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 This Week on Animal Radio

Animal Radio for June 22, 2024  

Eastwood Is Back
Alison Eastwood - Chimp Haven

Alison Eastwood with pupThe daughter of Clint Eastwood, Alison Eastwood, is back for more fun! She helped to raise money for Chimp Haven, a home for 110 research chimps purposely infected with HIV and Hep C. Alison said that the government stopped funding chimp research and left the chimps homeless.

Actress and director Alison Eastwood lent her star power to help 110 chimpanzees from a biomedical research laboratory get a new start. She felt it was a great cause to get behind and help these chimps.

Keithville, LA-based Chimp Haven, is the biggest chimp sanctuary in the United States that takes in chimps from all walks of life. Whether they are medical lab chimps or from private owners, they take them all. The chimpanzees have a new home there, following their retirement from the New Iberia Research Center.

But while the CHIMP Act approved by congress in 2000 - and amended in 2013 - earmarks partial funding for their care, approximately $600,000 per year in additional public support is needed to support the Sanctuary. So Chimp Haven contacted Alison Eastwood for help.

Lab ChimpThe biggest expenses were the enclosures that had to be built for these chimps. Chimp Haven doesn't believe in placing these animals in tiny cages. They don't want to take them from labs and have them go back into small, horrible unnatural environments. They build beautiful habitats so they can spend the rest of their lives in a somewhat natural environment with trees, toys, or things they might have in the wild. Daily care also added up for this many chimps, which can live for many years.

While the Federal government stopped their funding for experimenting on chimps, private labs still continue to do so.

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"HERO PEOPLE OF THE WEEK" - Financial Help For Pet Procedures

Carol Smock with Chocolate ChipOur Hero Person this week created the Brown Dog Foundation to help pet owners afford life-saving surgeries and procedures for their pets. It all started when Carol Smock's dog, "Chocolate Chip," needed surgery shortly after she adopted him. Carol says, "Chip was most certainly a muse and inspiration for the foundation."

Brown Dog Foundation was founded on October 16, 2006 in memory of Chocolate Chip, a chocolate Labrador Retriever that touched many hearts in his short, ten-year life.

Carol adopted Chocolate Chip in October of 2000 from a lab rescue group. He had been surrendered to the local pound with a tumor, which they believed the originating family was probably unable to afford treatment. The original family thought that he would find a good home or be let go peacefully, believing that they were doing the right thing in surrendering him.

Chocolate Chip then made his way to a lab rescue group and finally into her house. But before Carol got Chocolate Chip, the rescue group was able to collaborate with the University of Tennessee and have the tumor removed. By the time Carol got him, he was post-operative and a few years later was deemed cancer-free.

Sadly, in 2006 he presented with Stage IV Lymphosarcoma, at just over 10 years of age. Most likely Chip had brain cancer as well. An initial Chemotherapy treatment was administered and Carol took Chocolate Chip home to observe him for the weekend and consider the options.

Chemotherapy treatment is very expensive for a dog and Carol worried that being unemployed at the time could prohibit her from being able to seek treatment. It would be a very difficult decision to make because Chocolate Chip was always a very healthy dog, yet she couldn't deny that money was an issue. On Sunday, May 14, 2006, however, Chip's liver began to fail and the decision to let him go was the only right decision to make.

Brown Dog Foundation LogoAs a result of this experience, Carol along with five friends and her sister, created Brown Dog Foundation as a 501c3 public charity that provides funding to families who find themselves in similar situations - a sick pet that would likely respond to treatment, but due to an unforeseen circumstance, there is not enough money immediately available to make it happen.

Unfortunately, they get far more requests than they can possibly finance. They prioritize those cases where the pet can truly be restored to a good quality of life, with the pet parent providing good quality of care.

Carol's hope is that knowing this foundation exists; dog-owners will have their dogs tested for cancer more frequently.

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What's Your Vet-iquette - How to Be a Good Veterinary Client - Dr. Debbie

Dr. Debbie WhiteSure you think your vet visits go off without a hitch, but do you know how to be a good veterinary client, the kind veterinarians rave about? Follow these suggestions to participate as a vital part of your pet's medical care, to ensure your pet gets the most efficient care and to always be greeted with beaming smiles.

Be Prepared
Before you arrive at the office with a sick pet, know your pet's ins and outs. Without a pertinent history from you, your veterinarian may need more diagnostic tests to sleuth out the answer to the problem. That takes time and can cost you more in veterinary bills. Expect the questions your vet is likely to ask you. Has your pet been eating? What types and brand of food do you feed him? Is there diarrhea or constipation?

Bring Evidence
Nothing is more useful to your veterinarian as seeing something with her own eyes. Bring evidence like stool samples, vomited material and medications your pet is receiving. Has your pet chewed on some unusual plant in the backyard? By all means bring a sprig of that plant. Document video on your smart phone. This can be immensely helpful to your veterinarian to witness behaviors that may be intermittent. I've been thankful when owners bring smart phone video of seizures, separation anxiety behaviors and respiratory ailments. Video eliminates misinterpretation by pet owners and can permit a quick veterinary diagnosis. Vomiting and regurgitating may look similar, but are caused by different disorders. Pets strain to defecate with both diarrhea and constipation. Inspiratory wheezing, coughing, congestion and reverse sneezing are often described similarly by owners.

Trust Valid Resources
By all means do your research in advance of your veterinary visit. Know what questions to ask. But remember that the internet is abounding with both good and blazingly incorrect information, some based on opinions and conjecture without any sound medical basis. Pet owners who value Dr. Google's opinion over their veterinarian, who has examined their pet, could put their pet's health care in jeopardy.

