Do you think Michael Vick should be allowed to play in the NFL?
- Back to School - it's not just the kids who are upset!
- Protect your dog from being "zapped"
- Ultrasound technology is not solely for humans anymore
- A cat with 4 ears, a dog who gave birth to 16 puppies and other animal oddities
- Bees are responsible for 1/3 of the nations food - help by eating ice cream
- Animal Radio's Summer Giveaway - time is running out to enter!
Largest Dogfighting Operation in the U.S. History
Dr. Melinda Merck, ASPCA’s Forensic Veterinarian
What is believed to be the largest dogfighting operation in U.S. history was raided in an effort that included federal and state agencies.
Dr. Melinda Merck, the nation’s premier forensic veterinarian was also part of the team. Dr. Merck operates the Mobile Animal Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Unit, which is a critical tool in the collection and processing of evidence at crime scenes. The CSI Unit brings both state-of-the-art forensic tools and expertise to crime scenes and is outfitted with medical equipment tailored for animal patients.
The dogfighting operation spanned eight states and included arrests in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Mississippi. Dogs were safely transported to a secure facility under the direction of the Humane Society of Missouri Animal Cruelty Task Force, where they are being cared for until final disposition is determined by the United States District Court.
With all of the press created by the Michael Vick case, there has been a greater public awareness of dogfighting. This has also resulted in many new laws and improved laws. But on the reverse, some of these dogfighters are learning what works and what doesn’t, and they are constantly changing and evolving their practices. Many are now separating the training the breeding, which makes it more difficult to take down an operation.
Michael Vick has served 23 months in prison and was recently released from federal custody. While in the NFL, Vick had a multi-million dollar contract. The question on everyone's mind now is whether or not he should be allowed back in the NFL. Ed Sayres, President of the ASPCA, states that “Regardless, Mr. Vick most decidedly deserves to be employed. However, the question isn’t whether he deserves to earn a livelihood. The question is whether Mr. Vick should be able to re-join the ranks of the elite athletes in the NFL." The athletes in the NFL are viewed as heroes and role models and he now feels that Vick doesn't fit that mold. What do you think? Most people will be seeking a cut-and-dried answer to the question of whether Mr. Vick should be allowed to return - this is the challenge that awaits NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Do you think Michael Vick be allowed back in the NFL? We want to hear from you! Call us at 866-405-8405 or email us at
Listen to Dr. Melinda Merck on Animal Radio®
"Back To School" Separation Anxiety for Dogs
As children head back to school, Bark Busters — the world’s largest dog training company — offers tips to help families avoid behavior problems their dogs may exhibit during this time of transition.
By providing training and a combination of food, shelter and entertainment, families can help their canine companions adapt to a new schedule.
“When kids return to school, the stress on every family member can be huge — including the family dog,” said Liam Crowe, master dog behavioral therapist and CEO of Bark Busters USA. “This abrupt change in routine can seriously affect our canine companions, who are creatures of habit. But with a little understanding and preparation before the first day of class, families can avoid many of the back-to-school behavior issues their dogs might exhibit.” |
Separation Anxiety
With everyone gone to work or school during the day, dogs left alone can become stressed, often resulting in destructive behaviors and endless barking. These tips can help reduce the potential anxiety of separation.
• Pay less attention to him: While your dog may be the center of attention when the kids are home all day, you need to change this scenario before they return to school so that he can adjust more quickly to the quiet time. About a week before school starts, pay increasingly less attention to your dog each day.
• Start early: A few weeks before your children return to school, get your dog used to being alone. Begin by separating him from the kids and the rest of the family. For example, if you frequently take your dog with you to run errands, leave him at home.
• Practice leaving the house: Go through the motions of leaving the house, go out the door, but then come right back in again. The dog will cease associating the routine of your leaving the house with your departure. This will help him to be more relaxed when you actually leave.
• When you leave: As the last person leaves the house for the day, don’t confuse your dog by saying in a sweet voice, “It’s okay, Buster – we’ll be home soon. Be a good boy.” If he is feeling concerned that you’re leaving, your happy, high-pitched voice can make him think it’s okay to feel anxious. Dogs are pack animals and so they expect their leaders to be strong when they leave the pack. Therefore, ignore your dog for about 10 minutes before you leave.
