PetThe Drought and Your Pet
Water shortages across the west have house owners re-thinking their backyard. Many have opted to replace their high-maintenance grass for faux grass without thinking about their pet. Fake grass can be hot and smelly and full of bacterium that's no good for pets or humans.
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1228. Dog Walking Pays Pretty Darn Well!

Michael Wombacher is on Animal RadioGood Dog, Happy Baby
Dog Trainer Michael Wombacher has developed a twelve-step program to introduce your dogs to a new baby or family member. There is no need to get rid of the dog just because you're expecting. If done properly, your dog and child can live harmoniously and thrive together.
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OMG - One More Generation
When Olivia Ries was 7-years-old, she started a non-profit organization to save endangered animals. That was five years ago. Since then, she has spoken to dignitaries and lobbied for the voiceless. You'll melt when you hear our young Hero Person.
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What you need to know about microchipsWhat You Need To Know About Microchips
A microchip is still the best way to identify a lost pet. However, they're not 100% reliable. Dr. Debbie will tell you what you may not know about the little rice-sized technology. She'll also dispel any myths about the microchip being dangerous or causing cancer.
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Dog Walking Pays Well in the UK
Dog walkers in the UK earn a fifth more than the average salary by working just two weeks out of every month. Dog walkers charge an average of almost $18 per hour per dog in the UK and walk 192 dogs per month, which adds up to annual earnings of $41,000, 20% higher than the British national average salary! Does this make you want to re-think your job?
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Human Dog Bond
Human and Dog Bond Dates Back Years
The bond between humans and dogs may be much older than we once thought. A group of researchers discovered an ancient wolf bone and say its DNA suggests dogs diverged from wolves as far back as 40,000 years ago and point to the ancient wolf as possibly the most recent common relative of modern wolves and dogs.
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1227. Did Your Dog Really Come From A Rescue? Kim Kavin Isn't So Sure.

Kim Kavin Questions RescuesThe Dog Merchants
Driven by her incredible curiosity, Kim Kavin uncovered the world of dog auctions. 11 BILLION dollars exchanges hands during the buying and selling of companion animals. Even the so-called 'rescues' are partaking in the auction process, using donated dollars to buy, rehabilitate and adopt these dogs at considerably high prices. While not necessarily humane, nor ethical, it's all legal simply because pets are viewed as property in the eyes of the law.
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Battling Pet Allergies
It's that time of the year when allergies present a problem for both human and our furry-companions. Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker has the 'top 3 things you can do to calm your pet's allergies.'
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Worlds Oldest DogWorld's Oldest Dog?!
Last month, "Maggie the Kelpie," an Australian dog that was possibly the oldest dog in the world, died. Maggie was 30 years old according to her owner. That's over 200 in human years, and a contender for the oldest dog in the world, except for one thing....
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Does Your Dog Have GPS?
You know that you can track your pet dog or cat with your smart-phone, all you need is a GPS locator on their collar. But, there are quite a few pet trackers out there, so we break it down for you.
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Litter Box Etiquette
Yes, there indeed is etiquette for your kitty's litter. Doc Halligan (Lucy Pet Foundation) will help any cat owner solve their litter-box issues. Cat no going inside the box? Maybe you're not following the etiquette.
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1226. Can Dogs Recognize Faces from Pictures?

Bee StingsBee Stings, Insect & Snake Bites
Besides the ticks and the fleas, as well as the many other creepy crawlers out there that can get on our pets, we also need to worry about bees, insects and snakes. Doc Halligan tells us what to do if a bee stings your dog or cat? She jokes that people tell her that they let their cats play with spiders. She says you should NEVER let your cat play with spiders.
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Disaster Preparedness
Animal Radio's Pet Word Insider Robert Semrow wants to make sure you're ready in case of a natural disaster. He has a list of the top tips for preparing your pet for earthquakes, inclement weather and any other disaster that could come your way.
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Can Dogs Recognize Faces from Pictures?
A study published in the journal Animal Cognition indicates that dogs may have facial recognition skills similar to humans! Well, of course, your dog recognizes you when you walk in the door, but how about if you were on vacation without him or her, could they see a picture of you and recognize it?
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Inflatable Dog PoopInflatable Dog Poop
A town in Spain has installed a giant inflatable dog poop in an attempt to discourage dog owners thinking of walking off and leaving a pile of poo in the streets. The town has about 6,000 dogs and if you do the math, they are capable of producing around 1,100 pounds of excrement every day. And, THAT is more or less what the giant inflatable represents, the amount of poo left on the streets across the town each day, according to a town council member.
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Pet Sitting Business Sues for 1 Million After Poor Yelp Review
A Texas pet-sitting business is going after $1 million in damages from a couple who gave them a one-star review on Yelp and criticized the business' treatment of their tiny blue tropical Betta fish named "Gordy" while the family was away on vacation. Prestigious Pets of Dallas claims the review is defamation.
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1225. Sad Animal Facts

