Animal RadioŽ Show #618
World's Costliest Dog Perfume
At $750 to $1,000 an ounce - more than twice the price of Chanel No. 5 - Les Poochs V.I.P. Parfum is one of the world's costliest perfumes. The kicker: It's for dogs. The unisex scent, which comes in a heavy crystal bottle, carries a citrusy top note and fades to the warm aroma of the rare Osmanthus flower. People will probably like the scent, but dogs won't. A dog's favorite smell, according to researchers, is "dead animal."
6 Packs, Nine Lives
It's another self-depreciating Calendar of naked hunky men, their privates covered with kittens. But it's for a good cause. Proceeds from the 2012 calendar go to The cover model says he escaped with only a few scratches.
Simply upload a picture of your pet and type in what you want it to say. The website animates your pets mouth, uttering your ...I mean their words in a creepy computer voice.
More Reasons to Spay or Neuter
If you think the only reason to spay or neuter your pet is to cut down on population, then you're quite mistaken. While that is only part of the reason, the truth is that your pet will probably live longer and be healthier if you fix them.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #617
Pet Travel Up Dramatically
Nearly 45-percent of those taking part in a TripAdvisor poll say they've taken a trip with their pets during the past year, and 47-percent indicate that they're including their pets in the vacation plans they're making for the next 12 months.
There's An App For That!
Now there is an App to tell if your dog walker actually walked your dog! Dog walking customers can now find out exactly what time and where their dog was walked. With Pet Check Technology, dog owners can track the walks online using GPS mapping at any time during or after the walk.
More Ticks This Year
Removing ticks from your pet isn't as easy as you may think. It takes a skilled-person to remove the entire parasite from your pet's body. Done wrong, this could cause infection. We have the low-down on preventing and getting rid of ticks.
How to Stop the Dog from Snoring
Some dogs, especially those that look like they've been chasing parked cars, have snoring issues. While it isn't fatal, it can be a real nuisance.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #616
What Happens in Vegas is on Animal RadioŽ
Live From SuperZoo in Las Vegas, it's Animal Radio's New Pet Product Special from the floor of the largest pet-trade show in America. We're giving listeners the hottest new pet products before they're on the store shelves.
789 exhibitors all vying for the 43-billion dollar sector, untouched by the recession. Many of the pet products will never see the light of day.
Animal Radio's Joey Villani, Dr. Debbie, Vladae Roytapel and Hal Abrams talk to the folks that think they're going to hit it big with their idea.
New for 2012, the Lucky Dog Lottery board game is designed to help you pick lottery numbers using your dog. Similar to a golf-ball washer, the Paw Wash was the brainchild of 12 year-old Katie Mulich for a science project. Hear Doggy is the first ultra-sonic squeaker toy for dogs - no more annoying squeaks at three in the morning. These are just a few of our favorite things featured this week....
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Animal RadioŽ Show #615
Dog Theft is on the Rise
So what is causing the increase in stolen dogs? It's not just purebreds. Even the mutts are missing. AKC's Lisa Peterson explains the rash of 'Rover' robberies.
Perfect Puppy in 7 Days!
It's true according to Dr. Sophia Yin. But you can't miss the window of opportunity. If you don't train your pup starting within three months, it might be too late!
Taking Care of Tear-stains
It's not uncommon for cats and dogs to stain the fur around their eyes with tears. Why does this happen? What is this stuff? Animal Radio's very own Joey Villani and on-call doc, Greg Neal uncovers the reason and how to clean the fur.
Stop Counter-surfing!
Whether it's cats or dogs, they like to try their luck wherever the food is. We're going to help you stop this bad behavior for good.
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Animal RadioŽ Show #614
Canada's Ban On Pets
"Plane cabins should be as pet-free as they are peanut-free," says The Canadian Medical Association. They have voted in favor of supporting a ban on all pets traveling inside aircraft cabins on all Canadian passenger planes.
9/11 Anniversary
Michael Hingson was in Tower One when it was hit on 9/11. He's blind and his guide dog helped him return to safety. Roselle was just one of many hero-dogs that helped recover bodies from Ground Zero. Michael returns to share his new book, Thunder Dog.
You're Not Delusional
Does your skin crawl with bugs and everybody says "you're crazy?" That happened to a 40 year-old lady who was diagnosed with Morgellon's Disease. This rare sickness can be transmitted by your pet. Dr. Neelam Taneja-Uppal is on the cutting edge of research and she joins us to explain.
Air Contaminated By Dog Feces
Air samples taken in Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit showed elevated levels of airborne bacteria from dog feces. "We breathe in bacteria every minute we are outside, and some of these bugs may have potential health implications," says Researchers.