Dogs sleep a lot during the day, but when they wake up, they want something to do. It doesn’t take much to entertain a dog, even when you’re not at home.
• Toys: Dogs love toys, but they can quickly get bored with or destroy them. Buy high-quality, virtually indestructible puzzle toys that your dog will always enjoy, such as those that hold treats like the Buster Cube™ and KONG™. Every few days, rotate what toys are available to him. This gives your dog something new and fun to hold his interest.
• Scatter food: Dogs are natural foragers who enjoy looking for food on the ground — and will literally spend hours doing so. Scatter a variety of foods -- such as bits of raw vegetables, dog kibble, and other foods that won’t attract wasps -- around the yard when you leave. Try hiding a few treats so your dog spends extra time looking for them. And always provide lots of fresh, clean water to keep your dog well hydrated.
Dogs need to have their own “home,” a place where they feel secure and comfortable. If your dog doesn’t already have a place of his own, create one for him.
• Crate: Most dogs love the safety of a crate. Because they are descended from animals that live in dens, a crate is a natural shelter for a dog because it has the same characteristics of a den. If your dog hasn’t been crate trained, don’t start training him the day the kids leave for school. That’s too late and can actually add to his stress. When your dog has become accustomed to his new crate, do not leave him there for extended periods of time. If you plan to be away longer than 10 hours for a dog and 6 hours for a puppy, ask a friend to come by to let your dog out to toilet during that time.
• Laundry room: If your dog will be inside all day and you are concerned about him toileting in the house, enclose him in a small room (which inhibits the tendency to toilet) and has an easy-clean floor of vinyl or tile (in case he has an accident). Place a soft bed and toys in the room for him too.
• Dog house: If your dog will be kept outside while you are gone, be sure he has shelter in which to get out of the weather. Dogs are more relaxed when they are covered and in familiar surroundings. Place the dog house next to the house so that he feels like it is an extension of the larger “den,” and provide a blanket or other comfy bedding.
Unusual Behavior
When dogs are stressed, they can begin to exhibit unusual behaviors, such as jumping up or even biting. It is not uncommon for children to come home from school and be greeted by the dog in an unnecessarily rough manner, even knocking a child to the floor. After being left alone all day, the dog has pent-up energy — and when he sees the kids, his excitement might cause him to overreact
• Train the kids: Parents need to train their children to avoid going right to the dog’s area as soon as they get home. Kids should ignore the pet for five minutes or so to allow him to settle down. With young children, it is always best to have a parent present to reduce the chance of a problem. Once your dog learns the routine, he will relax.
• Train your dog: It is amazing how quickly dogs learn what is acceptable and what is not. Dogs have a language of their own and once we understand it, we can easily control them by “speaking their language.”
Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company, mission is to build a global network of dog behavioral therapists to enhance responsible dog ownership and reduce the possibility of maltreatment, abandonment and euthanasia of companion dogs.Bark Busters specializes in using dogs’ natural, instinctive communication methods as the way to train them. It’s simple, and it works. These guidelines are based on Bark Busters’ expertise in dog behavior. Bark Busters dog behavioral therapists are renowned authorities in understanding, correcting and managing dog behavior. In every market where Bark Busters is established, a majority of veterinarians familiar with the technique recommend the company’s services.
Get more information at |

How To Protect Yourself Or Pet From A Possible Shocking Or Electrocution
Blair Sorrel, StreetZaps
When you think about people and animals walking across manhole covers and getting shocked, you naturally think about New York. But, this is not only a problem nationwide but also throughout the world. is a non-partisan initiative organized and led by Blair Sorrel to reduce the year round risk of injury and fatality from contact voltage shocking or electrocution resulting from damaged or tampered wiring.
Blair’s purpose is to heighten general awareness of this hazard. Wherever there are outdoor electrical fixtures, be it in rural or residential areas, there is always the hazard of both people and animals getting voltage shocking or even being electrocuted.
