Animal Radio® Show #705
Animal Radio® Gets Phat on Fat
Obesity is troubling about 3 out of every 5 pets. This weeks we're conquering this problem with stories, tips and tricks to make sure your pet is healthy and happy. You'll hear about the kitty that ate McDonald's every day, an inventor that created a cat-treadmill, and a 77 lb. Dachshund.
Top Behavioral Problem
Separation Anxiety not only tops the least of dog behavior problems, it's most often brought on by the dog's owner or guardian without knowing it. Alan Kabel has sure-fire ways to teach an old dog new tricks.
Dogs Going Postal
Dogs go postal in Los Angeles more than any other U.S. city. The U.S. Postal Service released its rankings of the best and worst cities for dog attacks on mail carriers. Los Angeles recorded 69 incidents last year. San Antonio and Seattle round out the top three worst cities. Wichita, Kansas is the safety city with just 20 attacks. Almost six thousand postal workers were attacked by dogs in 2012.
Worm Season
With Mosquito season comes an increase in parasitic worms that could ultimately be fatal. Joey Villani tells you how to keep the skeeters away and Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig tell listeners about over-the-counter products that are safe for your pets, but put a damper in any worm's day.
Dogs Good For Our Hearts
The American Heart Association (AHA) has declared that pets, especially dogs, are good for a person's heart. Further proof that dogs are among the best friends a person could have. Dr. Glenn N. Levine, director of Baylor University's cardiac care unit, says "Pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, is probably associated with a decreased risk of heart disease."
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Animal Radio® Show #704
Actress Elaine Hendrix Guests
When she's not acting in NCIS or CSI, Elaine Hendrix is working to reduce the amount of homeless animals that are euthanized everyday. She's even started her own adoption website called The Pet Matchmaker„¢.
Pet Pawparazzi Photo Contest
For the third year, we've teamed up with the very pet-friendly Kimpton Hotels for our traditional pet photo competition. Up for grabs, a 3-night stay at Kimpton, Jet Blue Airfare and lots of goodies to spoil you and your pet. Enter Now!!
Medical Marijuana for Pets
Veterinarians report a high increase in numbers of pets ingesting marijuana. There is a dispute about this being an effective and helpful 'medication' for pets. Some Veterinarians are against it, others have already prescribed it to terminally ill pet as a painkiller. Holistic Caretaker Kim Baker explains how pot is being used in palliative medicine for animals.
Shelter Pets Named Official State Pet
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is signing two pet-friendly bills into law. Senate Bill 201 names shelter pets as the official state pet. The second measure, Senate Bill 226, the "Dog Protection Act," will require local cops and sheriff's departments to provide canine behavioral training for officers so they can better determine when a dog presents a threat.
Lab-Grown Beef Anyone?
Lab-grown beef may be getting its first taste test in the coming weeks. Dutch Scientist Dr. Mark Post has managed to engineer a hamburger from cattle stem cells. Post grew more than 20,000 thin strips of tissue from cells taken from the neck muscles of cattle and assembled them into a patty.
Cremated Diamond
There's no more of a unique way to memorialize your late pet than having their cremains made into a diamond that you can wear in a ring or other jewelry. Britt Savage explains how you can turn your deceased pet into a diamond.
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Animal Radio® Show #703
Building Noah's Ark
Reniel Aguila, a Florida resident, has embarked on an estimated two-year journey to build a replica of Noah's Ark using precise biblical specifications. Rodolfo Almira said he thought of the idea after watching animals in Hurricane Katrina struggle to find food and survive. Almira has received about $300,000 in donations but needs much more.
Chimps As Pets
As much as you would like to share your home with a primate, and some of you who think you already do, it's no fun after the third or fourth dung toss. Plus their sheer strength can have you ready to reconsider. Debbie Rosenman chronicles the stories of primate love.
There's An App For That
The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) unveiled a new app designed to make it easier than ever to report the neglect, abuse, and cruelty to animals. With just a few clicks, a picture or video with GPS location alerts authorities to any wrongdoing. Megan Backus explains.
Skeeter Season
Mosquitos are everywhere this year. The late moisture in the east hasn't helped. This little buggers can transmit Lyme disease to you and your pets. Fear not, Dr. Debbie has the solution without using harsh chemicals.