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Cat is Peeing in the Wrong Place
Mary Jane: Dear Dr. Debbie, My sister adopted a red point siamese in 1997. He was a real
hard luck case. Living in a campus parking lot with a respiratory infection and gash on his leg. The local animal
shelter patched him up and neutered him. When she had to move from NJ to LA, I took him in and was happy he was
accepted by my two cats. Things have been going well for a few years but in the past few months, the cat has started urinating outside the box. He is my prime suspect because once he did it right in front of me. He was not spraying but squatted over a bra on the floor and urinated on it. I have 7 litter boxes. 3 in the basement, three on the first floor and one on the second floor. I scoop them daily. Three of the boxes are covered. I know you do not recommend that but one of the other cats is an energetic digger and would scatter litter everywhere. There are more uncovered than covered ones.
He seems to find things on the floor to urinate on so I am working at keeping the floors clear but any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Doctor Debbie: Before we try to tackle any house soiling issue in cats- my first request is to have this guy checked out by your vet. Too often there is an overlap of both behavioral AND medical causes when we deal with feline house soiling. We need to make sure he doesn't have any infection, bladder stone formation, osteoarthritic change or other medical causes for this behavior. How often I've seen folks struggle with environmental changes- when it's actually a health problem at the root of it! By then the medical problem has escalated to both a medical and behavioral problem.
After ruling out a medical cause, the next most likely cause of eliminating on horizontal surfaces is due to either:
1. An avoidance - something they don't like in the box environment
2. Substrate preference issue
We tackle #1 by altering or removing aspects that might make a cat dislike the litter environement. My first steps to alter litter box environments are to ensure they are:
Huge - needs to be at least 1.5x his body length
Clean - keep up that daily scooping
Uncovered - sorry, you knew I'd mention this one
Unlined - get rid of any plastic pan liners
Un-perfumed - if your l\itter is scented - get one without scents
Low traffic - cats feel best using toilet away from view of other cats and high traffic areas of home
Watch the cleansers - avoid cleaning the litter box with ammonia or citrus containing products
This is where kitty psychology comes into play. I've even recommended putting a video camera in the litter box area to document the kitties physical reaction to the litter box area. This is more than being a kitty Peeping Tom! - you can learn alot by reading a cats body language. Is his time in the box very brief, does he hang over the edge, does he fail to cover his feces/urine, what is his ear posture, does he seem distracted or nervous? You might consider using a litter box additive that attracts to void in the bo x- Cat Attract Litter Additive is one to try.
Now to discuss #2 from above...I'm going to zone in to your comments that he seems to find things on the floor to urinate on. Some kitties develop a substrate preference- meaning they like the feel or texture of urinating on alternate surfaces. You might try converting a few boxes over to an "alternate" litter substrate that mimics clothing texture- try old tshirts or shredded paper towel in place of the regular litter.
As a last resort, behavioral medication may be a last resort when all other remedies have failed. I have a handful of behavior meds in my kitty behavior bag that I often try- some cats won't respond to one, but might do well with another.
Whew! I know that's alot of information, but hopefully I've mentioned some new things that might help him find his way back to the Box!
Good luck!
Dr. Debbie
Separation Anxiety
J: my dog goes balistic if i leave him home alone "ever"....constant barking, potty on the carpet.....any suggestions as to how to control of now, i take him most everywhere i looking for work, don't know how to handle this....(medication)? a cage ?...He's twelve years old, how to cage him in the house effectively, i've heard this can relieve his he pants and can hardly breathe when i return home....male "shitzu"...Dudley thank U for any help in this listener....J
Vladae The Russian Dog Wizard: In plain English, separation anxiety means that your dog has a panic attack when you leave the home. Symptoms range from destroying property to self-harm. Separation anxiety is unconsciously fostered by many day-to-day activities like; too much affection, sleeping on the same mattress, and making huge scenes entering and exiting the home. Although some breeds are genetically predisposed to the behavior the main culprit is their environment.
Separation anxiety can often be confused with containment phobia - the fear of being in confined areas; however containment phobia causes the dog to only destroy obstacles that stand between them and freedom.
Your dog has an instinctive ability to trust an Alpha leader. If they can rely on you, they will become calm in your absence.
You can become the Alpha leader through obedience training around your house and on the street. Take your dog to the backyard and make them run for 10 to 15 minutes, two times a day. A tired dog will not be able to create, and channel, destructive anxiety. Music therapy and aromatherapy work as an effective compliment too.