Some things to look out for are:
1. Street Lights
Lamppost poles and their compartments are a possible source of shock as thieves and vandals can easily access the electrical connections at their base. Pedestrians should be aware that an ajar or missing panel or one with a protuberant plug constitutes significant warnings of tampering/risk. When the photocell is damaged internally, a lamppost compartment can leak voltage ... whether or NOT it is illuminated, even when appearing to be fully intact.
2. Other Urban Metal
Ubiquitous metal plates on the streets and sidewalks with decaying wiring may jolt the passerby. Rampant power pilferage, vandalism, wayward construction, or vehicular accidents can leave enlivened areas in their wake.
3. Outdoor Lights Have Bite
While lovely to look at, decorative lighting may over time pose a risk to pedestrians and their pets since its insulation can decay from long-term exposure to temperature change, weather, and even tropical sun.
4. Dog Booties Get The Boot!
At present, the material they are made from shields against cold, moisture, and rock salt, but does not insulate against electricity and when saturated creates an even greater hazard.
A person can complain of leaky boots, a dog can't!
Booties that protect against voltage are still a 'concept' rather than a practical option. Any 'safe' product will require much research and development before they can insulate any dog. Even electrical workers conduct periodic checks of their gloves and clothing to ensure safety and even more so with dog booties because the wearer relies on the purchaser's judgment.
Additionally, although some rescuers recommend Musher's Wax, which is readily available and easy to apply, it will not protect against contact voltage either.
Common Misconceptions:
1. "I have a female dog."
Wet weather can produce a hazard for any pooch; however, male dogs may be particularly at risk when they lift their leg to spray the metal bases of lampposts or other upright electrical street fixtures creating a ready conduction path for stray current.
2. "I wear rubber-soled shoes."
All footwear provides some insulation, but none guarantees protection; open-toed shoes and sandals provide the least safety. Insulation denotes that a material will thwart an electric current to the maximum design limits, i.e., electrical wiring insulation. Protection takes many forms, usually insulation, but also by avoiding contact. In the case of footwear, while shoes offer a protective barrier, the only guaranteed insulation is found in specialty shoes so constructed to insure a greater buffer.
You can help by reporting tampered equipment and hot spots to your local electric company. Or you can visit and fill out a quick report and they will contact the appropriate utility company. Street Zaps also has information on locations that have been reported, so you know where to avoid them.
Just use caution and if you are a dog walker, whenever possible avoid outdoor electrical equipment, lampposts, metal grates, manholes and service boxes. And if you ride a bike, try not to lean or lock your bike against light poles or phone booths.
Listen to Blair Sorrel on Animal Radio®
Dr. Jim Humphries - Veterinary Minute
Ultrasound Technology in Veterinary Medicine
Flip the switch, squirt on some gel and give old Sparky a friendly pat. A few minutes from now your veterinarian might be able to diagnose a problem with your pet. Increasingly, veterinarians are adding diagnostic ultrasounds to their offices as the technology improves. It used to be only used by specialists, but now more general practice veterinarians have the machines. The machines allow your veterinarian to get near instant feedback without hurting the animal. It also allows the doctor to capture the images, which means they can e-mail the footage to a specialist and get a quick second opinion.
Elderly People & Their Pets
Helping elderly people and their pets is not only the right thing to do; it can also reduce health care costs that can save lives. Pets can be a great source of comfort and joy. By emphasizing a pet’s role in our mental and physical lives, over a period of time we can also reduce health care costs to society. We know that people that live with companion animals receive numerous health benefits. For example, people with pets visit the doctors less often and use less medication. People with pets recover from illness more quickly. People with pets have lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure. And exercising a pet can provide valuable exercise to an animal’s elderly guardian.
There are measurable social and economic benefits to elderly people by providing services and care for their pets. Get involved with your local humane society and see where you can help.
Listen to Dr. Humphries on Animal Radio®

On Animal Radio® this month
Everybody knows Dean Koontz. He is an enormously popular novelist with eleven #1 New York Times bestsellers to his credit. But do you know Trixie? She was the Koontz family's beloved golden retriever who passed away in 2007. Trixie authored her own book, Bliss To You, and she had quite a following of her own. In Dean's latest book, A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog, Dean's first non-fiction work, he talks about Trixie's life and how she touched all those who knew her. Dean also reveals that Trixie's book sold more copies than any book of his, so we think there was a little envy in the Koontz' household! But don't expect his new dog Anna to author any books of her own, Dean says she is more of a mathematician!