Pet Lemon Law
Illinois State Senator Dan Kotowski's (D€“Park Ridge) legislation that promotes a healthier pet population passed the Senate. What happens if the dog or cat is ill or has a disease? Kotowski's proposal allows a pet owner to return their new pet to the store and receive a refund if a veterinarian confirms that the pet was purchased with an illness not disclosed by the seller.
Single People Own More Pets
Pet ownership among single people has increased by nearly 17 percent, from 46.9 percent in 2006 to 54.7 percent in 2011, according to a recent survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association. The study also indicates that singles are more likely to think of pets as family members, rather than companions or property.
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Animal Radio® Show #702
The Animals' Favorite Quarterback
Pittsburgh Steelers QB Charlie Batch visits Animal Radio® to talk about his new job promoting the Riedel & Cody Fund, an organization that helps those battling Canine Cancer.
Mike Tyson's Ex Eats His Pet
Who would have the guts to eat the former World Heavyweight Champion's pet pigeon? Mike Tyson's ex-girlfriend roasted the fowl in front of him. Tyson says "I was living in her home on her dime, so I let her do it." He also said this led to the break-up."
Stop the Tear-stains
Groomer Joey Villani knows that your pet's tear-stains can be caused by a yeast infection. He'll tell you how the professionals get rid of, and prevent further tear-stains. You probably have all the ingredients in your cabinets.
Rolling in Poop
While there are many theories why dogs like to roll in poop and other obnoxiously smelling things, Dr. Debbie and Alan Kabel examine the behavior and tell you how to prevent it. Ladybug the Animal Radio® Studio Stunt Dog says "don't knock it until you try it."
McDonald's Super Sizes Cat
A stray cat named Frankie took up residence in the parking lot of a McDonald€™s in Frankton, New Zealand, begging for handouts from customers. He survived on fast food for a year, and just like in "Super Size Me," it took its toll. Jessica Watson, the SPCA field officer who rescued Frank, said she became worried after noticing the cat's face was swollen, his eyelids weren't closing properly and his coat was matted. "He wasn't overweight, but McDonald's wouldn't meet the nutritional requirements for a cat."
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Animal Radio® Show #701
Ken Howard Guests
Actor and SAG/AFTRA President Ken Howard (The White Shadow) shares stories of the pets in his life. He explains how his rescue dog feels about the controversial union merger. He also does a fine job filling in for the conspicuously absent Emmylou Harris.
Dog Cleared of All Charges
A New York woman's dog has been cleared of all charges in a Central Park bicycle accident. An appeals court in the Big Apple ruled that Julie Smith's canine pal Lena was not at fault for colliding with biker Wolfgang Doerr back in 2009. Doerr originally sued Smith in 2010 after suffering a fractured jaw and five broken molars in the run-in with Lena.
Woman Encounters Tiger In Bathroom
A Kansas woman is crediting her training as a social worker with helping her survive a ladies room encounter with a 250-pound tiger. Jenna Krehbiel took a trip to the bathroom during a break in the action at the Isis Shrine Circus in Salina. Unbeknownst to her, one of the tigers managed to get loose and also decided to hit the restroom.
New Award Winning Segment
Alan Kabel's new segment, "Will This Excite Dr. Debbie" is a hit. This week you'll learn more crazy facts about our animals. For instance, did you know a female Praying Mantis tears the male's head off during copulation? Great conversation around the water-cooler...or a first date.
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Dr. Marty Becker Joins Animal Radio®
Dream Team Adds America€™s Favorite Veterinarian
(Los Angeles CA., June 01, 2013) America's Veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker will be joining the nationally syndicated Animal Radio® show on XM Satellite Radio and 107 AM/FM stations across the U.S.
Starting the end of June, Dr. Becker will be giving great advice and suggestions for a healthier pet to over 350,000 listeners and animal lovers.
VP of Programming for Animal Radio®, Hal Abrams welcomes Dr. Becker, "There is nobody more experienced than Marty, he brings a lot of wisdom to the team."
Dr. Becker has been a frequent guest prior to joining Animal Radio®. "I've known Hal for many years, and I consider him a friend. We share a passionate advocacy for pets and the people who love them," says Becker, "plus Hal supports the role of the veterinarian as the true pet health expert. When he asked me if I would become a regular guest, I knew there was no way I could turn him down. I'm happy to be part of the team that works to help both pets and people live happier, healthier, fuller lives."
