ANIMAL RADIO® | July 5th 2005 Newsletter
Programming with a Purpose
In this issue:
ANIMAL RADIO with Hal Abrams, Judy Francis, Rae Ann Kumelos,
Arden and YOU!
This week:
Actress BETTY WHITE talks about being accepted by the family cat as an infant .
Author STANLEY COREN author of How
Dogs Think:
What the World
Looks Like to Them and Why They Act the way They Do
Darlene Arden talks with PAM JOHNSON-BENNETT
about multi-cat households
Dog Sense author
KATHY SANTO tells how to start with behavior problems in
Plus lots of giveaways this week! More good stuff
for great pets!
So many ways....
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Coming up:
PROJECT POOCH - A New Leash on Life; James Black of KOOKY KAT CATNIP COMPANY lets us know if you can you give your cat too much Catnip; THE PURRFECT MOOD DETECTOR shows you when your cat is happy; and Rick Smolan author of CATS 24/7: EXTRAORDINARY PHOTOGRAPHS OF WONDERFUL CATS.
Don't miss out to pick up on the biggest prize package Animal Radio Network has ever offered! |
This is just a tease, the
beginning of our visit with Golden Girl Betty White.
You may hear the entire interview at: http://AnimalRadio.com
Betty White: Hello
Judy Francis: Hello
Betty: Hi Judy
Judy: Hi Betty how are you?
Betty: I'm fine.
Judy: I have Hal Abrams here with us also.
Hal Abrams: I was wondering if you were going to introduce me.
Betty: Hi Hal, it's Betty, nice to talk to both of you.
Judy: Well, you too.
Hal: It's very nice to talk to you, of course, the great actress.
Betty: Have I got you fooled!
Hal: Well, hey listen, that's all that matters, right?
Betty: Right.
Hal: But you're also a big animal lover too.
Betty: Well, that's my real work. Show business is my hobby, but my real work is animals.
Hal: Okay, so tell us how?
Betty: Well, I love them dearly of course, but I've been with the Morris Animal Foundation for 37 years. We're a health organization.
Hal: It's a health organization, what is it? Tell us a little bit about Morris.
Betty: Morris Animal Foundation, we're headquartered in Denver and we're an international organization and we fund humane studies into specific health problems of dogs, cats, horses and zoo and wildlife. We helped develop the parvo virus vaccine for dogs and the feline leukemia vaccine for cats, and that kind of thing. So, it's a wonderful organization. It was started 50 years ago by a veterinarian because there was no government organization or money for our pet animals, there were for food animals, but not for pet animals, not for their health. So, it's grown into an international, wonderful organization, and I'm really proud of it.
Hal: So you're also a part of the SPCA LA, is that correct?
Betty: Yes, I do their telethon every year and I've worked with them for all these years, and I've worked with the LA Zoo for 36 years and I'm a Zoo Commission, so my real work is animals.
Hal: Wow, so what do you do as a Zoo Commissioner?
Betty: Well, I was on the board for all the years we tried so hard to get our own zoo commission. We were working out of Parks & Recreation, and the golf courses and the highways and all of those, and then the zoo was way down at the bottom somewhere. So we finally got our own Zoo Commission about eight years ago.
Hal: So animals have been all of your life?
Betty: That's right, and now we have a direct line to the City Council and the Mayor's office and all of that to help us as much as possible with the zoo.
Hal: That's great. Do you remember your first animal, the first animal that you made that connection with?
Betty: Well, I guess it was before I remember, because when my folks brought me home from the hospital we had Toby, a marmalade cat, who was
Hal: What kind of cat?
Betty: An orange cat, they called them marmalades. And, Toby would sit on the corner of my crib and my mother always said that if Toby hadn't approved of the new baby, she would have sent me right back to the hospital. So, I come by my animal love naturally.
Judy: Now, did you have kind of a reverse role as a child, instead of you bringing home pets and asking your parents if you could keep them because they followed you home, your parents did that?
Betty: That was it, they said, oh Betty, he followed us home, can we keep him? Of course, I was in hog heaven, we all just loved them.
Hal: Well, that just great to have an environment, be brought up and your parents encourage that environment with animals. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Betty: Oh, I'm anything with a leg on each corner person, I don't care what it is, but I'm a big kitty person. My BobCat, I just lost my BobCat about a month ago and he was about 18, and he was a foundling so I didn't know his exact age, but he was a beautiful Himalayan, who was such a people cat.
Hal: Very good. Any other animals at home?
(Hear the entire interview and find out
what Betty is doing now at
{Other archived interviews
them at: http://AnimalRadio.com
- select "Listen Now."}
they walk on two or four of them, one of the most unique things
about animals is their feet. Some walk on a single toe, while
others can have more than five toes on their front feet alone.