Ever since winning “Groomer of the Year,” Artist Knox has been burning rubber all over the city of Los Angeles. As the winner, he received $50,000 in cash along with a mobile grooming van from Wag’n Tails. Artist says you can’t just call it a grooming van; it is like a house, a salon and a chick mobile on wheels! Artist is now starring in Animal Planet's most stimulating
reality show this season, Beverly Hills Groomer. Find out why this talented groomer was fired from his first grooming job!
More than 1,700 pounds of muscle; over 80 tattoos; and one unlikely mission: to rescue helpless, abandoned and abused animals! Who are they? They are RESCUE INK, which consists of 11 guys who decided to get together and fight the problem of animal neglect. They still hit the tattoo parlors and the highways, but these days, 11 brawny bikers are more keen on saving cats, dogs and even turtles from harm. Find out how they came together and the organization they formed, RESCUE INK, a non-profit animal rescue organization based in Long Island, NY.
HOW TO LISTEN to Animal Radio®:
-XM Satellite Radio ch. 158 Saturdays at Noon eastern - and again on Sundays at 5pm eastern.
-On any of the 90+ AM-FM Radio Stations including KOST 103.5 Los Angeles.
-Download the weekly two-hour Podcast from iTunes or
Vinnie Penn, Animal Radio's Resident Party Animal

The word of the day is taxidermy – does this even go on any more? Is it a lost art? It’s certainly one I never understood! Is there someone out there right now whose name is probably Elliot, and he’s like, “I’m a taxidermist!”
I visited some family friends in Rhode Island and got spooked, because when we were growing up we loved their dog Sport. Sport lived to be almost 20 years old, and as kids, we loved Sport.
When I went into the house, there was something very spooky on the couch, because it looked like Sport, stuffed! It took some whispering amongst my siblings before we realized – no, it was a stuffed animal that was purchased because it looked so much like Sport.
But it got me wondering, are people still doing that with their pets? I really never got that. I get the love and the loss and I can even get a picture framed with flashing Christmas tree lights around it, or Michelob lights flashing around it, maybe it even barks with a recording of the actually dog – but stuffing the thing and putting it up on a mantle!
To me that’s just weird. People who do that, do they sleep with it and pretend it’s alive and take it for walks where they’re just like dragging it down the street and all of the neighbors saying, “Yeah, that’s just Joey and his dog Benji. Benji died a few years ago, but we all act like he’s alive ‘ hey Joey! Hey Benji! How ya doing? Good Boy! We just ignore the fact that he’s dragging this dog.”
Somebody please explain taxidermy to me!
Listen to Vinnie Penn on Animal Radio®
Seeing Is Believing
Tim O’Brien, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!
You can’t crack open the new Ripley’s book, Seeing Is Believing, without running into an animal. In fact, there are over 30 pages in this book dedicated to the “crazy creatures.”
We speak with Tim O’Brien who tells us how they acquire the information for the book. He tells us how some stories are submitted or sometimes they hear or see something where they send a photographer to go out and get a shot.
He admits that their biggest challenge is to verify that the photos are not fake or photo-shopped. They actually have a team of people who inspect all photos for accuracy. They also do DNA testing on some of the animals (for example those with two heads or faces) to make sure it isn’t taxidermied and are genuine before they place it in the book.
Tim’s favorite animal picture is of Yoda, the cat with four ears. The two extra flaps are behind his normal ears, although they are not attached to the base of his skull and are not thought to help his hearing.
Some of the animals you will find are:
-Charlie, a standard poodle from Canada, gave birth to 16 puppies in March 2008
-A 14-year-old boy in Hawaii has taught his pet rats - Tofu and Fin to surf. They ride custom-made surfboards just their size!
-A dog in Australia saved his owner's life by fetching his cell phone. Albert Hoffman fell from a tree and was badly injured, but called for help after his lab fetched his cell phone from his backpack.