Author Brooke Barker on Animal Radio with Sad Animal FactsWhales Gain 200 Pounds A Day
While the book is titled Sad Animal Facts, it's hardly a sad book. Cartoons drawn by Brooke Barker unleash the unknown and curious truths behind some of our favorite animals. Did you know Turtles breath out their butt, or that Giraffes only sleep 3 hours a day?
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Choosing The Right Bra When Horseback Riding
Women and girls (and some men) who ride horses, but do not wear a sports bra, could be causing undue stress to the horse, according to a study by Portsmouth University. Apparently a lot of women give no regard to what kind of bra they wear while riding. They did a survey of females who ride horses in various disciplines and found that less than one in five regularly wore a sports bra for riding even though it can lead to poor posture and musculoskeletal problems, which are sensed by the horse.
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Pet Friendly Retirement Living
Pet Friendly Retirement Communities
Watermark Retirement Communities assisted living are perhaps the first in the country to embrace pets. Founded by pet lovers, they encourage residents to bring their pets along to live with them. Staff's companion animals meet those that don't have pets. This has made a big difference in patient's disposition.
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1224. What Pet Owners Need To Know About This Year's Tick Season

Where to pet a catYou Can Stroke Me Here, But Not There
Cat Behaviorist Sarah Ellis has a pretty cool job. She does research on how and where cats like to be touched. Sarah found that there are certain parts of the cat's body that are better than others when it comes to petting and stroking. She'll reveal her results and explain why she thinks strangers have better luck petting cats than the cat's owner.
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Tick Talk
Only second to fleas, ticks are a fairly common pest. Some of the diseases that ticks carry can kill both human and pet. Doc Halligan will tell you the proper way to remove them. She says you need to avoid some of the 'old wives-tales' for removing ticks because they may actually do more harm.
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Arson DogLike A Good Neighbor
State Farm insurance has been sponsoring The Arson Dog Program since 1993! An accelerant detection canine, or arson dog, is a dog that has been trained to sniff out tiny traces of accelerants that may have been used to start a fire. The insurance giant has had a hand in placing over 350 arson dog teams in 44 states and three Canadian Provinces.
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1223. What Your Veterinarian Isn't Telling You.

Dr. Marty Becker is on Animal RadioWhat Your Vet Isn't Telling You
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker will tell you what information your veterinarian may be withholding; and conversely, what he/she shouldn't be telling you. We hope you have an honest and transparent vet for your pets.
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Selling Pets for Research
Buried in a massive government-spending bill is a provision that will shut down shady animal dealers who buy and sell pets for research, all paid for by your tax dollars. But, that could change if Congress does the right thing and cuts off funding to pay for licensing of so-called Class B animal dealers by the USDA. Every year, these licensed dealers work with illegal "bunchers" to round up thousands of dogs and cats that will end up in laboratories.
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Dog SpaDoggie Detox
The Morris Animal Inn in Morristown, New Jersey caters ONLY to our four-legged friends. They just finished a week-long Spa Treatment and Canine Cleanse program. Pups from all over the country enjoyed smoothies, treadmill trots, meditation, nature trail hikes and massages as part of the $260 package. Debora Montgomery reports on how the program went and what you can do at home to pamper your pup.
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My Dog Has Bad Breath
If your dog's breath could melt steel; you need to hear what Dr. Debbie has to say about it. She might even have a simple solution so that those puppy kisses won't be so traumatizing.
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1222. Dog Guru Zak George On Service Dog Fraud