For close to 20 years, Dr. Becker has been the popular veterinary contributor on ABC's Good Morning America. He is a founding member of The Dr. Oz Show's Core Team Oz and a member of the Dr. Oz Medical Advisory Panel. He has written 22 books that have sold more than 7 million copies, including three New York Times best-sellers. He has been a contributor to Parade magazine, Reader's Digest and
Join us for his first broadcast TBA. Saturday's at noon eastern, and re-broadcast on Sunday at 5 pm eastern on XM Satellite Radio channel 244 America's Talk, or any one of 107 AM/FM stations from Los Angeles to New York. Go to to find a station near you.
You may also hear it on the Animal Radio® App for iPhone and Android.
Programming Notes:
XM Satellite Radio: The Animal Radio® broadcast on XM Satellite Radio has moved to channel 244. The times have not changed. Catch Animal Radio® Saturdays at noon eastern and again Sunday at 5pm eastern.
KFWB AM980 Los Angeles: We have changed air-times at KFWB. We are now on Sunday nights at 8pm all throughout the Southland.

Ask the Animal Radio® Dream Team
Listen to Animal Radio® LIVE every Saturday at noon eastern and Sundays at 5pm eastern on XM ch. 244 (America's Talk) or on any of the 106 AM-FM radio stations. Call with your questions toll-free 1-866-405-8405 or email
Laminate Flooring
Lisa Kimbler: I have an 8 year old female Labrador Retriever named Callie, I have recently installed laminate flooring in my house and she is scared to walk on it. There are times when it's like she isn't thinking about it she will walk across with no problem but for the most part she will not get on it. What can I do?
Alan Kabel: So your dog has developed a fear of walking on the laminate. Probably because she slipped on it or has banged into something while running on it. At any rate, somewhere after you put the floor in she had an unpleasant experience, which you may have not been there to see, so she associates the floor with fear and unpleasantness. You can use the fact that she sometimes forgets her fear of the floor to now form a positive association.
You do this with a good solid "good dog" and a treat when she forgets the fear and walks on the floor. So when she walks on the floor you go GOOD DOG and immediately give her a treat.
You can also use treats or her favorite toy to lure her to you across the floor. "Good Dog" when she gets there. Then just walk away. Do not make too much of a big deal about this or anything. Just "good dog," treat and move on.
Finally you can put a leash on her and walk her very quickly across the floor. If she refuses, stop circle back and begin again. Do it over and over taking deep breaths and practicing making yourself very calm inside. In time she will feed off of your calm confident energy and allow you to lead her across the floor. She will feel safe and protected by you.
Understand that these things take time. Anytime you modify behavior in a dog it takes time, patience, consistency and a very steady calm attitude from you.
Watch your dog, do not talk to her, watch her and look for triggers and changes in behavior. Look for how she moves and acts right before the fear sets in and intervene with a redirection like offering her a toy she loves. These things re-focus the dogs mind off of the fear and create powerful positive associations. Remember to leash walk your dog everyday for at least 30 minutes at your side or behind you, never in front.
This places you in the leadership role. You enter the house first, you leave the house first. Hold her food for a minute before you put it down (no talk - looking straight ahead) and ask her to stay for a full 60 seconds before you motion for her to eat.
Doing these things allows a dog to relax because they need strong leadership. Patience and time. Less talk more calm action. GOOD LUCK.

Hector: I'm having an issue with fleas. I have an indoor Chihuahua and an outdoor German Shepherd/Chow mix. I've put them on Hartz flea treatment. The Chihuahua developed a rash, so I stopped using it. Then I took them both to PetSmart for a flea bath and they are now on Advantix. The chihuahua looks good, but I haven't really checked the big dog, because he has lots of fur and is outdoors. However, I don't see the dog scratching any more. I've treated my house, but I was at work and don't know the name of the product. I'm planning on treating my yard with the same brand of product. The fleas seem to be under control but I was looking for some other ideas to treat the house and yard, as I want to do it this weekend. How often do I use flea treatment? Every three months?
Dr. Debbie: So you are having a flea issue. It's going to be a bad flea year across the country...where do you live? The goal of treating flea infestations is to use products that kill different stages of the flea life cycle, to treat pet and environment both, to treat all pets, and to continue treatment year round.
The adult form is what we see and use to measure when fleas are killed, but is just the tip of the iceberg. Other flea forms include the egg, larvae and pupal stages. Some of these forms can sit quietly in the environment without developing into adults for up to a year! So I'd definitely advise you keep treating well beyond 3 months.