It's fun to marvel over the various foot peculiarities of each
type of animal, but be warned: all species that walk will be prone
to some variety of foot problems. Here are some guidelines for
giving your furry (or scaly) companion happy feet.
Pup paws
The pads on dogs' feet
are very sensitive. This is one of the few areas on the dog that
actually sweats, and it is also an area that is prone to injury.
Especially if your pet frequently moves across a rough surface,
the pads may get worn down or cut. Pads will bleed profusely--and
hurt. Often, anesthesia is necessary to properly evaluate pad
injuries. Working dogs may even require boots to protect their
feet from the elements. In the winter, you will also want to prevent
your dog's feet from being damaged by the salt and ice, which
can cause the pads to dry out and crack.
Another really common foot problem that our poor dogs are subjected to is injury from improper toe nail trimming. Many pet owners haven't been taught to do this correctly. The point is to try not to hit the blood vessels that course through the hard nail. Not only is this painful, but the bad experience may make the dog sensitive about having its feet handled in the future.
Dewclaws can be a real drag. These are the little thumb toenails that originate a little bit higher on the inside part of the leg. Often these nails are removed when the dog is a puppy. If they lack underlying bone structure and are loose, they can become caught in the carpet and tear. Because dewclaws do not touch the ground, they do not wear down. It is common for these nails to grow around in a circle and dig back into the dog's skin. This causes a painful inflammation--if this happens to your dog, take it to your veterinarian.
In fact, as a general rule, any
time there is any kind of swelling of your dog's toes or feet,
it is important to visit your veterinarian. Swelling can be secondary
to bacterial or fungal infection, broken bones, foreign bodies,
allergies, and even tumors.
Cats' feet are unique
in that they have retractable claws. The furthest bone in the
toe is actually pulled back so that the nails are hidden in a
sheath. Cats can then extend their claws when they are hunting,
climbing, or defending themselves. Cats will also sharpen their
claws. The cat claw is produced in concentric layers so that when
they scratch the outer layer is sloughed off and the sharper underlying
adherent nail is exposed. Clipping the nails of a cat is a relatively
easy endeavor because all cats have white toenails. Cats also
have blood vessels in their nails, so remember that only the clear,
sharp part should be removed.
Cats have relatively few foot problems. However, their nails can overgrow if not properly attended; this is especially common in older cats. They can also develop fungal nail infections and get infected wounds of their feet. One common cause of lameness in declawed cats is the regrowth of the nail. If the nail bed is incompletely removed during the declaw procedure, even a tiny piece may cause the nail to regrow. This regrowth occurs under the skin and causes redness, swelling, and pain.
The good news is that a relatively
simple surgical procedure will remove the offending bit of nail.
In most cases, Fluffy is pain free after a brief recovery period.
So maybe your pet isn't
the run-of-the-mill cat or dog? Exotic animals, like guinea pigs,
ferrets, rabbits, and prairie dogs, have special feet needs, too.
These furry friends should have their nails trimmed routinely
and should be housed on surfaces free of rough edges. Guinea pigs
have feet that are especially sensitive, particularly if they
are carrying a little extra weight. Even iguanas and lizards can
get cuts from rough cages as well as fractured toes from inappropriate
flooring. Dirty bedding and cages can result in infections of
the feet for many of these exotic and pocket pets.
It is hard to imagine using your
feet to clean yourself, but this is just what many of the pocket
pets do. Because of this, a thorough exam of the feet may even
tell your veterinarian that your rabbit has the sniffles. Your
rabbit will use its feet to rub its face, much like we would use
a tissue to blow our nose. Moisture or staining on the paws may
be a sign that your bunny needs further examination.
Horse shoe
Feet are one of the most
important body parts of that animal that only has one toe: the
horse. As the saying goes, "no foot, no horse." In the
equine, the health of the foot determines the health of the leg,
which determines the overall utility of the horse. Whether the
horse is used for racing, showing, pleasure riding, working the
farm, pulling a cart, or policing the streets, the soundness of
the legs and feet is key to job performance.
There are many problems that horses
can get with their feet. Laminitis or founder is a common problem
that occurs when there is a lack of blood supply to the foot.
This can be caused by many factors, including eating too much
grain, eating lush grasses (often seen in the spring or summer
when the grass is very green), excessive working on a hard surface,
or as a complication from an infection occurring after the horse
has given birth. This disease is very painful, and horses will
try everything to get the weight off of their aching feet.