Dog Guru Zak George is on Animal RadioMaking Training Your Dog Enjoyable
Zak George is back and he has tips on making training your dog enjoyable for both you and your furry-friend. He believes that if your dog likes to do what your training them to do, you will be more successful. He'll also talk about Service Dog fraud.
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Virtual Chicken Petting
Imagine leaving your dog at home while it turns on the smart TV and chooses a program to watch. Lori Brooks will tell you about the new technology. She'll also tell you about Virtual Chicken Petting that artificially replicates physical interaction between chickens and their farmers.
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Wine for CatsShare A Glass Of Wine With Your Pets
So, you love your cat and you love your wine. A Colorado company called Apollo Peak wants to help cat owners enjoy the experience of sharing a glass of wine with their pets, so they've come out with a non-alcoholic, beet-based, catnip infused wine for cats.
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What You Need To Do Before Your Dog Goes Missing
Animal Radio's Pet World Insider, Robert Semrow has a short list of the things you should do so that, if and when your dog or cat disappears, you'll be prepared for a prompt and safe return.
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1221. Go For The Primates, Stay For The Sloths!

Sloth Love
Sam Trull and slothMost every social media butterfly has seen at least one cute video of a sloth (if not, check out our Facebook page). These litter critters are so cute, that many people want one as a pet. Photographer Sam Trull says she "went to Costa Rica for the primates but stayed for the sloths." She has the lowdown on sloths, and she says people think they're slow. She says "they can be fast when they want to, and their nails are pretty scary too."
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Doggy DNA Nabs Poop Offenders
A luxury apartment community near Grand Rapids, Michigan says it will use DNA technology as a way to sniff out dog owners who fail to pick up their pets' poop. The Ridges of Cascade complex is asking dog owners to swab their pet's mouth so it can build a DNA database that will allow it to identify residents who ignore its strict cleanup policy. The management company as already contracted with the Tennessee-based company PooPrints to collect DNA samples of each dog in the development. Violators will face a $350 fine.
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Sebastian Langton and catAlways Know Where Your Dog or Cat Is
Sebastian Langton created the world's smallest GPS pet tracker. A small pod the size of a wine cork is all that's needed to find your pet most anywhere in the world. The Podtracker is also capable of setting boundaries and monitoring activity. You could win one in our giveaway.
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Pet Cemeteries In China
Pet cemeteries are becoming increasingly popular in China with owners paying between $50 and $1,800 to buy their pets a plot. Rows of tombstones at one cemetery bear the names of pets along with flowers, toys, food and even calcium pills and chew bones were seen placed beside them.
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Cat that steals underwearThe Cat's Got More Than Your Tongue
A pet feline in New Zealand has been stealing men's underwear and socks from other people's homes! In just 2 months, the 6 year old cat named Brigit, acquired 11 pairs of underwear and more than 50 pairs of socks. Brigit's owner says she has put notes in every mailbox on her street to warn her neighbors.
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1220. Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are?

Dog Lawyer Jeremy CohenDog Lawyer
Attorney Jeremy Cohen gave up his insurance fraud law practice to focus only on dogs. He is one of the few "dog only" lawyers in the U.S. Jeremy represents dangerous dogs that usually have a death sentence. He tells us that lots of people have threatened him and harass him, but it's worth it if he can save the life of a dog.
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Maybe We're Not Smart Enough To Know
Dr. Frans de Waal asks the poignant question, "Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are?" Many of us suspect that our cats and dogs have a sixth sense. They seem to know things are going to happen before humans do. Is this smarts, or is it hyper-observation of your every move? Maybe a little of both.
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Supreme Court Puts a Value on Pets
The Georgia Supreme Court will soon decide the value of a pet. Currently, the law sees pets as property, like a car or a toaster. The Georgia Supreme Court is set to rule on the value of the dog whose death was allegedly caused by a fancy, high dollar kennel that allegedly gave the dog the wrong medicine that ultimately killed her. The kennel says that Lola the dog was property, and the family should get her "market value" - which, because she was a free rescue dog, is nothing.
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Cat CafesChicago Gets First Cat Café
Tree House Humane Society has been given approval to launch a coffee shop, which will double as a cat adoption center. It will feature a full coffee bar and a cat lounge where a dozen or more cats will be free to roam about, sleep and play. The $6 million Chicago facility set to open in early fall. Cat cafés are very popular in other countries. Cat Town in Oakland, saw its adoption rate more than double after opening the first stateside cat café not even two years ago.
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1219. Pot For Pets? Dr. Steve Katz Thinks So.
Dr Stephan KatzPot for Pets?
Dr. Stephan Katz explains how he is using parts of the marijuana plant to create a therapeutic treat for pets. Do animals respond the same as humans to medical marijuana? What is the legality of pot for pets? These burning questions and more are finally answered.
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To Flush or Not To Flush
It may be hard to believe, but people still flush kitty litter down the toilet. Not only is it bad for the pipes, Doc Halligan says it's bad for marine life. Apparently there is a parasite that is transmitted through cat feces and has been documented as a significant killer of otters and other sea life. Who knew?
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Lessons from Shirelle
Lessons from a Knucklehead
Doug Green learned a lot of life's lessons from his dog, Shirelle. He even says that the dog was responsible for his career path as a psychotherapist. He also finds that dogs are great intermediaries in his practice. He'll share some of the important epiphanies inspired by Shirelle.
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When is it time to say goodbye
When is it Time to Let Go?
It can be incredibly difficult to know when it's time to euthanize your furry-friend. Balancing your own selfishness with your pet's health and happiness is no easy task. Dr. Debbie has answers that will help you make the decision when that time comes.
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1218. Howard's Wife, Beth Stern Lets The Cat Out Of The Bag.