I understand you had issues with the Hartz topical spot on. I am happy you switched to Advantix. When your product runs out, you could even consider switching to Advantix II - this has an additional ingredient Pyriproxyfen which can kill the immature forms like the eggs and larva (very cool that this helps stop those immature forms from ever developing into adult fleas).
If you are looking for environmental treatment - weekly vacuuming is important along with perimeter sprays/foggers. Check with your vet for products they recommend. Good brands include those made by Virbac or Bayer, but there are certainly more. Sometimes you can find these brand yard sprays at your garden center/home improvement store too. Another good solution for tough flea infestations is to get professional help through an exterminator or a local service by
Just be careful if you have cats in the home. Many flea products for dogs can be toxic to cats, even if they ingest them off the fur of a canine friend.
Einstein's Ear Problems
David: My wife and I have a 12 year old Golden Retriever. His name is "Einstein" (because he's so smart) :). However, this poor dog has had a ongoing ear infection for most of his life. Believe me, we have had him to the vet constantly. We have put out hundreds of dollars in med's and doc. visits. The only medicine that even seems to work at all is (Mometamax), but it just will not clear it up. The vet even did a surgery on his ears where he cut out some of the ear on the inside. The vet said that there is another type of surgery that is more severe, but that it is only a 50/50 chance of it working, but it is way to cost preventative to really consider. Now with him being older, it probably would not help anyway.
We did try another vet a couple of years ago, cannot remember the medication that was used, but it made Einstein so lethargic that we said enough of that. It was as if he was in a drug stupor. He just laid around, wouldn't play at all, barely ate or drank any water, his eyes changed, lifeless, as if he wasn't even in there. It really scared us. You couldn't even tickle him. It was like he couldn't feel it. And he really, really, really loves having his belly scratched. Well, after taking him off those med's, in a few days, he returned back to normal. As far as his ears go, it didn't have any effect. He was on them for a little over a month.
We are pretty sure that Einstein is now deaf, or close to it. Probably caused by the infection, probably irreversible, or it could be caused by his (the vet calls it droupsy), he also called it by its official name? The right side of his face is like it is partly paralyzed, the skin kinda hangs down a bit. We had to put drops in his right eye until he learned how to blink again. Although, we think that he is not able to see out of it barely or at all now.
Of course, with him being 12, we have considered putting him down, but we really don't want to do that just yet. He seems to still be very happy and maybe not so full of energy, but still willing and wanting to play an get around on his own. He is having some issues with getting up, being stiff and such, but he doesn't appear to be in any pain except for his ears. We had to put down our 4 year old German Sheppard because of cancer and hip dysplasia, and I really don't want to go through that again if I don't have to.
I realize that without seeing our dog, that there is probably not much you can do, but if you might have some suggestions or possible recommendations. That would be so very much appreciated. Believe me, If we had the means, we would be on the next plane.
Dr. Debbie: Sorry about Einstein's ongoing ear issues- the nerve symptoms do suggest that his ear problems are chronic and severe. It sounds like your vet has recommended a total ear canal ablation as a surgical option. This usually eliminates chronic ear infections since the entire ear canal is removed. I'll agree that his advanced age and the overall cost of the procedure would be difficult to justify that step. But it can be curative for some pets.
Medication and controlling his ear/allergy issues would be the other option. The goal would be comfort and minimizing his ear issues. That probably means long term or continuous medical therapy. Anti-yeast medicine like Ketoconazle can help with chronic, stinky feet smelling ears. Sounds like he may need to be on chronic ear topicals too.
Two different options I consider for regular ear use with chronic infections are either: Tris EDTA/Ketoconazole ear solutions or Vetericyn ear flush. Ask your vet if one of those might be useful for Einstein.
I would try to find out what the name of the pill was that Einstein had a problem with in the past, so you could be sure to avoid it. I have good success with Cycosporine (Atopica) with chronic allergies/ears, but also will use prednisone to manage swelling/redness- check to make sure it wasn't one of those that he reacted badly to, if not you have an option to try one of those.
The honest truth is that dogs with chronic ear infections have a lot of swelling and ear changes that prevent fully resolving ear issues at this point...unless surgery is done. But if he is happy and medical therapy keeps his ears "under control" then I'd feel blessed to have him around.
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