Just as human athletes require proper shoes, horses, too, wear
shoes for their various sports. Horses' feet are usually trimmed
by farriers (people trained in horse shoeing) every four to six
weeks for equines that go barefoot. New shoes, if needed, are
set every four to six weeks. Shoes are usually recommended for
horses that need extra traction and to prevent excessive wearing
of the feet. Shoes are custom fit for each horse since every foot
is different.
Like people, horses can get corns from improperly fitting shoes. Since bad feet can predispose horses to many problems, finding a good farrier is an excellent way to keep a horse's feet healthy. There are corrective shoes available for horses with problem feet and even snow shoes for horses that live in regions that get wintery weather.
Horses can get rings around the hoof wall. These can be normal occurrences, but they may also indicate nutritional changes, fevers, or illnesses that the horse may have had in the past. The horse's hoof is constantly growing and these rings can develop and give you a window into the horses past, much like rings on a cut tree.
Examining a horse's feet can tell you a lot about the health of the horse and whether the horse is prone to lameness. Flat-footed horses are more likely to get bruises on the bottom of their feet from stones, and horses with brittle feet can get cracks in the hoof wall. Horses with feet that are too small may be more prone to navicular disease (a disease of one of the bones in the foot), and horses with toes that are too long may get tendon injuries more readily. It is important to look at the size of the feet and compare them all to each other: often, if a horse is lame on one leg, the foot of that leg will be smaller. By looking at how worn the feet are, you can tell how the horse walks and which areas they land on the hardest.
Best foot forward
Even though they sometimes
stink, remember that feet serve a serious purpose in all animals
and may be more important than you think. The condition of an
animal's feet may even tell you just how healthy it is.
C. Beagan, DVM will be featured on an upcoming Animal Radio program.
Find out when at http://AnimalRadio.com
Listen to the Future
We know, for example, that dogs have very sensitive hearing and this can account for some apparent instances of precognition. A recent incident involved Valerie Smith of Plymouth and her collie Tommy. Valerie, who is partially deaf, was walking down a public path with Tommy. She reported, "He stopped and just stared at the trees. As I stepped forward he turned and barked at me, which he never normally does. When I went to walk on again, he really turned, baring his teeth. He stood still as if to say 'Stay There.' Within seconds, a large tree crashed down on to the path, so close to Valerie that it scratched her right arm. "I was just so shocked to see the tree, which was about five meters long. It was covered in ivy and you could see the bottom half was rotten, but Tommy knew it was coming down." Although one could attribute Tommy's behavior to some form of precognition, in this case it seems more likely that the dog's sense of danger came from the popping and cracking sounds the tree made as it began to fall.
We do know that dogs have sensitive hearing, at least for some frequencies of sounds. The dog's sensitivity to specific frequencies depends, in great degree, on the size of the dog or, more specifically, on the size of the dog's head. For a large dog with a large head the ear is correspondingly larger. That means that the canal that lets sound into the ear is wider, and every structure in the ear is correspondingly bigger. A small ear is tuned for higher-pitched sounds while a larger ear is tuned for lower-pitched sounds, much the way that a small, narrow organ pipe will produce a higher-pitched sound while a long, wide organ pipe, will produce lower sounds. This means that smaller dogs have an advantage in hearing higher-pitched sounds but may have greater difficulty in hearing lower-pitched sounds. On the other hand, some researchers believe that dogs with big, square, mastiff-type heads, which includes the Saint Bernard, New-foundland, and Great Pyrenees, can actually hear subsonic tones. These are very low-frequency sounds which are far to low for humans to hear. This may explain how the Saint Bernard is able to hear the faint low frequency sounds made by people trapped under snow by avalanches, while dogs with smaller heads may not sense them at all. The dogs detect these avalanche victims, not because of some psychic power of location, but simply because they hear the low-frequency sounds that make their way through the snow.
This is an excerpt from Dr. Coren's latest (ISBN 0-7432-2233-4). Hear him this week on Animal Radio.
ZONE with D.A.P. (dog appeasing pheromone) mimics the "appeasing"
pheromones of the nursing mother dog which communicates to her
puppies a sense of reassurance and comfort, helping your dog feel
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SOCIETY- Do you know that more than 90% of cloning attempts
fail to produce viable offspring, and more than 100 procedures
could be required to produce one clone? In addition to low success
rates, cloned animals tend to have more compromised immune function
and higher rates of infection, tumor growth, and other health
disorders. Don't clone - Adopt. Visit http://www.NoPetCloning.org.
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about FRONTLINE - the longest-lasting flea killer, the BEST protection
against fleas and ticks, and the #1 choice of veterinarians for
flea and tick control! http://frontline.us.merial.com/
30 Day FREE Trial. Pay only if you quit smoking! Call for your
free kit including medicine, booklet, audio tape and more.
