Since 2003, Animal Radio has been showcasing the latest toys, gadgets and technology available for your pet. Our 2017 NEW PET PRODUCT SPECIAL is no different. We will be featuring the latest gadgets as well as cutting-edge technology for your pets. And the best part? We have giveaways for you!
World's First Self-Cleaning Indoor Dog Potty
Alan Cook, Brilliant Pet
BrilliantPad is the World's First self-cleaning indoor dog potty. It automatically replaces a soiled pad with a clean, fresh one. It also wraps and seals the waste to get rid of the entire odor, so your dog has a place to go indoors in a way that's easy, clean and hands free for you!
The BrilliantPad is designed for small to medium dogs up to 35 pounds. The pad area itself is 24x23 inches, which is similar in size to the most popular sized potty pads. The footprint of the machine is not much bigger than the pad itself.
Judy Francis has been training Ladybug, Animal Radio's Stunt Dog, to use the BrilliantPad. Ladybug has been using it for about a month now. Ladybug took to it immediately, because she has always used an indoor potty. However, her previous potty area consisted of potty pads in a litter box with artificial grass. As you can imagine, this can get pretty smelly after a while. Judy was forced to replace the pads daily and to wash the grass and replace it every few days. Not a pleasant task! To get Ladybug used to the BrilliantPad, she actually placed artificial grass over the pad and then eventually made the grass smaller and smaller until Ladybug was using the BrilliantPad without any artificial grass at all.
If your dog has never used an indoor potty, BrilliantPad will help you train them. They have a training guide developed by animal behaviorists from four university-based veterinary clinics, which includes easy-to-follow instructions. Training generally takes anywhere from a few days to several weeks. They also have additional resources, which include transition pads to help acclimate your dog, as well as an online training center and help desk.
The motor is also whisper quiet, so it didn't scare Ladybug when it was advancing the pad. This made cleaning up a breeze! All Judy has to do is either let the machine automatically advance the roll on a pre-set timer or she can manually advance the roll by herself. You can even leave it alone for days or weeks at a time. No more smelly areas to clean. And in fact - no more smells at all.
While the pad is thin, it is super absorbent, leak-free and has an odor shield lining. The pad lasted about 30 days and when it was removed, again there was no smell. The pad is wrapped around a disposable rod and caps, which are biodegradable. You just toss them in the trash and replace it with a new one. What could be easier!!!!
BrilliantPad is better for Your Dog and better for the environment because it uses one third less material than traditional pads.
BrilliantPad also allows freedom and flexibility. If you have to work late or if you are struck in traffic, you don't have to rush home to let the dog out! You never worry about leaving your dog home again!
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Reduce Feline Anxiety with New Noise-Cancelling Environments
Janet Marlow, Pet Acoustics
Janet Marlow is a Sound Behaviorist and Pet Acoustics CEO. She has been a recording artist and musician for 35 years, traveling around the world providing music for humans. Janet then transitioned her scientific background on acoustics and her 20-year research to animal hearing sensitivities - what it is, how they hear, how it affects them, what is the pressure in their ears and how it affects them in their environment.
Janet has been trying to educate pet owners for many years on this subject, because it is so important. To help do this, she has created Pet Tunes, which is a Pet Tunes Bluetooth speaker that is pre-loaded with special frequency modified music clinically tested and proven to reduce stress and calm pet anxiety. She has made several for specific species, which includes dogs, cats, horses and birds; all modified for each species specific ranges.
The sonic environments in which animals live affects their behaviors in ways humans are not always attuned to. Cats hear more than dogs and humans, and certain sounds or vibrations just don't sit well with them. By modifying their experience of the external noises through sound absorbing layers, Pet Acoustics can diminish behavioral feline stress associated with such.
Janet is excited to announce the new Safe & Sound line of noise and vibration-cancelling environments for cats. Designed to eliminate fear, anxiety and motion sickness resulting from travel and other sound stimuli, the new line of veterinarian-approved products is a safe and effective solution for cat owners and pet care professionals across the country.
"Feline anxiety is a very common and problematic issue that most cat owners experience in some way or another with their cats," said Marlow. "Their overwhelming fear and travel sickness can even deter pet owners from taking their cat to the veterinarian regularly which can lead to a number of greater health issues. This product line is going to change our relationships with cats for the better and I'm so glad to be able to be a part of that."
The Safe & Sound Cat Tunnel creates a sonic safety zone for cats to help them feel safe and secure. It's easy to assemble with a Velcro closure and two snaps in the back to keep the tunnel sturdy. The outside of the tunnel is covered in a black material for easy cleaning.