Beth Stern is on Animal RadioBeth Stern Guests
Yes, she is the wife of Howard Stern. But more importantly, Beth Ostrosky - Stern is an avid animal advocate. She's fostering a bunch of animals at home. She says Howard is really into her pets and sometimes he'll get very emotional when the animals find homes.
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Cats Actually Have A Language
Con Slobodchikoff is studying animal linguistics. He's noticing patterns that indicate language among cats and even prairie dogs. He even says that someday we may have an App that will translate our conversations with animals.
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Pet Restraints FAIL
New research from the Center for Pet Safety reveals that the pet restraints tested have a 100% failure rate. Does this mean you shouldn't use them when traveling with your pet? Absolutely not. However, Lindsey Wolko has the lowdown on what works and what doesn't when it comes to keeping your pets safe in the car.
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Don't Worry About Bugs In Your Food - They Were Intentionally Added
Acclaimed European chef David Faure isn't worried about his diners finding a bug in their meals. In fact, he's started intentionally adding a variety of creepy crawlies to the dishes he serves at his restaurant. He says the biggest obstacle in his quest is finding a reliable local supplier of edible insects.
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Dogs eat poop
Eating Poop - Don't Knock It
Not a week goes by without a listener calling to ask why their dog is eating other dog's feces. While there are many theories as to why this happens, Dr. Debbie gets to the bottom of it and sheds light on the very common problem.
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1217. Is Your Dog A Genius? Now Your Cat Can Post Pics On Instagram.

Dr. Brian Hare is on Animal RadioIs Your Dog A Genius?
Nat Geo's Dr. Brian Hare hosts a three-part series devoted to finding the genius in your dog with interactive games you can play. Tapping into your dog's 'smarts' is easy as knowing the activities in which they exceed.
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Smart Inventions For Pets
Scott Harris co-invented a cat feather-toy that can be remotely controlled from a smart-phone. They've installed 21 of these toys at shelters nationwide. With a click of a button, you too can play with the animals up for adoption - from the comfort of your own armchair.
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School Allows Service Pit-Bull
Pit Bull Service DogA federal judge in Florida has ruled that a sweet pit bull name Stevie will be allowed to go to school with 7-year-old Anthony Alboniga, who has cerebral palsy. For the past two years though, officials at Anthony's school in Broward County refused to let Stevie come to school with Anthony, unless the company paid for a so-called handler to go with them, which the family could not afford.
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Chimps Get Their Day In Court
Two chimpanzees will have their day in court under a law that up till now has only applied to people. New York Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jaffee has granted Hercules and Leo a writ of habeas corpus. They live in a lab at Stony Brook University of Long Island and have been part of research into how humans evolved to walk on two legs.
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Cats Get To Post Pics To Instagram
Many pets have their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Of course, there's a person behind them doing the work. Not for long. Whiskas Australia have created a wearable camera that goes on your kitty's collar, and it automatically takes pictures while and posts them to Instagram for you and your cat.
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1216. Are Dog Owners Really Happier Than Cat Owners?