STEPS FOR PETS - The highest
quality and lowest prices furniture for your cats and dogs. FREE
shipping on all Cat Condos. Animal Radio's Pet Friendly Pick of
the Week: The Ultimate in cat condos this unit comes with all
the bells and whistles. Two large condos 20"x14"x12"
and 14"x14"x14". Perches are 14" by 14"
and the levels seem unlimited when your cat starts exploring their
new home - ONLY $169.95 - http://www.stepsforpets.com/ See
the Animal Radio Studio Cat Condo from Steps for Pets on the Animal Radio WEBCAM
Introducing Fancy Feast Gourmet Gold dry cat food. With its tantalizing
aroma, enchanting shapes, and heavenly taste, it's simply the
best tasting dry cat food versus leading brands. http://www.FancyFeast.com/
UNDERWRITING OPPORTUNITIES for 2005 Animal Radio programming are available. Call 435.644.5992 for a media kit and additional information.
Pediatric, or Early Spay/Neuter,
refers to spaying or neutering pets at a much earlier age than
the old six to nine month standard. With today's anesthetics,
advanced monitoring equipment, and surgical techniques, not only
are these procedures safe in young puppies and kittens, the risk
of complication is lower and the recovery period shorter than
in mature pets. Concerns about adverse effects have now been proven
unfounded. The American Veterinary Medical Association, the Humane
Society of the United States, the Association of Spay/Neuter Veterinarians,
and the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia,
are among those that support early spay/neuter.
The reasons for spaying and neutering are compelling:
But why spay and neuter the babies?
The bottom line is fewer unwanted
pets, and fewer ill-bred animals filling up homes so that others
go without.
Early spay/neuter does require some special training and adjustments
to the techniques used in older dogs.
Dr. Tracy Land guests on Animal Radio this week. Listen.
1. If you sense your owner
plans to move, be on your best behavior. Revive those terminally
cute poses you used to get yourself adopted. Let your owner sleep
past 5 AM. Keep your paws out of your owner's hair. Use the litterbox
religiously. If you must throw up, head for the bathroom and skip
the windowsills. You do not want your owner to entertain thoughts
like, "I don't want to ruin the beautiful floors in our new
home," or, "You know, it's really hard to rent an apartment
when you have a cat.
2. Here's a great game. Jump into an empty box, stick your head out and hold the pose while your owner runs around looking for a camera. As soon as she appears, finger on snap button, turn around and point your tail at the camera. You'll learn some new cuss words, guaranteed.
3. The arrival of the moving van is your cue to hide. You can have lots of fun with this one. Your owner will run around frantically, cursing the movers: "You idiots! You left the door open! Now little Furball is gone forever!" After they've wasted an hour running around the neighborhood, appear out of nowhere and begin to wash. When they shriek, "Oh there she is!" and try to hug you, summon an aloof glare and wash your face again. Bonus tip: If you really want to freak them out, hide in your cat carrier.
4. As you begin your twelve-hour drive, remember that your owners would rather listen to your yowling than to the latest tapes or the local weather and news. Keep it up!
5. Demand a sandbox break as soon as your owner begins driving on a road where it is absolutely impossible to pull over. A narrow bridge with bumper-to-bumper traffic is a good choice.
6. Motel etiquette calls for you to sit in the window, looking absolutely adorable. Encourage passers-by to tap on the glass at all hours, especially if your owner has forgotten to draw the curtains. If you suspect your owners have snuck you into the room without checking, begin yowling as soon as they try to move you to a more secluded spot.
7. When it's time to hit the road at 6 AM, you don't want to be found. If you can position yourself under the queensize bed, out of reach of your owner's arms, you can delay everyone's travel plans for a good half hour. The award for the most creative hiding place goes to the feline who wedged herself between mattress cover and springs. Caution: This only works if your owner really adores you. If you can't be found in twenty minutes, you might be looking for a new home.
8. Insist on being present when boxes are unpacked. Jump into each box to make sure the contents arrived safely. If your owners lock you into the bathroom "so kitty can't escape," use the opportunity to practice your singing. The movers need entertainment, too.
9. Demand to test each windowsill of the new home. If you still have claws, test the curtains to see if they'll hold your weight. Fifteen pounds? Should be no problem. Regardless, those miniblinds offer limitless opportunities for new versions of torture-the-owner. How many can you bend? How about breaking off a little hole for your head to peek through? Cute.
10. Encourage your owner to get a dog. You may never have to move again. "Honey, we can't move. We could never afford another place where Spot could have a yard."