The Safe & Sound Cat Crate Liner is designed to fit most cat crates and carriers to diminish motion sickness and anxiety associated with travel. The liner is made from a waterproof canvas that can be wiped clean with ease.
The Safe & Sound Pet Bed keeps cats calm and comfortable while they sleep or rest. The bed made with sound-absorbing material works to minimize vibrations from floors as well as other common home and outdoor noises. It's covered in microsuede material that cats don't tend to scratch and is easy to wipe clean. The bed also has a built in pocket designed for use with the Pet Acoustics Pet Tunes speaker (sold separately).
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5 Must Knows When Hiring a Pet Sitter
Robert Semrow, Listomania
There comes a time when all of us have to deal with the tough decision of who do I trust to watch my beloved pets? Maybe it's a family member, a neighbor, a pet sitter that was recommended or someone else. To help celebrate Professional Pet Sitters, and more importantly help all of our Animal Radio family, I thought I'd get your started with this truly critical task.
To begin with, decide what environment is right for your pet. Will your pets stay at your home, be boarded or travel with you and be cared for at your destination? The answer to this question sends you in different directions, but the result must be the same - a safe and caring caretaker for your pet.
Once we've established the where, we must begin by interrogating, errr, I mean interviewing the pet sitters. It is always great to get a referral or two from friends, but in the end I put everyone through the same process. I want to know what their experience in pet sitting is. Also, caring for their own pets is not experience in my mind. I want to know that they have undergone training, experienced different pets and environments and are prepared to deal with what can arise. I want to know if they will be taking my pet for a ride in their car and if so, what kind of travel safety will be used?
Next, I want to know if they are a professional. Do they have pet first-aid training, business insurance, and a contract clearly defining what the expectations and requirements are for all involved? I know that may sound a bit cold, but think about this, you are on a trip and your pet needs medical attention, is your pet sitter authorized to seek that care? Is there a dollar amount they are authorized to spend? What will be done when they visit and how many times will they visit with the pets? It is important that everyone has a clear understanding of what will be the expected level of care and responsibility so that if an emergency arises, they can respond quickly for your pet's sake.
I also want to know who their back up is if they become ill and cannot fulfill what the pets need. What contact numbers are available? How often will we communicate and what kind of updates will be provided to not only give me piece of mind, but to keep me aware of what is going on with my pet. I want to know how my pets are reacting to not having the family with them. This is important not only for the current trip, but for planning future trips and making sure you are making the right decisions for your pets. With so much technology in our hands these days it is much simpler for a pet sitter to send you an update with photos, video, text, etc.
Finally, and this sadly is where most begin, what services do they offer? At what intervals? At what costs? What does that service include? Doggy playtime means something different to everyone, so get some clarity. Make sure that your pets are getting what they need to be cared for mentally, as well as physically. Make a list of favorite toys, places and activities for that pet sitter. Make sure they know your home and where anything they will need to care for your pet is. If they are aren't asking you for the information and details of your pet that should concern you. They need to care almost as much as you do. Remember, your pet is counting on you to find the right person to care for them.
Share your Pet Sitter tips with us here at Animal Radio on our Animal Radio Facebook Page.
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Dizzy Old Dogs - Diagnosing Idiopathic Vestibular Disease -Dr. Debbie
I came running when I heard the crashing paw steps of my 12 year old Labrador, Magnum as he flopped and tumbled in a nervous frenzy. With head crooked to the right, Magnum's dizzy, wobbly movements resembled a carnival lover's exit from the tilt-a-whirl ride. His eyes darted back in forth in an uncontrollable movement. Many might assume Magnum suffered a stroke, and figured it was time to put the old guy to sleep. But fortunately there was hope - Magnum developed a typical case of Idiopathic Vestibular Disease.
What is Idiopathic Vestibular Disease?
Idiopathic Vestibular Disease, also known as Old Dog Vestibular Disease, is a condition commonly diagnosed in senior dogs, but also seen in cats. The term idiopathic basically means the cause is unknown. This condition affects the vestibular system and the pet's sense of balance, typically with a rapid onset of symptoms. In Magnum's case he literally was fine at the start of a television program, and was wobbly just one hour later.
Symptoms of Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome include a wobbly gait, head tilt, anxiety, panting, and an abnormal eye movement called nystagmus, a condition in which the eyes dart rapidly back-and-forth or up-and-down. In addition to mobility problems, the topsy-turvy sensation leads to nausea, vomiting, and an inability to eat or drink. Thankfully my sturdy stomached Labrador barely missed a meal during his bout.
The cause of idiopathic vestibular vestibular syndrome isn't completely known, but fortunately most dogs recovery from symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks. In some cases dogs may suffer from future bouts months to years later. Some dogs may retain a slight head tilt or unsteadiness at times.