Simple solution: Taliban husband leaves the house; Taliban husband comes home. When a Taliban husband comes home he does not hug and kiss his wife. You need to become an actor/actress and play the role logically. Unlike wolves, dogs are breed with an intense unconditional love for their human pack. Cutting back on frequent hugs and kisses will not offend them actually they will respect you more.
Listen to Dr. Debbie & Vladae on Animal RadioŽ
Events Calendar
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Send your events to:
11th Annual Bow-Wows & Meows Pet Fair
Where: William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Ave (formerly San Fern) Newhall, CA 91321
When: Oct 09, 2011 (Sun) 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Cost: ** FREE **
Come and join us for the 11th annual Bow-Wows & Meows Pet Fair. FREE to all, this years fair is sure to be our BEST yet! Over 70 vendors of pet related supplies and services, raffle, yummy people food, "kidz zone", demonstrations, animal photographer and artist, pet psychic, shows, low cost vaccine clinic (FREE rabies vaccines), and of course: lots of dogs, cats, puppies & kittens from all 6 LA County Animal Shelters, available for adoption - in search of their forever homes! This amazingly fun event is FREE to all and a great day of family fun! Mark it down on your calendar now and remember, pets are always welcome at Bow-Wows & Meows (on leashes). See You There!!!!
11th Annual Walk for Paws
Where: Board of Education in Ellicott City, 10908 Route 108, Ellicott, MD 21042
When: Oct 09, 2011 (Sun) - Oct 09, 2011 (Sun) 10:00 am -3:00 pm
Cost: FREE
The Animal Advocates of Howard County, MD is having their 11th Annual Walk for the Animals at the Board of Education in Ellicott City located at 10910 Route 108 Ellicott City, MD. 21042 There will lots of fun activities for you and your dog, great prizes for top walkers, homeless pets looking for forever homes, contests, raffles, prizes, unique merchandise and gift items for sale,Animal Communicator, Caricaturists, low-cost micro-chipping, pet photographer, Mid-Atlantic Search and Rescue Demo, Training demos and agility provided by Sit, Stay and Play and more! Lunch snacks and drinks available. Please join GRREAT Golden Retriever Rescue Education and Training, Inc. a (501) (3) non profit organization dedicated to finding loving homes for neglected, abused, abandoned, rescued from high kill shelters and owner surrender. We serve VA, MD, D.C., Eastern W. VA. and Southeastern PA.
Dogfest 2011
Where: Baltimore Humane Society, 1601 Nicodemus Rd., Reistertown, MD 21136
When: Oct 15, 2011 (Sat) - Oct 15, 2011 (Sat) 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Cost: $10.00 Entrance Fee
The Baltimore Humane Society is hosting their Dogfest 2011 event. A dog day extravaganza to benefit animals in need of care and shelter at the Baltimore Humane Society. There will be games, contests, prizes, pets for adoption and more! Forgot to mention FUN! Please stop by GRREAT's rescue booth and a volunteer will be there to answer questions about any dog or our adoption process. For more information and directions visit the Baltimore Humane Society's Dogfest 2011 web site at:
Kids Who Care Pet Fashion Show
Where: Orange County Great Park, 6990 Marine Way, Irvine, CA 92618
When: Oct 10, 2011 (Mon) 10 AM - 2 PM
Cost: Free Admission --
Kids Who Care Foundation Pet Fashion Show Registration now open! Location: Orange County Great Park Farmer's Market Event Date: Sunday, October 16, 2011 Hours: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Website: Contact: 949-228-9852 or email: Description: Come and enjoy with your entire family at the Orange County Great Park Farmer's Market including the KWCF Pet Fashion Show fundraiser, live music, crafts for kids, retail pet vendors, pet competitions, pet adoptions, brunch for pets, entertainment by KWCF youth volunteers and more! Free admission and free parking. All funds raised from the Pet Fashion Show benefit the Kids Who Care Foundation whose mission is to cheer up critically ill children and the Irvine Animal Shelter. Event organized by KWCF youth volunteers. For more information on the event, vendor opportunities, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities or to entry your pet into the fashion show, please visit or call (949) 228-9852.
San Diego Fall Pet Expo
Where: Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA 92014
When: Oct 13, 2011 (Thu) - Oct 14, 2011 (Fri) Saturday 10am-7pm, Sunday 10am-5pm
Cost: $8/Adults, $6/Seniors 65+, Kids under 15 are Free.
The Pet Expo features great entertainment for the whole family, informative seminars by experts in animal care and training and exhibits of the best in products and services to make your pets healthy and happy.

Celebrate your pets right now at
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