Cat Survives 8-Days Being Shipped In Box By Owner
Lucky survives 8 days in mailCupcake is an incredibly lucky cat. The Siamese survived being stuck inside a small cardboard box for eight days and 260 miles after her owner accidentally mailed her. The owner didn't see Cupcake snoozing inside the package as she packed it with DVDs. Then she dropped the box in the mail. The package's recipients were stunned to open the box and find the cute cat curled up alongside the movies they'd bought. Cupcake was reunited with her tearful owner (who felt horrible) over the weekend. She says, "I knew Cupcake was missing, but not for one second did I think she was in that box."
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Memorialize Pets With GardenUnique Ways To Memorialize Your Pet
The one downfall of cats and dogs is their short life span. This leaves us looking for unique ways to pay tribute to their life. We've found companies that will turn your pet into a diamond gem stone or shoot your pets remains into space. Now comes Pet Perennials, a wild-flower garden composed from your pet's ashes. The startup's founder Remy Bibaud explains.
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Cat Lovers Take More Pictures
The research is in from one "cloud" company that says we upload more pictures of our cats than dogs. What does this actually say about cat guardians? Do we take more cat pictures because we're "cat crazy?" Jackie Stone from MiMedia has her reasons for the trend.
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Cat owners vs dog ownersThe Difference Between Dog and Cat Owners
Dog owners are happier, more sociable, earn bigger salaries and have a bigger sexual appetite than cat owners, according to a new study. Animal Radio News Director Lori Brooks says data also suggests that dog owners are more likely to have paid off their mortgage and they will be inclined to describe their job as "stressful." By contrast, cat owners are happier living alone and admit they relish a simpler pace of life. The study also found the average cat owner takes home $34,000 a year, while the typical dog lover can expect to earn $38,000.
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1215. Cat Owners Are More Neurotic And Less Happy Than Dog Owners

Why cats are better than dogsWhy Dogs Are Better Than Cats!?!
Research from Manhattanville College confirms what you may suspect... cat owners are more neurotic and less happy than dog owners. Assistant Professor Katherine Bao explains the results of this study and talks about ongoing research.
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Batman Set Made Into Birdhouses
Zack Snyder and his bat houseThe very "Batty" Rob Mies joins us to explain why they've cut up the Batman vs. Superman movie set and made bat-houses, signed by the actors (even Ben Affleck & Zack Snyder) and auctioned on eBay.
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Liam Berkeley came up with an App that matches dogs with those that want "dog-time" but don't have enough time for a full-time pet. The spirit in the service lies in how it enables "borrowers," people who aren't fortunate to have their own dog, but would love to spend time with one whenever they have a chance. Would you trust your dog with someone suggested by a phone app?
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Giant Rabbit Finds HomeGiant Rabbit Finds Home
Atlas, a giant rabbit about the size of a terrier, has found a new home after being taken in by the SPCA last month. The rabbit's previous owner decided they could no longer care for him and the shelter spent a month searching for a proper home for the abnormally large rabbit. The new pet parent to Atlas says she feels like she won the lottery because there were hundreds of calls and emails from people all over the world who wanted to adopt Atlas. By the way, Atlas' new name is almost as long as he is. The new owner named him Axilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws, but calls him Atty for short!
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Boston Latest to Ban Puppy Mill Sales
More than 90 cities across the country have now banned the sale of commercially-bred dogs in pet stores, while Illinois and Maine have proposed bills to ban the sale of puppies in pet stores statewide! In the latest big win for animal advocates and animals, Boston has become the latest major city to sign legislation banning the sale of commercially bred animals.
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1214. Life With A Pet Pig