-A trio of Chihuahuas has made back-to-back issues of the Ripley books. Venus de Milo, Carmen and Pablo were featured last year because they have all learned to function despite being born with only two legs. They are in this year's book because the North Shore Animal League has equipped them with two-wheeled carts that allow them to get around better.
-A U.S. company builds luxury houses for dogs that include air conditioning, custom beds and exquisite interiors. They can cost $50,000!
If you have a story you would like to see included in Ripley’s, contact
Listen to Tim O'Brien on Animal Radio®

Eat Ice Cream & Help The Honey Bees
Jake Wall, Häagen-Dazs & Experience Project
The Häagen-Dazs brand strives to create a natural based offering of ice cream with natural sweeteners. And if you have ever tasted their ice cream - you know it’s true! As a result, the product is dependent upon the honeybee population.
But most people don’t realize that honey bees are responsible for 1/3 of our nation’s food supply, and that over the last three years, more than one-third of honey bee colonies have died due to a mysterious phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder (CDC), posing a serious risk to both food supplies and global economies. In cases of CDC, honeybees mysteriously leave their hives and die – yet scientists still don’t know exactly why.
The Häagen-Dazs brand and Experience Project (EP) have teamed up to motivate the public to get involved in actively helping save honeybee colonies. This campaign harnesses the power of social networking not only to educate the public on why honeybee pollination is so vital to our society, but also to take tangible steps to help the situation. Unique from traditional social media campaigns, critical aspects of the partnership include recruiting people into individual challenges, such as planting flowers or eating naturally for a week, and playing trivia games that earn donations towards honey bee research. While headquartered at, the campaign is tightly integrated with other social media applications, such as Facebook and Twitter.
The specific challenges include:
Plant a Flower, Help a Honey Bee Challenge
Since flowers are the primary food source for honey bees, this challenge encourages individuals to help out by planting more flowers and fruits wherever they are. Participants upload photos of themselves planting flowers via Facebook, Twitter, or Flickr. The three best photos, as judged by all of the participants, win coupons for a year’s supply of free Häagen-Dazs ice cream.
7-Day Go Natural Challenge
This challenge encourages individuals to eat and live naturally for seven straight days. Participants learn about the honey bee’s contributions to our natural food sources while also earning coupons for Häagen-Dazs products and the chance to win a year’s supply of ice cream.
Help The Honey Bees Trivia Game
Help the honeybees with just a click of the mouse! As a key part of the campaign, EP will be hosting a special general knowledge trivia game where participants earn “nectar” points for each correct answer. The accumulated points will then be converted into donations in support of scientific research to help find the causes and solutions for CDC.
When: The campaign goes through September 21, 2009.
Häagen-Dazs Help The Honey Bees:
Häagen-Dazs + Experience Project Help The Honey Bees Challenges:
Häagen-Dazs + Experience Project Help The Honey Bees Trivia:
To access the special Help The Honey Bees Facebook application:
Listen to Jake Wall on Animal Radio®

Official food of Animal Radio's Ladybug!
Animal Radio's Summer Giveaway - Time Is Running Out!
It’s back! Animal Radio’s Summer Giveaway for 2009 and you can enter as many times as you would like before September 30th.
This year’s Grand Package includes items from Celestron, the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of high quality optical products, with the Regal 65F-ED Spotting Scope; Bissell, with the Life-Off Revolution Pet Vac; Automated Pet Care Products, with the Litter-Robot; Disney, with the Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park passes; and recently added from SCS from the Disney G-Force movie which opened on July 25th, plush characters, t-shirts and trading cards.
The five runner-ups can win packages, which include the Outland Waterproof Binoculars from Celestron; the Pet Hair Eraser Corded Handheld Vacuum Cleaner from Bissell; and the "UP" DVD, Leapfrog Reading System and "UP" Leapfrog Storybook from Disney-Pixar. We've also recently added World's Best Cat Litter as well as
Häagen-Dazs ice cream!
You may enter as many times as you want, but no more than 5 times a day prior to September 30, 2009. This contest is open to US residents 18 and over. Winner is responsible for all taxes on prize packages. Winners will be announced on Animal Radio® and notified by email or telephone. You may also enter by sending us a postcard with the requested information to Animal Radio -Summer-end Giveaway, P.O. Box 197, Shandon, CA. 93461. A complete list of rules is available at the Animal Radio Network™ Studios.