What Can Be Done?
A veterinary examination is important to identify suspected cases of vestibular disease. Other possible causes of these symptoms could include an infectious or inflammatory condition, inner ear infection, cancer, or a brain vascular episode - a stroke-like episode. In order to rule out these potential causes, more detailed testing is needed and may include tests like a CT, MRI, and CSF tap.
There isn't a cure for a vestibular episode, and some pets recover without any treatment. But other animals require supportive care including anti-nausea medications, intravenous fluid therapy, hand feeding, and physical assistance to walk and protect from household hazards.
Caring for a frightened, disoriented, wobbly, nauseated dog can be difficult. My 80 pound Labrador needed physical support to get up, walk outside and required hand feeding at times. He couldn't be left home alone without risk of injury. And because of all the hoisting, blocking collisions with furniture, and guiding away from the depths of the pool, I injured my back during his rehab time. The reality is that home care of a small or toy breed with vestibular disease is much easier than the physical demands of a assisting a large or giant breed dog.
Lessons Learned
I have seen many a patient come to my veterinary office for euthanasia after developing similar vestibular symptoms. Some pet owners assume that the severe symptoms and rapid onset mean that there is no hope and euthanasia is the only choice. I'll admit that vestibular symptoms are scary and affected pets are tough to care for at home, but if given the tincture of time, many senior dogs will eventually improve. Perhaps Magnum's story will help other pet owner's opt to pursue treatment or testing, and give time a chance to heal.
Four weeks later and Magnum is back to playing with toys and energetically bounding on walks. He still retains a slight head tilt to the right, his badge of courage as I see it. I'm thankful for his recovery and adore his charming, lovable tilted perspective of the world.
Featured veterinarian known as "Dr. Debbie" on national pet radio program, Animal Radio. Ebook author of "Yorkshire Terriers: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; "Pugs: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; "Mini Schnauzers: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; and "Shih Tzu: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend."
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The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
5 Things To Know If Your Pet Has A Smelly Face
Have you ever gone up to someone's dog and wanted to kiss their face? But when you did, you noticed their face smelled really bad! Sometimes, no matter what a pet owner does, they can't get rid of the smell. Joey comes to the rescue with 5 things to remove the smell that even works on cats!
The first thing you need to do is to brush and comb your pet on a regular basis, including their face. They might have food particles around their mouths, which will be removed with daily care.
Next, if you have a dog that has folds on their face, like a Pug, you need to clean them frequently. It is easy to do with water and a cotton ball. You can also use Witch Hazel, an astringent that works very well and is gentle. This will also heal any irritation and remove smells.
One thing people fail to do is to clean their pet's eyes. This should be done at least once a day. Again, a cotton ball dampened with water works well. Just let it sit for a few minutes and then you can comb away any remaining debris.
People also don't realize how bad their dog's ears can smell. If their ears are dirty or slightly infected, they are going to smell. Joey knows of people who said their dogs smelled so bad, they wouldn't let them in the same room with them. It turned out their ears were very dirty, which is where the bad odor was coming from.
Lastly, you should check your dog's teeth. Even if your dog's teeth are fairly free from plaque, your dog's mouth can still smell. If you have a dog that likes to lick up every crumb on the floor, you can rest assured that they are also licking up their own hair. Believe it or not, this hair can sometimes get caught in their mouths and wrap around their teeth. The hair then starts to rot and leaves your dog with a horrible mouth odor. You can remove this with a cotton swab, a toothbrush or even your finger.
If you do these five easy things on a regular basis, your dog should have a better smelling face!
Animal Radio News - Lori Brooks
Court Upholds NY's Tough Restrictions on Sale of Cats and Dogs
A Federal Appeals Court has rejected a bid to overturn a New York City law imposing tough restrictions on the sale of dogs and cats. The verdict early this month is considered a huge victory for animal advocates and those animals that would normally be sold by puppy mills and mass breeding operations. The 2015 law says pet shops could only obtain dogs and cats from federally licensed breeders with clean recent animal welfare facility visits and could not sell dogs and cats over eight weeks old or weighing less than two pounds, unless they were spayed or neutered. The New York Pet Welfare Association, a group representing pet shops and dog breeders, sued to block the law, fearing it could force many members out of business. It said the law unconstitutionally burdened commerce by favoring animal rescuers and shelters over out-of-state breeders. But the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed, saying the interstate market, "Will have every incentive to meet demand" from pet shops needing to import puppies, while the spay-and-neuter requirement did not conflict with state law. New York City had argued that the law would help insure that consumers bought pets that were healthy and raised humanely. The judge stated, "The sourcing and spay/neuter laws address problems of significant importance to the city and its residents…and the city has enforced them for more than a year, with no apparent ill effects."