Debra Jo Chiapuzio is on Animal RadioPigs As Pets
The very charismatic Debra Jo Chiapuzio is back to tell us about life with a pet pig. She says her dog thinks the swine is a yummy-treat. If you've ever considered a pig for a pet, you must hear this interview. Debra, who is responsible for creating the Emma Zen Organization, raised funds to supply local fire departments with pet-oxygen masks. Now she's behind the "Food Train" to help rescued pigs.
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Protective Order Protects Pets of Domestic Abuse
A new federal bill in search of Congressional support could be passed to protect both animals and people. The Pets and Women's Safety (PAWS) Act will make it a crime to cross state lines to commit an act of domestic violence on a pet. The program would also provide support for animal shelters that offer space for the pets of people fleeing domestic violence.
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Living In A Bathtub for 30 Daze
Danielle Daals is on Animal RadioDanielle Daals left her family in New Zealand to sit in a bathtub for 30 days in front of the Miami Seaquarium. Of course she has a good reason. She wants people to know that Lolita the Killer Whale lives in the smallest tank in the United States. We talk to her about halfway through her publicity stunt.
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Cat Trapped In Woman's Body
Lady thinks she is a catNano, as she likes to be called, claims she was born in the wrong species and that she's actually a cat trapped in a human body! She says her personality and psychological features prove that she is more feline that human because she prefers walking around on her hands and knees to standing on two legs, and likes to sleep in sinks and wind mills, despite her adult size. She also claims she possesses a slew of catty characteristics like ultra-sharp hearing, laser night vision and fierce aversions to both dogs and water. The clincher that Nano is really a cat is seen in her You Tube video in which she says, "It's also obvious that I'm a cat when I start purring and meowing . . . Sometimes I hiss when meeting dogs in the street."
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1213. What You Really Need To Know About Your Pet's Microchip - Rocker Marlon Hargis Guests

Marlon Hargis from ExileRocker Marlon Hargis Talks About His Furry Friends
He's still around and touring for the animals. From the band Exile (Kiss You All Over), Marlon Hargis is our guest; and saying he loves our furry friends is an understatement. He even does a benefit concert for a homeless pets and people organization.
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Canned vs. Kibble - Moist vs. Dry
Doc Halligan is here to settle the age-old question, should we be feeding our pets dry food or from a can? The answer may depend on many factors. Is dry kibble responsible for one of the most common problems in older male cats?
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Real Estate for Animal Businesses
You may already know how hard it is to find somewhere to live with your pets. That is especially true if you live in Los Angeles. LA is where Lynsey Polacheck runs her real estate business for animal related businesses like groomers, pet hotels and even a doggy-shrink.
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Canine Flu Now in 28 States
The new strain of canine flu was just confirmed in Missouri and Montana. There is a preventative vaccine for about $50, which is a lot cheaper than treating a dog with this strain of flu. And what about the cats? Can they get it?
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What you NEED to know about MICROCHIPSWhat You Need To Know About Microchips
The biggest misconception about microchips is that they contain the owner's information. Dr. Debbie sets a listener straight (or perhaps the listener sets Dr. Debbie straight) when they ask why veterinarians don't scan for stolen pets. Make sure these microchip pitfalls don't make them useless when your pet goes missing.
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1212. Actress Joyce DeWitt Talks Dogs - Vapes Top The List Of ER Veterinary Visits

Joyce DeWitt is on Animal Radio®Joyce DeWitt Guests
She played Janet, the brunette on Three's Company. Joyce DeWitt is our special guest this week and she's "talking dogs." She starred in a Hallmark made-for-TV movie about dogs.
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GPS Microchip Fraud?
Karen Hanover was a recent guest on Animal Radio® and discussed a new device she and her mother created called Escape Alert, a GPS microchip that could track your dog if he/she ever got lost. Hanover signed a plea deal in federal court stating that she bilked 48 people out of nearly a million-and-a-half dollars.
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Pet Insurance Reform
California has become the first state in the nation to enact a set of protections for people who buy pet insurance. Assembly bill 2056 requires insurers to explain their policies more clearly and give people a 30-day trial period, during which a person can get a full refund. The pet insurance industry is expected to grow to at least $750 million by next year, while Americans spend more than $15 billion annually on veterinary care.
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E-Cigarettes Causes Trouble for Pets
With the popularity of electronic cigarettes, veterinarians are seeing more and more nicotine poisoning events. The pen-like smoke vaporizer usually is flavored, which makes it even harder to keep away from dogs. Dr. Ahna Brutlag from the Pet Poison Helpline is here to explain.
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1211. Pet-Sitters Can Make Up To A Million Dollars. Here's How