What are you waiting for? Get entered now!
Mobile Dog Adoption by Woods Humane Society
September 11 -13, 2009
10am to 5pm
Chumeia Vineyards
8331 Highway 46 East
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Featured vendors: Green Acres Lavender Farm, Sniffer Snacks, Joni Clark's Sterling Silver jewelry designs, Pet Portraits by Lani Bricland ( a local artist ) and more...
Chumeia is donating $1 per bottle of wine purchased in the tasting room and online through September 20th. Customers bringing in a 'Care Item' from our list for Woods will receive a special $10 and $15 off coupon. Wine and food pairings, raffles, case specials and more!
It's going to be a day filled with food, wine, mobile dog adoptions and dog items for sale with proceeds benefiting Woods. All weekend long Sept. 11-13, several wineries around 46 East will offer Cause for Paws Passports-- just visit a minimum of four wineries to get an entry for prizes. Participating wineries include: Bianchi, Eberle, Firestone, Martin & Weyrich, Meridian, Pretty-Smith, Sylvester and Tobin James. For every passport turned in, Chumeia donates a $1 to Woods.
Reel Dog Film Fest by PAWS/LA
September 26, 2009
Box Office opens at 6:00 - Screening begins at Sundown
Cheviot Hills Park
2551 Motor Avenue
Los Angeles, Ca
323-464-7297 x 113
Hey dog lovers! Take your favorite pooch to the movies on Saturday, September 26th under the stars at Cheviot Hills Park in Los Angeles.
A cinematic celebration of all things canine — the screening will feature approximately 60 minutes of canine-themed short films. This family event represents a unique opportunity to share an evening with your special canine companion. The festivities will be held outside under the stars and animal guardians and their canine companions will gather with picnic dinners, lawn chairs and blankets.
In addition to the film, there will be various canine-themed products on sale for moviegoers to enjoy.
Tickets to the Reel Dog Film Fest are $10 per person. Canines and children under 12 are admitted for free. Tickets are available at the door. The box office will open at 6:00 p.m. The screening will begin at sundown. For more information contact or call 323/464-7297 x 113.
The Cat House on The Kings
Lynea Lattanzio

Over 17 years ago, Lynea Lattanzio dedicated her home, her property, nher finances and her entire life to create The Cat House on the Kings, a no-kill, nonprofit sanctuary, rescue and adoption center for cats. Lynea has rescued thousands of animals from shelters, abusive homes, and abandonment.
The Cat House on the Kings is California's largest no-cage, no-kill, lifetime cat sanctuary and adoption center located on 12 acres along the Kings River in Parlier, California, which is in the central San Joaquin Valley, southeast of Fresno.
The Cat House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, receives no government or public funding, and relies entirely on donations from the public to carry out its mission.
Since its founding 17 years ago, The Cat House on the Kings has saved over 18,000 cats and 5,000 dogs (not counting the 40,000 animals we have spayed and neutered!) and currently cares for more than 700 cats and kittens in a unique, cage-free environment! Take a tour of our facility!
Join Us!
It's easy! We need folks with all sorts of talents. A good deal of our work isn't glamorous; in fact, our greatest need is for people to help us scrub the facility and keep it in tip-top shape!
We also need people to foster kittens and cats, and help us medicate and tend to those cats and kittens that need extra TLC. To get started, just fill out a volunteer application, shoot us an email, or give us a call.
The Cat House showcases its adoptable cats at the following locations and times:
4144 N Blackstone Ave
Fresno, CA 93726 (map)
(559) 226-4941
Saturday, September 12th, 10:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday, September 19th, 10:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday, September 26th, 10:00am - 3:00pm
2140 West Cleveland
Madera, CA 93637 (map)
(559) 664-9277
Saturday, September 12th, 11:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday, September 12th, 11:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday, September 26th, 11:00am - 3:00pm
The Cat House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and receives no government or public funding, and relies entirely on donations from the public to carry out its mission. You can help The Cat House on the Kings just by spreading the word! Just send this link to our YouTube video to all your friends and family.
email your events to