Copyright © Cathy Goodwin 2001
When good ideas get rushed to market, there are few winners, and lots of losers. Our research showed lots of bugs in a system which appears was assembled overnight. A great idea to attach GPS (Global Positioning System) locators on leashes to locate lost animals, or should we say dogs since the unit is too large for any self-respecting cat to wear.
When we called on the producer
of Globalpetfinder to provide us with a sample to review, we were
denied (first time since we started this feature in 1999). It
is very rare that we are turned down for product reviews because
of the amount of publicity that is offered in such a review. But
after two separate requests to review the product, we ended up
using research from actual users, who themselves were not so pleased.
The company that produces the item said that the GPS Pet-finder
is on back order and that even if they wanted to supply us with
one to review, they couldn't. They also claim that they are having
no problem unloading these oversized transmitters for your pup
to haul around. Take in mind the
picture here is on a pretty big dog...and how big does the device
look to you?
According to the distributor, Globalpetfinder Members can build a virtual fence of ANY size within which your pet can freely roam simply by logging into the command center and following the instructions for 'create a fence'. The command center will prompt you to enter a name , address and size for your fence. That's it! Your fence is automatically downloaded to the memory of your globalpetfinder GPS. When one of the barriers is broken, it automatically text messages you as one of the options. Sounds cool, huh? Well, now comes the question of letting our dogs roam around freely off leash. Of course that's up to the user, but it can present many other problems on society. The Globalpetfinder can be programmed adversely.
We really feel that this could be a great idea if there was a significant amount of R&D to be completed to make it small enough while still being effective, and perhaps ideal for felines too. The other downfall is that there is a monthly fee for the monitoring service. Because there is not any competition at present, the fee seems excessive and an unfair monopoly on the market. We believe, in time, someone will execute this properly - developing the right-sized equipment, inexpensive monitoring, and a base price far below the almost $400 retail price without the monthly subscription service.
For now, we give it two-and-a-half paws and encourage you to wait a couple of years before competition enters the market with a knack at marketing.
(Your products may be reviewed on-air and online by sending a sample to: Animal Radio Network - Product Review, 233 East 330 North, Kanab, UT. 84741. Please include details on the product as well as 72dpi graphics that may be used online. Include locations it can be purchased and a way to reach you)
Third Annual Chain Off takes place from Saturday-Monday, July
2-4, 2005, with seven people chaining themselves to doghouses
in four states. Dogs Deserve Better's Chain Off 2005 Inspires
Advocates to Live Chained to Doghouses for as long as 36 Hours
to Highlight the Plight of the Chained Dog
Tammy Sneath Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, will live chained to a doghouse in State College, PA for 33 hours, from 8:00 a.m. July 2nd through 5:00 p.m. July 3rd. Says Grimes, "There are millions of Americans who don't even know this goes on, who don't believe dogs live chained for life. My hope is to bring this hidden problem to public awareness. Everyone needs to put themselves in a chained dog's 'shoes', and everyone who knows the loving nature of a dog needs to take a stand against chaining. Just because your father did it-and his father before him-does not make it right and does not make it acceptable in today's society."
Grimes is excited this year to be joined by six other advocates in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia who will also chain themselves to doghouses. Near Scranton, Pennsylvania, Amanda Povilitus joins Grimes for a second year for eight hours July 4, next to an as-yet-unnamed friend; Monica Kinley-Kuhn and Sam Hogenaur will be chained for 24 hours in Richmond, Indiana July 2-3; Shelby Craig will live chained for 36 hours in Shelby County, Kentucky July 3-4; and Dan Paden will be chained for 2 hours in Richmond, Virginia July 2.
Dogs Deserve Better is the 2003 First Place Winner of the ASPCA/Chase Pet Protector Award, and is a national and international nonprofit working to bring dogs out of the backyard and into the home and family. For more information on the organization and Chain Off 2005, visit the website at www.dogsdeservebetter.org.
(Hear us yapping withTammy LIVE as she is chained to a doghouse. http://AnimalRadio.com)
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* UNDERWRITING OPPORTUNITIES for 2005 ANIMAL RADIO PROGRAMMING are available. Call 435.644.5992. Animal Radio Network, according to Arbitron radio ratings, is the most-listened-to animal programming in the United States. We have 250,000 Average-Quarter-Hour listeners - which translates to an audience of two-million weekly in eighty-plus cities. Our affiliate stations are top performers including KOST 103.5 and KBIG 104.3 in Los Angeles. Animal Radio is the most concentrated radio audience of targeted animal lovers anywhere! Advertising opportunities in this newsletter are also available. 36,000 subscribers are reading this message right now!
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