Make a million pet sittingQuit Your Stupid Job
Beth Stultz of wants you to quit your dumb job and become a pet-sitter! She says you can make anywhere between 50,000 to a MILLION a year doing what you love. Beth will tell you how to get started.
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Pet Dental Health Month
Sure, everyone is telling you to brush your pet's teeth daily. But are you? Of course not. Not because you don't care, but because it can be a tremendously complex undertaking. Doc Halligan and Joey Villani have the lowdown on brushing compliance and why it's so important for your pet's health.
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Pet owners are happierPets and YOUR Happiness
A survey from Manhattan College confirms that people that own pets are generally happier than those that don't. The research also goes on to back up an earlier theory that cat owners tend to be neurotic.
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Goats Celebrates The Broncos Football
A Colorado farmer is celebrating the Denver Bronco's by knitting Broncos sweaters for the 150 baby goats expected to be born on her family's 400-acre goat farm this spring.
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1210. Batman's Burt Ward Sleeps With 300lb Dogs
Actor Burt Ward shares his bed with 25 Great Danes - he tells his story on Animal RadioFrom Caped Crusader to Canine Crusader
Actor Burt Ward was the original 'Robin' on the hit series Batman. Because of security issues during Batman's filming, he had to have two large breed dogs with him all the time. Now he's devoted to giant breed dogs and runs the Gentle Giant Rescue. He tells Animal Radio that as many as 25 Great Danes share his bed with him and his wife Tracy.
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The Secret Life of Mac
Inspired by the viral videos of cats stealing clothes and other items, author Melinda Metz weaved a story about a Klepto-kitty named Mac who will steal your heart. Why is it some cats, left to their own devices, choose to abscond with everything from lingerie to money?
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EMTs should legally be allowed to help animals without being penalized
EMT's Can't Treat Animals… Yet
Police in Boston are praising proposed legislation that would allow emergency medical service workers to treat police dogs injured in the line of duty. Currently, Massachusetts' laws penalize EMT's if they assist an animal in an emergency.
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Can Our Pets Become Addicted To Opioids?
The opioid crisis isn't just impacting people. A new study in Pennsylvania says there's been a big increase in the amount of pain medication being prescribed for pets in the state. The new research shows opioid prescriptions for animals in the state are up 41% over a 10-year period. It's unclear why there's been such a dramatic increase. But, if opioids are so addictive for humans, are they addictive to pets?
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1209. What Would Your Pet Say About You If They Could Talk?

What if your pet could talk? What would he or she say?What If Your Pet Could Talk?
There have been some new advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which suggest the dream of being able to talk with animals could really happen. With the help of A.I., scientists are learning how to translate animals' vocalizations and facial expressions into something we can understand.
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Dog Flu Is Year Round
Canine Influenza, more commonly known as the 'dog flu' is not the same virus as the human flu. For humans, there is a flu season in which the virus is spread, but dog flu is seen year round in pets. You cannot give your dog the flu and you cannot get the flu from your dog. However, dog flu signs and symptoms are much like what people experience such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose and gooey eye discharge. People get flu shots to protect themselves and there IS a flu vaccine for dogs too.
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Most Common Reasons Pets Go To Vets
After treating more than 15,500 animal patients last year, Dove Lewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Animal Hospital in Portland has compiled a list of the most common medical issues pets are taken to the vet for, as well as the most common items eaten by pets. The top item pets eat that they shouldn't is chocolate followed by marijuana and human medications.
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Lynn Jackson is on Animal RadioTeaching Kids About Spay & Neuter
Lynn Jackson is at the forefront of educating students in Burke County, North Carolina about the acute feral cat and sterilization problems faced by this part of the U.S. She visits with fourth graders and teaches responsible pet ownership.
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Swiffer Hoax Has Been Around - Here It Comes Again.
For some reason, the rumor that the chemicals used in Swiffer Wet Jet cleaner is killing pets is making the rounds again. But don't worry - it's not true! This urban myth has been around for a number of years and seems to get run through the social media grinder every few months.
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1208. Dog Flu, Dog Pants And A Dog Lovin' Prince

