Animal RadioŽ Show #609
Chihuahua Thwarts Robbers
Have you seen the Viral Video of a Chihuahua chasing off two robbers in Los Angeles? Our guests are the store owners and the dog's guardian, Duane Dier. Now, the hero dog, Paco is tweeting. He even has his own Facebook page. But with fame comes problems, like the threat of pet-napping.
4-Eared Dog
A dog named Shun Shun has grown a second pair of ears. Shun Shun's owner says a friend gave him the dog a year ago. He didn't notice anything until six months later when Shun Shun started growing new ears behind his original ears. The ears have continued to grow, and are now bigger than Shun Shun's first pair.
Toilet Using Cats
The days of stinky litter boxes could soon be over. There's a kit that helps train cats to use the toilet. It may sound silly, but it's a million dollar idea. The company, which has made $700,000 in sales, so far, is projected to hit $1 million by the end of the year.
Get Rid of Skunk Smell
You've heard all the remedies for getting rid of the skunk smell. But, not until now will you know the truth. Joey Villani has the lowdown on what to use that works!
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ATTENTION XM SATELLITE LISTENERS: Animal RadioŽ has moved. We're now on XM 166 at the same times - Saturdays at noon eastern and Sundays at 5pm eastern on "America's Talk" XM 166. Don't forget you can also listen on 100 of the best AM-FM stations nationwide, on any phone, and our podcast.
Animal RadioŽ Show #608
Flea Fodder
Everything you wanted to know about fleas but were afraid to ask. Dr. Debbie explains spot-on treatment. Groomer Joey Villani has a flea deterrent that's safe for your dog, cat and horse. Animal Communicator Joy Turner has a chat with some fleas.
Meaty Luxurious Panini
It's a long, hard to say medical condition that mostly affects toy breed dogs. Medial Luxating Patella. For simplicity, it's a "trick knee." Animal Radio's very own "Ladybug the Studio Stunt Dog" is limping and will undergo surgery to repair her left Patella.
Reese Witherspoon has a Big Ass
That's according to her neighbors. They are not happy about the noise level of her pet donkey. Witherspoon also has 3 goats, 20 chickens, 3 dogs and 1 horse.
No More Goldfish?
San Francisco Animal Control wants to take away your right to own goldfish, proposing a bill that would also include a ban on puppies, kittens and hamsters. The proposed ban is meant to discourage "impulse buys."
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House Breaking: With apartment and condo-living, many households are concerned with the limited yard space available for pet potty-breaks. Pet Loo, coined as the "backyard in a box". The Pet Loo is a truly convenient, hygienic, and easy-to- use solution for any household.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #607
A Ban on Drinking and Buying Puppies
Pet stores in the West Village section of Manhattan are cracking down on prospective puppy owners who come to their stores drunk. Stacey Cohen reports that workers at Le Petit Puppy say their shop is surrounded by bars and too often people come in intoxicated, fawn over the puppies and try to buy one. On several occasions, those people wake up the next day sober and with buyer's remorse.
Score another victory for the Pit Bull!
Just a day after the "vicious dog" ordinance heated up the Toledo Ohio City Council, Ohio House Assistant Minority Rep. Matthew A. Szollosi and the Ohio House are attempting to alter similar state legislation. If passed, House Bill 14 will remove Pit Bulls from the definition of "vicious dog" from a 1987 law.
Craiglist Tops Worst Place to Get a Dog
Dr. Debbie lays it on the line. She's seeing an increase of sick pets bought from listings on the popular website. So where can you find a good pet these days?
The Watchdog
Vinnie Penn is reeling mad at the CEO's of of several big pet welfare organizations. He want's to know why one is living beyond his means and collecting a six-figure salary. Where the hell is my donation going?
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Animal RadioŽ Show #606
Some Animals Were Harmed
What's behind protests against American Humane's "No Animals Were Harmed" trademarked slogan? Some believe that the organization is in bed with Hollywood and that horses have been hurt in the making of some movies.
Who's Walking Who?
One of the most frustrating behaviors a dog can have is pulling on the leash. Vladae the World Famous Russian Dog Wizard may not make any friends with his blunt and transparent persona - but he sure can stop that pulling on the leash!
Hi-Tech Poop Patrol
A condo complex in Florida is requiring tenants pay $200 to register their dog's DNA. Dog droppings that are found in the future will then be sent to the lab to identify the owner responsible for not cleaning up after their pet.
Turtles Cause Flight Delays
Port Authority officials say a runway at JFK Airport was shut down as about 100 Diamondback Terrapins crawled across it. The runway becomes a turtle crossing every year as the animals look for sandy spots to lay their eggs.
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NestleŠ Purina Recalls Limited Number of Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+ (Animal RadioŽ Newsroom July 31, 2011 - Letter received from NestleŠ Purina Pet Care Company) NestleŠ Purina (NPPC) is voluntarily recalling a limited number of 3.5- and 7-pound bags of its Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+ Dry Cat Food from a single production run and shipped to customers in 12 states in December 2010. This is being done because some bags of the product have been found to be contaminated with Salmonella. Only Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+ Dry Cat Food with both the "Best By" date and the production code shown are included in this voluntary recall :
Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+
3.5 lb.
MAY 2012 03341084 17800 01885
Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+
3.5 lb.
MAY 2012 03351084 17800 01885
Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+
7 lb.
MAY 2012 03341084 17800 01887
Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+
7 lb.
MAY 2012 03351084 17800 01887
*"Best By" Date and Production Code are found on the back or bottom of the bag. No additional Purina cat or dog products are involved in this voluntary recall. No other Purina ONE brand products are involved. Only Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+ brand products which match the "Best By" dates and production code above are included in this recall. Consumers who have purchased Purina ONE Vibrant Maturity 7+ Dry Cat Food products with these specific "Best By" Date and Production Codes should discontinue feeding the product and discard it.
Salmonella can affect animals eating the product, and there is a risk to humans from handling contaminated products. People handling contaminated dry pet food can become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with surfaces exposed to this product. Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may exhibit decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. If left untreated, pets may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If you pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
The product was distributed to customers located in California, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin, who may have further distributed the product to other states.
NestleŠ Purina PetCare Company became aware of the contamination as a result of samples that had been collected in several retail stores.
At NestleŠ Purina PetCare, the safety and efficacy of our products are our top priority. We apologize for any inconvenience due to this voluntary recall. For further information or to obtain a product refund, please call NPPC toll-free at 1-800-982-6559 or visit
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Warts and Cushings Disease
Angela My 10 year old female Maltese has cushings disease and takes trilostane. She has many warts on her body. Recently I noticed some between the pads of her paws what should I do?
Doctor Debbie: Hi Angela! Some dogs can develop TONS of warts (aka: sebaceous adenomas) all over the body. Usually this includes Poodle, Maltese, Schnauzers, etc.. This type of tumor usually is irregular, pink, without hair and can sometimes crust over and bleed. Groomers absolutely hate these things since they easily get nicked during grooming! Make sure your vet looks at the skin growths to ensure they are warts and not somethin more serious.
My approach to warts is- remove them if you or she are bothered by them, and otherwise ignore them.
Sometimes warts can be removed with a local anesthetic - often I'll do this if there are just a few I'm removing, and if they are in favorable locations like the back or torso. Warts on the feet and face are often difficult to remove with local anesthesia, and require general anesthesia. Pets with abundant warts are usually addressed with the pet under general anesthesia- I surgical remove them or use our surgical laser to burn them off. I can remember taking 20 warts of one patient during a single surgery!
As long as her disease is controlled and she is good health, I wouldn't be opposed to surgical removal, But pets with Cushings disease can heal slowly so I usually wait to take stitches out until 2 weeks after surgery.
Best Wishes!
Dr. Debbie