Confine Your Pet
Make sure your pet is secure before entering the veterinary hospital. Don't underestimate the unpredictable things pets do in a noisy, crowded waiting room. Birds fly off shoulders landing in snack zone of nearby dogs. Dogs instigate fights and cats flee the waiting veterinary staff's arms. Pay attention to where your pet is and don't allow your pet to approach other animals without the owner's consent. Some animals are there because they are sick and could bite in unfamiliar surroundings.Dogs should be on a secure leash. Flexi leashes are dangerous in the veterinary hospital allowing dogs to bolt quickly toward another dog, or to entangle limbs of humans or other animals in the waiting room. Cats and exotic pets should be secured in an appropriate pet carrier. If you have a pet that has been or could be aggressive to veterinary staff, absolutely share that information before the visit starts. Veterinarians look out for the safety of people in their employment and appreciate a heads-up in advance to avoid potential staff injury.

Cat at Vet OfficeOptimize Your Face Time
So now you are in the exam room with the doc, so make the most of it. Put the cell phone away and, by all means, don't waste time taking a phone call if medical staff is standing in front of you. Avoid distractions that will limit your ability to communicate with your veterinarian. This might include a roomful of boisterous children or other pets. If possible, arrange child care or pet sitting so your sick pet gets prime attention and you don't miss any details of the visit.

Emergencies Happen
At the vet office, we recognize how valuable pet owner's time is and try to minimize the wait. But recognize that emergencies are unforeseen and create delays for other pet owners. Most folks understand that emergencies happen and are accommodating during situations as this. But making a scene or outburst about your wait time, while the veterinary staff tends to a critical pet, is just inconsiderate. Recognize that one day your pet could be in that same place and you would be appreciative that your pet's medical emergency was triaged ahead of the waiting routine appointments.

Don't Attack the Messenger
Emotions can run high when you have a sick or injured pet, but it isn't an excuse to be abusive to hospital staff. Obscene language and overly aggressive behavior doesn't help your pet get the care she needs, nor does it endear yourself to those people working hard for your pet's health.

Own Your Own Reality
Pet owners have the daunting responsibility for the health and well-being of pets in their care. That means accepting the level of veterinary care you can pursue and recognizing choices if finances are limited. Pet insurance can help defer the cost of veterinary care, but there isn't government sponsored Obamacare for pets. Don't blame your veterinarian for your pet's health maladies, or expect her to cover the costs of treatment. People in the veterinary field do what they do because they love animals, but they shouldn't be expected to take financial responsibility for everyone's pets. I once heard a veterinary colleague respond to a client's question, "Doc, why can't you just do my Sasha's surgery for free?" His response was, "Because my staff needs to get paid and my kids need shoes." Recognize that veterinary offices aren't lending institutions, but rather are small businesses with pressing bills, just as anyone.

Share Your Feedback
Share feedback with the hospital management about service excellence or shortcomings. Every hospital appreciates the opportunity to improve, or the chance to pat staff on the back.

Featured veterinarian known as "Dr. Debbie" on national pet radio program, Animal Radio. Ebook author of "Yorkshire Terriers: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; "Pugs: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; "Mini Schnauzers: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; and "Shih Tzu: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend." Dr. Debbie's books.

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Animal Radio News - Tammy Trujillo

Senior Picture of Draven Rodriguez with CatUpdating The Old High School Yearbook Photo
You know how we all cringe years later about our high school yearbook photos? Well, here's something I wish I had thought of doing. Schenectady High School Senior Draven Rodriguez wanted his cat to be a part of his yearbook photo. He had a professional photographer take a picture of him with his cat and then add blue and pink lasers in the background. It's really a cool picture. The school didn't come right out and said it wouldn't allow the picture, but Rodriguez started an online petition in support of the photo, just in case.

Hawaii's Pet Quarantine Investigated
The care given to pets held in quarantine in Hawaii came under question. Since Hawaii is the only state that is rabies-free, and aims to keep it that way, dogs and cats coming into the state are quarantined for five to 120-days. Hawaii's Animal Quarantine Station was investigated for alleged abuse and neglect. It started when a family moved there from California with their Old English Bulldog. They warned the staff that their dog was sensitive to heat and told them how to make sure she was cooled off. But every time they went to see her, there were problems. One time, the dog was covered in sores, unresponsive and had a temperature at 107 degrees. The dog eventually recovered at a private animal hospital. Her family started an online petition to have the Animal Quarantine Station investigated and many more people came forward with their own horror stories of what happened to their pets. Hawaii's governor said the Department of Agriculture handled the investigation.

Monitor LizardLizard's Popularity Might Cause Its Extinction
A strange monitor lizard from Borneo became quite popular and that could threaten the survival of the species. The rare earless monitor lizard had been pretty obscure since the 1960s, but for some reason, they became a hot item. The wildlife trade-monitoring network, TRAFFIC, said the lizards were being caught in the wild and smuggled out of the country. Many showed up for sale online in Europe.

Would You Use A Shock Collar On Your Dog?
That question is getting lots of interest. Researchers at London's University of Lincoln said the collars can be not only physically damaging to a dog, but also emotionally damaging. Makers of the collar say there is no evidence of long-term harm to a dog's welfare. The collars have been banned in parts of the U.K and Canada, but there is no sign of that happening here in the U.S.

ZeusThe World's Tallest Dog
Zeus, the Great Dane, who lived in Otsego, Michigan was just five years old, but because of his size, he died of natural causes due to old age. Zeus reached 44 inches from the floor to his shoulder, but his guardians said he was a lapdog at heart. One thing they miss most is the way he liked to "sit on their laps" while they were grilling out on the porch. Zeus was also a therapy dog and spent time making people smile at area schools and hospitals. He was truly one amazing and beautiful animal!

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