Prince Lorenzo Borghese is on Animal RadioThe Prince is Back!
Prince Lorenzo Borghese has returned for his second time on Animal Radio. While he never found love on ABC's The Bachelor, he did find a special love for the animals. He helps relocate homeless animals on death row in Georgia to new forever homes in Jersey.
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FBI Tracks Animal Abuse
This year, for the first time, the FBI has begun tracking animal abuse the same way it tracks other major crimes such as murder, arson, and assault, so animal cruelty is now a Class A felony with its own category. Previously, animal cruelty crimes were reported to the FBI as "other." The deputy executive director of the National Sheriffs' Association backed the change when he learned that many serial killers are animal abusers first.
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How Do Dogs Wear PantsHow Do Dogs Wear Pants?
Julie Korth has been making pants for dogs long before it was cool! As CEO of Mozziepants, she's following her dreams. So many questions. So little time.
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Dog Flu Spreading
There is a dangerous strain of dog flu spreading through the western U.S. Health officials in the Seattle area have confirmed tests showing the virus was found in dogs who stayed at a local doggie daycare facility where at least 80 dogs developed respiratory illness since December. The virus began spreading last spring in the Chicago area and sickened more than 1,000 dogs in the Midwest. Although most dogs recover, a handful of deaths were reported. It has since spread to about 25 states.
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Emotional Support Turkey Flies Delta
Did you see the photo of a turkey that took the Internet by storm after boarding a Delta Airlines passenger flight? It shows the bird sitting opened beaked while being hugged by its owner. Another photo was also shared online of the turkey being transported in a wheelchair. It is believed the turkey was given a seat on the plane as an "emotional support animal."
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1207. 'Snake Whisperer' Brian Barczyk Has 30,000 Snakes - And The Women Love It.

Brian Barczyk on Animal RadioSnake-Whisperer Gets The Girls
Brian Barczyk loves reptiles. He has 30,000 snakes. Brian breeds them and sends them all over the globe to his snake-lovin' brethren. He's been bit 100,000 times he estimates and his colorful life is ripe for a TV reality series. Are you listening NatGeo? Oh, and no, he's not single. In fact, the chicks dig it.
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Security K9's For Schools
Following the Sandy Hook tragedy, Mark Gomer got the idea to put Canine Protection Dogs into schools to sniff-out firearms and diffuse violent situations. At $50,000 per dog, Mark is trying to convince schools to purchase one of these full-time K9's to protect their students.
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There's An App For That
Ever wonder where you can take your dog if you are out and about? The Fido Factor app lets people know which places allow dogs, whether it's a department store, restaurant, bar or just about any place else. In addition, the app gives you specific rules for each place, so you'll know things like the leash rules or the fees you'll have to pay.
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When To Say No
Hoarding is a very real problem. Often times, those who collect suffer mental disabilities for which only professional help is the answer. We'll speak to a cat lover that has more cats than she can count, and a dog lover with 16 un-altered pups. Ultimately, the pets suffers from this unrecognized neglect.
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1206. Studies Show Pet Ownership Can Reduce YOUR Medical Bills

Shawn Simons, Founder of The Charm School For Wayward CatsCharm School for Wayward Cats
Shawn Simons said she accidentally started herding and domesticating feral kittens for adoption. What began as a hobby has turned into one of the best rescue stories of the decade. Simons is making a difference for feral and homeless feline across Los Angeles county. She even enlists high-profile celebs to help with her cause.
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Pets Save On Your Medical Bills
Two researchers from George Mason University in Virginia have calculated a savings of more than $11 billion in health care costs in the United States as a result of pet ownership. On average, the 132.8 million pet owners in the country visit a doctor 0.6 times less than the average non-pet owners. With the average cost of a visit to the doctor's office at $139, that calculates to more than $11 billion pet owners did not spend. Not only that, but the dog owners who walked their pet five or more times a week had a lower incidence of obesity and were responsible for saving $419 million in related health care costs, according to the study.
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Secondhand Smoke Bad for Pets
A recent study says that dogs and cats whose humans smoke are at greater risk of cell damage, weight gain and some animal cancers. Researchers in Scotland discovered that, "An examination of the testicles removed from castrated dogs found that a gene, which acts as a marker of cell damage, was higher in dogs living in smoking homes." But if you have cats, the risk is greater because cats groom themselves, which increases the amount of smoke chemicals that enter the body.
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Cat floats in cat litter rescued
Cat Uses Litter-box as Flotation Device
A very smart cat used its litter box to stay afloat during a devastating flood that had water almost up to the ceiling of his house trailer in Missouri. Two members of the Disaster Response Team from the Humane Society of Missouri pulled up to the trailer in a boat and were able to gently extract the wet cat from the litter box as it floated by a window inside.
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