Cats are Peeing Outside the Box
Keith: We have two (2) male cats. One is 5yrs old (Tuxedo) and the other is 3 yrs old (Tabby). We have tried numerous products, but they urinate every where. They do go in there box, but they manage to go on the stove, walls, and all over as I said. WHAT CAN WE DO? I would apprieciate your help. I listen to you every Sunday morning on KOST 103.5 while I drive to Church. Thank you
Doctor Debbie: My goodness Keith- your kitties are marking their territory all over your home! It's time to reclaim the home!
There is usually much more to these situations than it originally appears and there is honestly no single product you can buy to solve urine marking like this. Your cats are communicating --using their urine marks.... and it takes some sleuth work to get to the bottom of it. First I would march your kitties down to your local pet doc and ask them to check a urine sample on both cats. Often we want to blame the cats with a behavior issue, but it's surprising how often a cat that marks can actually have a low grade infection or urine crystals present.
Are the cats both neutered? if not- then do it right away.
Do the cats go outside? Do they see other cats outdoors through the windows? Cover the windows with blinds or drapes to keep them visually away from outdoor cats that may cause social stress and create a desire to mark.
Do you have ample litter box stations? Make sure you have 3 litter boxes located throughout the home. Take off any lids or pan liners. Do not use any scented litters. Clean the boxes daily.
Make the favored urine marking areas unattractive to the kitties. On carpeted areas you can take a plastic carpet runner and turn it upside down to deter their walking in the area. For the stove, try a compressed canned air product that is activated by motion ( One brand is called SSSCat). As the kitties jump on the stove area a loud PSST of air is given off and deters them from venturing in that area.
Use a pheromone product. The scent hormones have a calming effect and can aid with anxious behaviors like urine marking. Try the plug in pheromone product called Feliway.
Ask your vet about drug therapy. I'll often turn to drug therapy to help tame down severe urine marking situations. My guess is that drugs may be necessary for helping your cats deal with this problem since it sounds quite extreme.
Clean with an enzymatic pet cleaner. Urine odors are best beaten by using enzyme based cleaners that destroy the odors, not masking the odor.
Keith, I'll be'll take alot of work and using as many of the above steps that you can manage to deal with this. You will need to enlist the help of your local veterinarian to be most successful. And you have to be ready to draw a line in the sand and agree that it is NOT okay to let this behavior go on further. Hope I've given you encouragement enough that you can work through this!
Listen to Dr. Debbie on Animal RadioŽ

Events Calendar
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Send your events to:
North Shore Pet Fair,
Where: Salem Common Salem, MA 01970
Date: Aug 14, 2011 (Sun)
Time: 9:00am-1:00pm
Phone: 781-913-3523
FREE FAIR (Dog Walk and Dog Show to raise money for PALS Animal Life Savers) filled with a variety of pet exhibitors showcasing products, services, activities, demonstrations and loads of tail wagging fun!
American Cancer Society Bark For Life
Where: Sears Centre Arena, 5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Date: Aug 07, 2011 (Sun)
Time: Registration begins at 8 a.m., Event begins at 9
Phone: 847-368-1166
The American Cancer Society Bark For Life is a noncompetitive walk event for dogs and their owners to raise funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer. So bring your best canine friend and join us for a fun-filled day starting with a walk, and then continuing with demonstrations, contests, and games!

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