The Term "Cat Lady" Added to Dictionaries
Oxford Dictionaries has announced the addition of 300 new words and short phrases that will be added to its dictionaries. Among them "craptacular," "drink the haterade," and "cat lady" made this year's cut. So what exactly is the definition of a cat lady? It's a noun and refers to an older woman who lives alone with a large number of cats, to which she is thought to be obsessively devoted.
Family Rewards Firefighters Who Saved Pets
About 500,000 pets die in burning homes every year, but there's a family in New Jersey whose three pets survived a New Years Eve house fire. Now the family has had a chance to thank their heroes for saving their furry family. The fire caused about a million dollars in damage, but it could have been much worse. Here's the first lesson. The owners were not home, but the smoke set off their ADT alarm system. However, the owner did not answer the call from the alarm company, because it came from an 800 number and he thought it was a telemarketing company. Luckily, the alarm company called his daughter who was able to reach him right away. Because he was only about a mile away, the owner got there quickly and was able to tell firefighters there were a dog and two cats inside the house. The Deputy Fire Chief said they found Riley the dog and one cat, Romeo, huddled together as if they were protecting each other. They were not going anywhere without each other. The second cat, Chloe, was found in the basement. All three pets spent days in the hospital for burns and smoke inhalation but all are home and doing fine now. The grateful family took Riley their dog with them to the all volunteer fire department, and along with the alarm company, they presented the first responders with a gratitude check for $7,500. And a bonus note of happiness here: Riley has just been certified as a therapy dog and will start working with children this month.
Town to Erect Statue Honoring Supermarket Cat
A group of people in a town in England has launched a crowd funding campaign to honor a cat that once lived at their local supermarket. The 'Just Giving' campaign is almost to it's goal of raising $6,000 to erect a statue honoring Brutus who died in January. Claire Owens, a spokesperson for the group, says Brutus delighted children and adults alike with his cheeky 'cattitude,' investigating shopping in people's carts as they left the store, jumping into cars to play in the bags, sneaking down the pet food aisle to see what kind of specials were on and just generally being there daily for everyone to love and fuss over. But sadly Brutus was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease in 2013 and was put to sleep after his condition deteriorated. Regulars at the Morrison's Supermarket in the town of Stanley, and many of Brutus's more than 12,000 Facebook followers, were devastated. The storeowners say, "Brutus was much loved by our customers and he is greatly missed." The store is also contributing to Brutus' memorial.
Don't Finance Pet Purchase - It Could Costs Thousands
Don't ever buy a pet with financing. Here's why. The Sabin family had bought their new dog for $2,400 with financing offered at the pet store through a company called Wags Lending. Then they received a payment notice from another company, which was assigned the contract to collect the payments. The statement said she owed $5,800. Then when Dawn Sabin tracked down a customer service rep at the company she found out she didn't really own the dog after all. They told her, "You're not financing the dog, you're leasing.' Without quite realizing it, the family had agreed to make 34 monthly lease payments of $165 after which they had the right to buy the dog for about two months' rent. However, like all loans, you don't want to default on it or the lender could take back the dog, or if Tucker ran away or passed away, you could be on the hook for an early repayment charge. Sadly, for Tucker, this family wasn't impressed with his puppy antics and they fought a long battle with the company and sold Tucker. BUT, if they had kept him and saw the lease through to the end, they would have paid the equivalent of more than 70-percent in annualized interest, nearly twice what most credit card lenders charge. And that is not the only case of such horrors to financing pets. There are many similar cases. One customer paid over $5,000 for a $2,000 puppy according to a complaint collected by the Federal Trade Commission after she financed a Yorkie from a Georgia pet store and a cat lover bought a Bengal kitten from a breeder in Florida, for $1,700, then found out she was on the hook for 32 monthly payments of $129, or about $4,100. The Nevada man who is the brains behind Wags Lending says he can get away with it because, quote, "We're dealing with emotional borrowers." The lesson? Be patient and fill out an application with a rescue or your local shelter.
Everything's Bigger in … Russia
Former President Bush was on Ellen earlier this month and told a story about a time when Putin was at the White House and he introduced him to his Scottish Terrier Barney. Putin looked at him and said, "You think that's a dog?" Then Bush said he and wife Laura were in Russia one year later and Putin asked them, "Do you want to meet my dog?" Then across the yard this huge hound dog comes loping toward them. Putin with his icy eyes looked at them and said "Bigger, stronger and faster than Barney."
NEWS UPDATE brought to you by Fear Free. "Take the 'pet' out of 'petrified'" and get pets back for veterinary visits by promoting considerate approach and gentle control techniques used in calming environments.
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